XInput wrapper via ffi-napi
const XInput = require("xinput-ffi"); //CommonJS
import * as XInput from "xinput-ffi"; //ES Module
//Check connected status for all controller
console.log( XInput.sync.listConnected() )
// [true,false,false,false] Only 1st gamepad is connected
XInput.sync.rumble(); //Rumble 1st XInput gamepad
XInput.sync.rumble({force: 100}); //Now with 100% force
//low-frequency rumble motor(left) at 50%
//and high-frequency rumble motor (right) at 25%
XInput.sync.rumble({force: [50,25]});
//Rumble 2nd XInput gamepad shortly for 1sec
await XInput.rumble({duration: 1000, gamepadIndex: 1});
const state = await XInput.getState();
/* Output:
dwPacketNumber: 322850,
Gamepad: { wButtons: 0,
bLeftTrigger: 0,
bRightTrigger: 0,
sThumbLX: 128,
sThumbLY: 641,
sThumbRX: -1156,
sThumbRY: -129
//Set 1st XInput gamepad state to 50% left/right;
//Wait 2sec; Reset state to idle
await XInput.setState(50,50);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)).catch(()=>{});
await XInput.setState(0,0);
//Set 1st XInput gamepad state to 50% left/right;
//Wait 500ms and disable all XInput gamepads
await XInput.setState(50,50);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)).catch(()=>{});
await XInput.enable(false);
npm install xinput-ffi
Prequisites: C/C++ build tools (Visual Studio) and Python 2.7 (node-gyp) in order to build ffi-napi.
sync method starts with otherwise it's a promise.
cf: XInputEnable (1_4,1_3)
Enable/Disable all XInput gamepads.
- Stop any rumble currently playing when set to false.
- setState will throw "ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED" when set to false.
cf: XInputGetState (1_4,1_3,9_1_0)
Retrieves the current state of the specified controller.
gamepadIndex: Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3.
gamepadIndex defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
If gamepad is not connected throw "ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED".
Returns an object like a XINPUT_STATE structure.
cf: XInputSetState (1_4,9_1_0)
Sends data to a connected controller. This function is used to activate the vibration function of a controller.
gamepadIndex: Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3.
gamepadIndex defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
If gamepad is not connected throw "ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED".
- You need to keep the event-loop alive otherwise the vibration will terminate with your program.
- You need to reset the state to 0 for both frequency before using setState again.
Both are done for you with rumble() see below...
The following are sugar functions based upon previous functions.
This function is used to activate the vibration function of a controller.
- force : Rumble force to apply to the motors. Either an integer (both motor with the same value) or an array of 2 integer: [left,right] defaults to [50,25]
- duration: Rumble duration in ms. Max: 2500 ms. defaults to max
- forceEnableGamepad: Use enable() to force the activation of XInput gamepad before rumble. defaults to false
- gamepadIndex: Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3. defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
whether the specified controller is connected or not.
Returns true/false
Returns an array of connected status for all controller.
eg: [true,false,false,false] //Only 1st gamepad is connected
- Windows 8: xinput1_4
- Windows 7 (DirectX SDK): xinput1_3
- Windows Vista (Legacy): xinput9_1_0