Pipe-optimized with-pattern-functions for making Nix-flakes' output easier to use.
inputs = whatever0;
outputs = { nixpkgs, yafas, ... }@inputs:
yafas.allLinux nixpkgs
({ pkgs, system }: { packages.default = whatever1; })
|> yafas.withAarch64Darwin nixpkgs
(_prev: { pkgs, ... }: { packages.default = whatever2; })
|> yafas.withOverlays
(_prev: { default = whatever3; })
|> yafas.withOverlay "cool"
(_prev: whatever3)
|> yafas.withUniversals
(_prev: { myLibs = whatever4; })
|> yafas.map
(prev: prev // { myLibs = prev.myLibs // { }; });
A minimalist example:
inputs = whatever0;
outputs = { nixpkgs, yafas, ... }@inputs:
yafas.withSystem "riscv64-linux" nixpkgs
(_prev: { pkgs, ... }: { packages.default = whatever2; })
myLibs = whatever1;
We use github.com:nix-systems/default as inputs.systems
, feel free to override it.
allDarwin: nixpkgs -> applier -> ouputs
allLinux: nixpkgs -> applier -> ouputs
allSystems: system[] -> nixpkgs -> applier -> ouputs
Where applier
is the lambda { pkgs, system }: { package.default = pkgs.callPackage ... { }; }
NOTE: These function will do a system-name injection, so all the outputs here have to be system-specific:
packages.default = x; -> packages.${system}.default = x;
formatter = y; -> formatter.${system} = y;
map: applier -> outputs -> x
Where applier
is a map applier.
withSystems: system[] -> nixpkgs -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
withDarwin: nixpkgs -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
withLinux: nixpkgs -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
withSystem: system -> nixpkgs -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
withAarch64Linux: nixpkgs -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
withAMD64Linux: nixpkgs -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
withAarch64Darwin: nixpkgs -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
withAMD64Darwin: nixpkgs -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
Where applier
is the lambda _prevOutputs: { pkgs, system }: { package.default = pkgs.callPackage ... { }; }
NOTE: Read Constructors' notes.
withNestedSystem: outputName -> applier -> outputs -> outputs
withApps: applier -> outputs -> outputs
withDevShells: applier -> outputs -> outputs
withLegacyPackages: applier -> outputs -> outputs
withPackages: applier -> outputs -> outputs
withFormatter: applier -> outputs -> outputs
Where applier
is the lambda _prevOutputs: { pkgs, system }: { default = pkgs.callPackage ... { }; }
withUniversals: applier -> outputs -> outputs
withUniversal: outputName -> applier -> ouputs -> ouputs
withHomeManagerModules: applier -> ouputs -> ouputs
withNixOSModules: applier -> ouputs -> ouputs
withOverlays: applier -> ouputs -> ouputs
withSchemas: applier -> ouputs -> ouputs
Where applier
is the lambda _prevOutputs: { <name> = <value>; }
withNestedUniversal: outputName -> name -> outputs -> outputs
withHomeManagerModule: name -> outputs -> outputs
withNixOSModule: name -> outputs -> outputs
withOverlay: name -> outputs -> outputs
withSchema: name -> outputs -> outputs
Where applier
is the lambda _prevOutputs: { <name> = <value>; }