Welcome! It's really going to happen this year. The Czech PyCon, local Python conference for anyone interested in Python programming language.
PyCons are community events. Everybody is welcome, anyone can contribute. You can join us on following channels:
- Google Group -- pycon-cs@googlegroups.com
- Trello
- Slack -- request invite at tomas.ehrlich@gmail.com
Google Group mailing list is available for everyone. Trello is read-only for public and Slack is private. Send email to tomas.ehrlich@gmail.com if you want access them.
Setup development environment:
npm install -g gulp bower cd static npm install bower install
Run watcher (it opens browser at http://localhost:3000):
cd static && gulp
Commit changes and submit pull-request
branch is published automatically to [][cz.pycon.org] and dev
to [][dev.pycon.cz] in CircleCI. If you want to do it manually, you need to:
and provide credentials for your AWS IAM role. -
Build all static assets and publish them to S3 (domain [][dev.pycon.cz]):
gulp publish
Running gulp publish --production
will publish static assets to