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Typescript error in useFilter hook from Query Router Search Params example #5812



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Describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it

In this example of using Tanstack Router search params via a useFilters hook, there are some type errors when patching the param values.

Type '(prev: { pageIndex?: number | undefined; id?: number | undefined; firstName?: string | undefined; lastName?: string | undefined; age?: number | undefined; pageSize?: number | undefined; sortBy?: `${string}.asc` | ... 1 more ... | undefined; foo?: string | undefined; bar?: number | undefined; }) => { ...; } & Partial...' is not assignable to type 'true | ParamsReducerFn<Router<RootRoute<undefined, {}, AnyContext, AnyContext, {}, undefined, RootRouteChildren, FileRouteTypes>, TrailingSlashOption, boolean, Record<...>, Record<...>>, "SEARCH", string, string | undefined> | undefined'.
  Type '(prev: { pageIndex?: number | undefined; id?: number | undefined; firstName?: string | undefined; lastName?: string | undefined; age?: number | undefined; pageSize?: number | undefined; sortBy?: `${string}.asc` | ... 1 more ... | undefined; foo?: string | undefined; bar?: number | undefined; }) => { ...; } & Partial...' is not assignable to type 'ParamsReducerFn<Router<RootRoute<undefined, {}, AnyContext, AnyContext, {}, undefined, RootRouteChildren, FileRouteTypes>, TrailingSlashOption, boolean, Record<...>, Record<...>>, "SEARCH", string, string | undefined>'.
    Type '{ pageIndex?: number | undefined; id?: number | undefined; firstName?: string | undefined; lastName?: string | undefined; age?: number | undefined; pageSize?: number | undefined; sortBy?: `${string}.asc` | ... 1 more ... | undefined; foo?: string | undefined; bar?: number | undefined; } & Partial<...>' is not assignable to type 'never'.(2322)
link.d.ts(62, 5): The expected type comes from property 'search' which is declared here on type 'NavigateOptions<Router<RootRoute<undefined, {}, AnyContext, AnyContext, {}, undefined, RootRouteChildren, FileRouteTypes>, TrailingSlashOption, boolean, Record<...>, Record<...>>, string, string | undefined, string, "">'
(property) MakeOptionalSearchParams<Router<RootRoute<undefined, {}, AnyContext, AnyContext, {}, undefined, RootRouteChildren, FileRouteTypes>, TrailingSlashOption, boolean, Record<...>, Record<...>>, string, string | undefined>.search?: true | ParamsReducerFn<Router<RootRoute<undefined, {}, AnyContext, AnyContext, {}, undefined, RootRouteChildren, FileRouteTypes>, TrailingSlashOption, boolean, Record<...>, Record<...>>, "SEARCH", string, string | undefined> | undefined```

### Your Minimal, Reproducible Example - (Sandbox Highly Recommended)

### Screenshots or Videos (Optional)

_No response_

### Do you intend to try to help solve this bug with your own PR?

No, because I do not know how

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- [x] I understand that if my bug cannot be reliable reproduced in a debuggable environment, it will probably not be fixed and this issue may even be closed.


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