Forked from Sam Zeter
My first project to get back to electronics and learn something new along the way. This repository is for the documentation of my journey to a fully functional analog synthesizer and may help other people to build one too.
This is my first electronics project for a long time and I decided to build the Music From Outher Space - Noise Toaster, because of the great documentation and the book 'Make: Analog Synthesizers' by Ray Wilson.
└── MFOS-NoiseToaster/
├── 'front panel'/
│ ├── classic/
│ │ └── 'front panel template - classic.svg'
│ │ └── 'inverted front panel template - classic.svg'
│ └── alternative/
├── 'Noise Toaster PCB'/
│ └── 'Gerber Files'/
│ │ └── *.gbr
│ └── 'Noise Toaster PCB.kicad_pcb'
│ └── 'Noise Toaster PCB.kicad_pro'
│ └── 'Noise Toaster PCB.kicad_sch'
│ └── 'aa.kicad_sch' => Audo Amplifier
│ └── 'areg.kicad_sch' => Attack Release Envelope Generator
│ └── 'lfo.kicad_sch' => Low Frequency Oscillator
│ └── 'ps.kicad_sch' => Power Supply
│ └── 'vca.kicad_sch' => Voltage Controlled Amplifier
│ └── 'vclpf.kicad_sch' => Voltage Controlled Low Pass Filter
│ └── 'vco.kicad_sch' => VCO - CV Mixer and Expo Converter
│ └── 'vco_rswg.kicad_sch' => VCO - Ramp/Square Wave Generator
│ └── 'wng.kicad_sch' => White Noise Generator
│ └── 'fp.kicad_sch' => Front Panel
├── 'Bill of Material'/
│ └── 'BoM'
│ └── 'interactive BoM.html'
- Musik From Outer Space
- MFOS - Noise Toaster - Dokumentation
- Ray Wilson - YouTube Channel
- MFOS Noise Toaster Presentation - Video by Ray Wilson
- Noise Toaster in action - Video by Ray Wilson
- Make: Analog Synthesizers by Ray Wilson