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VanillaDeathChest (Fabric)

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Places chests (or shulker boxes) where players die that contain all of their items.

VanillaDeathChest requires Fabric API.

When reporting issues or suggesting enhancements, please use the GitHub issue tracker—it's easier to keep track of things this way. Avoid commenting them on the CurseForge project page or sending them to me in a direct message. Thank you!


I've partnered with Apex Hosting! In my experience, their servers are lag-free, easy to manage, and of high quality. Check them out here:


VanillaDeathChest aims to provide a lightweight, configurable, vanilla-compatible and entirely server-sided death chest solution. When players die, containers (either chests or shulker boxes) are placed containing their items.

As it is a server-sided mod, clients without the mod installed can connect to servers with it and have access to its full functionality. Of course, VanillaDeathChest can also be used in singleplayer worlds.


The VanillaDeathChest configuration can be found at config/vanilladeathchest.toml.

  • All properties and categories should be well-commented such that there is little need for further explanation.
  • All configuration values should be automatically validated and reset if they are invalid.
  • A configuration GUI can be accessed from Mod Menu.
  • The configuration can be reloaded from disk in-game using the command /vdc reloadconfig.

These are some of the options that are configurable:

Container type

Four container types can be chosen:

  • Only single chests.
  • Single or double chests.
  • Single shulker boxes.
  • Single or double shulker boxes.

The shulker box color can also be configured.

Spawn dimensions

A whitelist or blacklist of death chest spawning dimensions can be configured.

Item filter

A reguluar expression can be configured to determine the items that can be placed in death chests.

Use container in inventory

If this is enabled, players must have a suitable container in their inventory that can be consumed for a death chest to be placed when they die.

Key item

If a key item is configured, it is required to unlock death chests.

Defense entities

If defense entities are configured, they spawn every time a death chest is placed, and if they are hostile, they target the player.


By default, death chests are protected for five in-game days, which means that only the owner of a death chest can unlock it.

Game rule

The name of the game rule that controls whther death chests should be spawned is spawnDeathChests by default, and can be configured.


  • /vdc restoreinventory <identifier> [targets] can be used to restore a player's inventory at the time of death chest placement.
  • /vdc place <identifier> can be used to replace a death chest.

The commands aren't fully fleshed out at the moment, so I'd love some feedback.


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