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Epitome Autoinstaller

In order to run the autoinstaller in your Linux system, you should have a non-root user with sudo privileges configured (you most likely have one - check troubleshooting below if you don't). A full update and upgrade of your system is recommended before you begin the setup.

In order to install Epitome to your system and set up the server, you should run the following files in order.

  • 1 AutoInstaller: Currently the package managers supported are apt, yum, dnf and pacman. This file will download required packages (see below for a list), download the Epitome repository, create a python 3 virtual environment, install django in the virtual environment, create the django project, copy the files of the repository in the created django project and then make the migrations required for each app.

  • 2 (optional) Epitome Run Gunicorn WSGI server: This is an OPTIONAL file. Run this file only if you want to set up a WSGI Gunicorn server in order host epitome for internet access. If you run this file, it will automatically find your external ip and start a server on it, and therefore you do NOT need to run the dev server (file 2 Epitome Run Dev Server). If you just want to try epitome locally, skip this file.

  • 2 Epitome Run Dev Server: this file will activate the python 3 virtual environment and then switch to the epitome folder to run the dev server. By default, the debug mode is turned off in Epitome for increased security, if you want to enable it see the debug toggler script explained below.

  • 3 Epitome Create Admin: by running this file, you will be prompted to fill in some information to create the superuser (the administrator user of Epitome).

  • 4 Epitome Open Admin: opening this file, will simply open your browser and direct you to the admin login page. Alternatively, you can visit http://localhost:8000/admin/.

  • 5 Open Epitome: opening this file, will simply open your browser and direct you to the epitome login page. Alternatively, you can visit http://localhost:8000/user/login.

Other files:

  • Epitome Uninstaller: This will delete the folders "EpitomeVE" (containing the python virtual environment), "tempepitome" (a temp folder used by the Autoinstaller script) and "Epitome" (containing the source code of epitome) from your home directory. This will not uninstall the packages that were installed by running the Autoinstaller, you need to remove those manually.

The packages installed by using the autoinstaller are:

For pacman: git python python-virtualenv python-pip rsync

For apt: git python3 python3-venv python3-pip rsync

For dnf: git python3 python3-virtualenv python3-pip rsync

For yum: epel-release git python36 python34-setuptools python34-pip nss curl libcurl rsync

  • Epitome Updater: This will download the repository again and replace the files inside your installation. It will not update outdated packages, you need to run a system update for this, and activate your virtual environment to update django. This will not delete your database contents, and you will be prompted to choose if you would like to replace your file where your current configuration is stored.

  • Toggle Debug: This will toggle the debug mode on and off, to display detailed error pages. You should never deploy a site into production with DEBUG turned on. For more information visit the official Django documentation.


Issue: You cannot open .desktop files because you are in a SSH session or in a desktop environment which forbits their execution

Solution: you can go into the directory Autoinstaller/Scripts and you can find all the scipts there. In order to run them, you should open a terminal session, change the directory to Autoinstaller/Scripts and then use the commands chmod a+x and ./ to run each individual script.

Issue: bash: sudo: command not found or sudo: No such file or directory or user is not in sudoers file

Solution: type


On Debian:

apt-get install sudo nano

On Fedora:

dnf install sudo nano


EDITOR=nano visudo

And scroll down to the bottom of the document and enter the following:

your_username_here ALL=(ALL) ALL

Ctrl + X will quit the editor and you will be asked if you want to save your changes. Press Y for Yes.

Issue: You try to run the server again after you closed it and you get the message "Error: That port is already in use."

Solution: kill all the processes associated with port 8000 by typing

sudo fuser -k 8000/tcp

Issue: pip3: command not found

Type: sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip /bin/pip