A View-Component framework for Rails applications.
Add the gem to your gemfile
gem "active-component"
Or install it manually
$ gem install active-component
You will have accessible all the modules from the gem in your Rails application.
In order to create a new View-Component item in your application you can use a generator.
$ bundle exec rails generate component activity
create app/components/application_component.rb
create app/components/activity_component.rb
create app/templates/activity_component.mustache
You're going to be able to add methods to your component class and call them from the mustache template
class ActivityComponent < ActiveComponent::Base
def name
def email
def message
"Has just signed up!"
And in your template:
<a href="mailto:{{ email }}">
{{ name }}
<span>{{ message }}</span>
In your rails view
<%= render_component(:activity) %>
You can access the controller context from where the component is instanced
class ActivityComponent < ActiveComponent::Base
def name
def message
You can pass variables in the object instance
class ActivityComponent < ActiveComponent::Base
attr_accessor :name
<%= render_component(:activity, :name => current_user.name) %>
You can render component collections from the view or from another component
<%= render_component(:activity, :collection => activities, :as => :activity) %>
And pass local variables
<%= render_component(:activity, :collection => activities, :as => :activity, :locals => { :foo => "foo" }) %>
Where the :collection
is an array of elements (database records, hashes, stings, etc), and the :as
is the name of the instance attribute defined in your component class.
NOTICE In order to use the collection feature you have to define with attr_accessor
the name of the attribute to be received by the component class.
You can add this gem to sinatra, with the following configuration in your app
require 'active_component'
class App < Sinatra::Base
helpers ActiveComponent::Base
get '/' do
- Dynamic instance variables, get rid of
attr_accessor :foo
- Support for more templating engines.
- Dynamic attributes (get rid of attr accessible)
Inspired from Cells framework done by Apotonick.
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.