A simple and easy-to-use app that helps you with making decisions. Create decision makers with multiple decision options and let the app select a random decision for you! This project is in active development at the moment, so except more features to come and existing ones to change!
If you wish to mess around with the code yourself, you need to install Flutter first,
then fork this project and clone it to your computer. Next, run flutter pub get
to download all dependencies.
The Dart file providing the localizations isn't included in the project by default. Run flutter gen-l10n
to generate it.
For Android testing, set up an Android emulator. If you wish to test the project for iOS, you need to be running Xcode on a macOS system.
To run all automated tests, use flutter test
This project uses the GNU GPLv3 license. You can do almost anything you want with my source except distributing closed source versions.
- The Dart programming language
- Flutter framework
- The full list of package dependencies can be found in pubspec.yaml
- Direction icons created by Vector Stall - Flaticon