Read and modify image EXIF metadata using Python without any third-party software dependencies. For example, batch process image metadata using a Python script.
I developed this package in 2018 as a hobby; however, I no longer have the same bandwidth to work on this project. As always, contributions and bug fixes are welcome and appreciated. If this package does not suit your needs in its current form, I encourage you to investigate alternative packages such as piexif, Pillow, or the like.
Open an image with EXIF metadata using the Python open()
built-in function. Ensure the
binary mode flag is set. Pass this image file object into the exif.Image
>>> from exif import Image >>> with open('grand_canyon.jpg', 'rb') as image_file: ... my_image = Image(image_file) ... >>> my_image.has_exif True
List EXIF attributes using the list_all()
>>> my_image.list_all() ['_exif_ifd_pointer', '_gps_ifd_pointer', 'aperture_value', 'brightness_value', 'color_space', 'components_configuration', 'compression', 'datetime', 'datetime_digitized', 'datetime_original', 'exif_version', 'exposure_bias_value', 'exposure_mode', 'exposure_program', 'exposure_time', 'f_number', 'flash', 'flashpix_version', 'focal_length', 'focal_length_in_35mm_film', 'gps_altitude', 'gps_altitude_ref', 'gps_datestamp', 'gps_dest_bearing', 'gps_dest_bearing_ref', 'gps_horizontal_positioning_error', 'gps_img_direction', 'gps_img_direction_ref', 'gps_latitude', 'gps_latitude_ref', 'gps_longitude', 'gps_longitude_ref', 'gps_speed', 'gps_speed_ref', 'gps_timestamp', 'jpeg_interchange_format', 'jpeg_interchange_format_length', 'lens_make', 'lens_model', 'lens_specification', 'make', 'maker_note', 'metering_mode', 'model', 'orientation', 'photographic_sensitivity', 'pixel_x_dimension', 'pixel_y_dimension', 'resolution_unit', 'scene_capture_type', 'scene_type', 'sensing_method', 'shutter_speed_value', 'software', 'subject_area', 'subsec_time_digitized', 'subsec_time_original', 'white_balance', 'x_resolution', 'y_and_c_positioning', 'y_resolution']
Access EXIF metadata tags using Python attribute notation:
>>> # Read tags with Python "get" notation. >>> my_image.gps_latitude (36.0, 3.0, 11.08) >>> my_image.gps_longitude (112.0, 5.0, 4.18) >>> my_image.model 'iPhone 7' >>> >>> # Modify tags with Python "set" notation. >>> my_image.make = "Python" >>> >>> # Delete tags with Python "del" notation. >>> del my_image.gps_latitude >>> del my_image.gps_longitude >>> >>> # Add new tags with Python "set" notation. >>> from exif import LightSource >>> my_image.light_source = LightSource.DAYLIGHT
Write the image with modified EXIF metadata to an image file using open()
in binary
write mode:
>>> with open('modified_image.jpg', 'wb') as new_image_file: ... new_image_file.write(my_image.get_file()) ...
Refer to the usage page for information and examples of alternative ways to access EXIF tags (e.g. with index/item syntax or with methods).