An Expense Tracker is a software or application that helps to keep an accurate record of your money inflow and outflow.
- It allows users to track and visualize their finances and where their finances are going towards — especially with voice.
- Data will store in local storage.
- Income & Expense data is shown in Charts.
- Have lots of categories for income and expense type.
This was my first time incorporating speech into a project! Made it!
React.JS | Context API | Material UI | Chart.JS | React Chart.JS-2 | Speechly API |
This tracker is hosted on Netlify, hence accessible anywhere.
npm i react@16.12.0
npm i react-dom@16.12.0
npm i @material-ui/core
npm i @material-ui/icons
npm i @material-ui/lab
npm i @speechly/react-client
npm i @speechly/react-ui
npm i --save chart.js@^2.9.4
npm i --save react-chartjs-2@^2.11.2
npm i uuid
Clone this repository and Run 👇 command in your terminal
npm i && npm start
👆 command will redirect you to the localhost