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UsanoCoCr committed Sep 27, 2023
1 parent c0afaf6 commit 7ce897f
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Showing 37 changed files with 3,583 additions and 1 deletion.
Binary file added 2023小班/2-information encoding.pdf
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Binary file added 2023小班/21班练习题/第二章补充题.docx
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# Seminar 2

## 回课
- 字长决定了虚拟地址空间的最大大小
- 向偶数舍入:最低有效位为0表示偶数,向这个方向舍入

## 补充
- 为什么不把Tmin写成-21474..648? => -x = -(x)
- 对立即数的判定顺序:int, unsigned, long, unsigned long, long long, unsigned long long
- 逻辑运算符结果转换为有符号数
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Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ sizeof操作返回的类型是size_t,是一个无符号类型,i-DELTA在运
- e.g. 0x01234567
- 0x67 at lowest address
- 0x01 at highest address
- 小端法先读高地址,大端法读低地址
![Alt text](1694594369037.png)
Internet Protocol (IP) uses big endian, while Intel uses little endian.
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Expand Up @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ objdump -d hello.o
- dest = &source
- Uses:
- **computing addresses without a memory reference**
- **computing addresses without a memory reference**, 即计算地址时不会访问内存
-e.g. p = &a[i]
- computing arithmetic expressions of the form x + k * y (k = 1, 2, 4, 8)
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# Machine-Level Programming II: Control

### Why use lea?
- CPU designers intended to use: calculate a pointer to an object
- Compiler author like to use it for arithmetic

### Control Flow
extern void op1(void);
extern void op2(void);

void decision(int x){
if (x){
tsubl $8, %esp
je .L2 // jump if x == 0
call op1
jmp .L1
call op2
addl $8, %esp

### Processor State
- information about currently executing program
- Temporary data: %rax, %rcx, %rdx, %rsi, %rdi, %r8, %r9, %r10, %r11
- Location of runtime stack: %rsp
- Location of current code control point: %rip
- Status of current test: CF, ZF, SF, OF

### Condition Codes
- CF: carry flag
- ZF: zero flag
- SF: sign flag
- OF: overflow flag

- e.g. : addq src, dest $\equalscolon$ t = a + b
- CF set if carry/borrow out of most significant bit (unsigned overflow)
- ZF set if result is zero (t == 0)
- SF set if result is negative (t < 0)
- OF set if two's complement overflow (signed overflow)
- (a>0 && b>0 && t<0) || (a<0 && b<0 && t>0)

**Not set by leaq instruction**

CF: 如果是无符号数,那么借位、补位就意味着溢出,CF和二者等价

### Condition Codes: Compare
- cmpq src1, src2 $\equalscolon$ t = src2 - src1
- CF set if unsigned src2 < src1
- ZF set if src2 == src1
- SF set if src2 < src1 (signed)
- OF set if two's complement overflow (signed)

### Condition Codes: Test
- testq src1, src2 $\equalscolon$ t = src1 & src2
- ZF set if t == 0
- SF set if t < 0
**very often: testq %rax, %rax**

### Reading Condition Codes
- setX instructions
- set low-order byte of destination to 0 or 1 based on combinations of condition codes

| setX | Condition | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| sete | ZF | Equal |
| setne | ~ZF | Not equal |
| sets | SF | Negative |
| setns | ~SF | Nonnegative |
| setg | \~(SF^OF)&~ZF | Greater than (signed) |
| setge | ~(SF^OF) | Greater than or equal (signed) |
| setl | (SF^OF) | Less than (signed) |
| setle | (SF^OF)| Less than or equal (signed) |
| seta | \~CF&~ZF | Above (unsigned) |
| setb | CF | Below (unsigned) |

- e.g. setl(signed <)

| SF | OF | SF^OF | Implication |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | a-b >= 0 & no overflow |
| 0 | 1 | 1 | (a-b >= 0 & overflow) == a-b<0|
| 1 | 0 | 1 | a-b < 0 & no overflow|
| 1 | 1 | 0 | (a-b < 0 & overflow) == a-b>=0|

### Jumping
- jump to different part of code based on condition codes

| jX | Condition | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| jmp | 1 | Unconditional |
| je | ZF | Equal |
| jne | ~ZF | Not equal |
| js | SF | Negative |
| jns | ~SF | Nonnegative |
| jg | \~(SF^OF)&~ZF | Greater than (signed) |
| jge | ~(SF^OF) | Greater than or equal (signed) |
| jl | (SF^OF) | Less than (signed) |
| jle | (SF^OF)| Less than or equal (signed) |
| ja | \~CF&~ZF | Above (unsigned) |
| jb | CF | Below (unsigned) |

### General Conditional Expression Translation
C Code:
val = Test ? Then_Expr : Else_Expr;
Goto Version:
ntest = !Test;
if (ntest) goto Else;
val = Then_Expr;
goto Done;
val = Else_Expr;
### Using Conditional Moves
- Conditional Move Instructions
- Instruction supports: if (Test) Dest = Src;
- GCC tried to use them when known to be safe

- Why
- Branches are very disruptive to instruction flow through pipeline
- Conditional moves do not require control transfer

- Bad Cases
- Expensive Computation
- Both then and else value get computed
- only make sense when computations are cheap
- Risky Computation
- May have undesirable effects
- Computation with side effects
- Must be side-effect free

### Loops
- General Do-While Translation
while (Test);
//goto version
if (test) goto loop;

- Do-While Loop Compilation
movl $1, %eax // set result to 0
imulq %rdi, %rax // result *= x
subq $1, %rdi // n--
cmpq $1, %rdi // n == 1?
jg .L2 // if n > 1, goto .L2
rep; ret // return result

- While Loop Example
- For Loop Form

### Switch Statements

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# Machine-Level Programming III: Procedures

## Mechanisms in Procedures
- Passing control
- Passing data
- Memory management

*Mechanisms all inplemented with machine instructions*

*x86-64 inplementation of a procedure uses only those mechanisms required*

long mult2(long, long);
void multstore(long x, long y, long *dest){
long t = mult2(x, y);
*dest = t;
pushq %rbx
call mult2
movq %rdx, (%rbx)
popq %rbx
- Passing control: call, ret
- Passing data: movq, movabsq
- Memory management: pushq, popq
- **Note**: %rbx is callee-saved register
- **Note**: %rdx is used to return value from mult2
- **Note**: %rax is used to return value from multstore
- **Note**: %rdi, %rsi, %rdx are used to pass arguments to mult2
- **Note**: %rdi is used to pass arguments to multstore
- **Note**: %rsp is used to allocate space for mult2
- **Note**: %rsp is used to allocate space for multstore

### x86-64 Stack
- Region of memory managed with stack discipline
- memory viewed as array of bytes
- different regions have different purpose
- grows toward lower addresses
- %rsp points to top of stack (**lowest address**)
![Alt text](1695791680227.png)

### x86-64 Stack: Push & Pop
- pushq src $\equalscolon$ *%rsp $\leftarrow$ src, %rsp $\leftarrow$ %rsp - 8
- fetch operand
- **firstly decrement %rsp by 8**: allocate 8 bytes on stack
- write operand at address (%rsp)

- popq dest $\equalscolon$ dest $\leftarrow$ *%rsp, %rsp $\leftarrow$ %rsp + 8
- read 8 bytes from address (%rsp)
- **firstly increment %rsp by 8**: deallocate 8 bytes on stack
- write bytes to dest(usually a register)

**the memory does not change until, only the value of %rsp changes**

## Passing Control
### Procedure Control Flow
- Use stack to support procedure call and return
- procedure call: **call label**
- push **return address** on stack: address of the next instruction right after call
- jump to label
- return address:
- **address of the next instruction right after call**
- procedure return: **ret**
- pop return address from stack
- jump to return address

### Procedure Data Flow
- register first 6 arguments: %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9
- return value: %rax
- stack: other arguments, local variables, return address, saved registers

**only allocate stack space when needed**

## Manage Local Data
### Stack-Based Language
- Languages that support recursion
- C, C++, Java, Python, Scheme, ML, Haskell, ...
- Code must be "Reentrant"(可载入:可以被多次同时调用,自身是不会改变的)
- multiple simultaneous instantiations of single procedure
- e.g. 随机数发生器就不是reentrant的
- Need some place to store state of each instantiation
- local variables
- return pointer
- arguments
- Stack discipline
- state for given procedure needed for limited time(栈上的数据只在有限的时间内有效)
- from when called to when return
- callee returns before caller does: 被调用者先返回,调用者后返回
- callee can overwrite state of caller
- callee can use same memory for all instantiations
- Stack allocated in **Frames**(栈帧)
- state for single procedure instantiation: 栈帧是一次实例化时超出寄存器大小时在栈上分配的空间

### Stack Frames
- Contents
- return information
- local storage (if needed)
- temporaries (if needed)
- Management
- space allocated when enter procedure
- "set-up" code
- includes push by call instruction
- deallocated when return
- "finish" code
- includes pop by ret instruction
![Alt text](1695793935027.png)

### x86-64/Linux Stack Frame
- Current Stack Frame(从栈顶到栈底/低地址到高地址)
- argument build: parameters for function about to call
- local variables: if can't keep in registers
- saved register context
- old frame pointer: %rbp

- Caller Stack Frame
- return address
- pushed by call instruction
- arguments for this call

### x86-64/Linux Register Usage
- %rbp: base pointer
- points to base of current stack frame
- **%rbp is callee-saved**
- %rsp: stack pointer
- points to top of current stack frame
- **%rsp is callee-saved**
- %rbx, %r12, %r13, %r14, %r15: callee-saved
- %rax: return value
- **caller-saved**
- %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9: first 6 arguments
- **caller-saved**
- %r10, %r11: **caller-saved**

### Illustration of Recursion
- Handled without special consideration
- stack frames mean that each function call has private storage
- save registers & local variables
- save return address
- register saving conventions prevent one function call from corrupting another's data
- unless the C code explicitly does so
- stack discipline folloews call/return pattern
- if P calls Q, then Q returns before P does
- Last-In-First-Out(LIFO) property of stack

- Also works for mutual recursion: P calls Q, Q calls P
- each call has its own stack frame
- each call returns to its caller
- each call has its own set of registers
Binary file added datalab/datalab-handout.tar
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# This file contains course and lab specific parameters for drivers.
package Driverhdrs;

# This is no longer needed
$COURSE_NAME = "15213-s16";

# No need to ever update these
$LAB = "datalab";
$SERVER_PORT = "80";

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