Forked from Sam Zeter
Work in progress -> Revision 0.6.1
My first project to get back to electronics and learn something new along the way. This repository is for the documentation of my journey to a fully functional analog synthesizer and may help other people to build one too.
This is my first electronics project for a long time and I decided to build the Music From Outher Space - Noise Toaster, because of the great documentation and the book 'Make: Analog Synthesizers' by Ray Wilson.
This repository contains all the files necessary for building the Noise Toaster, including the synth's PCB. If you intend to create your own PCB, simply compress all the files located in the 'Noise Toaster PCB/Gerber Files' directory into a .zip file and upload it to the PCB manufacturer of your choice.
└── MFOS-NoiseToaster/
├── 'front panel'/
│ ├── classic/
│ │ └── 'front panel template - classic.svg'
│ │ └── 'inverted front panel template - classic.svg'
│ └── alternative/
├── 'Noise Toaster PCB'/
│ └── 'Gerber Files'/
│ │ └── *.gbr
│ └── 'Noise Toaster PCB.kicad_pcb'
│ └── 'Noise Toaster PCB.kicad_pro'
│ └── 'Noise Toaster PCB.kicad_sch'
│ └── 'aa.kicad_sch' => Audo Amplifier
│ └── 'areg.kicad_sch' => Attack Release Envelope Generator
│ └── 'lfo.kicad_sch' => Low Frequency Oscillator
│ └── 'ps.kicad_sch' => Power Supply
│ └── 'vca.kicad_sch' => Voltage Controlled Amplifier
│ └── 'vclpf.kicad_sch' => Voltage Controlled Low Pass Filter
│ └── 'vco.kicad_sch' => VCO - CV Mixer and Expo Converter
│ └── 'vco_rswg.kicad_sch' => VCO - Ramp/Square Wave Generator
│ └── 'wng.kicad_sch' => White Noise Generator
│ └── 'fp.kicad_sch' => Front Panel
├── 'Bill of Material'/
│ └── 'BoM'
│ └── 'interactive BoM.html'
- Musik From Outer Space
- MFOS - Noise Toaster - Dokumentation
- Ray Wilson - YouTube Channel
- MFOS Noise Toaster Presentation - Video by Ray Wilson
- Noise Toaster in action - Video by Ray Wilson
- Make: Analog Synthesizers by Ray Wilson