A customized version of willnoris/imageproxy (info page, cached health check, host requirement).
Forked at "Commits on Aug 6, 2016" 94dbd77
# listen on all interfaces
imageproxy -addr
# see service config for actual commands
See /etc/systemd.
On WSL2 Ubuntu (best use same version as cache server).
Using backport package instead of tarball (snap doesn't work on WSL2?).
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
sudo apt update
sudo apt install golang-go
Test with go version
apt install git
git clone git@github.com:UweTrottmann/imageproxy.git
// Maybe also this:
go get github.com/UweTrottmann/imageproxy
mkdir ~/Downloads/imageproxy_build/usr/bin -p
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ~/Downloads/imageproxy_build/usr/bin/imageproxy -v github.com/UweTrottmann/imageproxy/cmd/imageproxy
chmod 755 ~/Downloads/imageproxy_build/usr/ -R
apt install ruby ruby-dev rubygems build-essential
gem install --no-document fpm
fpm --version
fpm -s dir -t deb -n "imageproxy" -C ~/Downloads/imageproxy_build -v 0.7.0 --vendor "" --maintainer "Uwe Trottmann <uwe@seriesgui.de>" --url "https://github.com/UweTrottmann/imageproxy" --description "A caching, resizing image proxy written in Go. Fork customized for SeriesGuide." .
E.g. using scp or magic wormhole.
apt install ./imageproxy_0.7.0_amd64.deb