A simple config language that's inspired by games cvar / autoexec format.
window [
#Vectors in code are just arrays of ints or floats, they can't contain spaces.
size 1280x720
title "My \"Window\""
# +, -, ;, & are reserved as they represent
#true, false, null, short type
#Setting subsystem to null so we get the default
wayland.display "wayland-1"
player."Full name" "John Smith"
Short types are prefixed with & Depending on the Ako library used it could be a string or in AkoSharp's case a C# Type.
player.items [[
#Hex uses suffex `x
teams.ct.color `x3287a8
- Null ;
- String ""
- Int 12
- Float 1.54 or 1.54f
- ShortType &
- Bool +, -
- Table []
- Array [[]]
- Schema