This is a basic gRPC server and client written in Go. It is based on the gRPC Quickstart and gRPC Basics: Go tutorials.
Implemented a simple gRPC server and client with the following functionality:
- simple RPC
- server-side streaming RPC
- client-side streaming RPC
- bidirectional streaming RPC
- Create a new directory for your project and cd into it
mkdir basic-go-grpc
cd basic-go-grpc
mkdir client server proto
- Installing the gRPC Go plugin
go install
go install
choco install protoc
note that choco supports windows only.
- Initialize a Go module
go mod init
go mod tidy
Create the proto file with the required services and messages in the proto directory
Generate .pb.go files from the proto file
depending on what path you mention in your greet.proto file, you will either run this -
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. proto/greet.proto
- Create the server and client directories and create the main.go files with necessary controllers and services
- Install the dependencies
go mod tidy
- Run the server
cd server
go run .
- Run the client
cd client
go run .