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Follow the generic plugin installation instructions in the FIR wiki.


The fir_nuggets plugin allows you to build a forensic investigation timeline within an incident. It should be used as a replacement for your usual note-taking app when carrying out a forensic investigation. Of course, by nugget we mean gold and not chicken. Nuggets are displayed in the incident followup in timestamp (see below) chronological order. You can add nuggets in any order you want, and the investigation or attack timeline will be automatically created for you.

A nugget is basically an artifact or anything noteworthy that could be found during an investigation. To add a nugget to an incident, just click on Add then on Nugget. You will be presented with the following form:

Nugget form

  • Date of finding - This should be left alone; it's just there to timestamp the date on which the nugget was added
  • Timestamp (optional) - This is the artifact's most representative timestamp (for example, the creation date of a Zbot directory in %APPDATA%).
  • End timestamp (optional) - Use this field with the timestamp field to indicate an event that happens over an extended period of time. For example, the creation date of the last Zbot directory in %APPDATA%, if there are multiple infections.
  • Interpretation - What the raw data means. For example, "lots of Zbot infections between timestamp and end timestamp".
  • Raw data - This is meant to contain the output of the tool that was used to deduce the Interpretation. To follow our Zbot example, it could be a fls or other timeline output. Any artifacts added in the raw data section will be processed and added to the incident. See the fir_artifacts plugin for more details.
  • If Timestamp and End timestamp are both left blank, the nugget will be added as a "general remark". This is useful for findings that are not particularly time-bound. For example "Weak password for administrator account".


Everything you need to tweak the plugin is in the fir_nuggets directory: static files (JavaScript & CSS), templates, and actions (in

TODO: Attach file to nuggets?