This application parses Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm replay files and then saves the data into a local database.
- Saves the data from your matches: Quick Match, Unranked Draft, Hero League, Team League, Non-Arena Brawls, and Custom Games
- View information such as Talent choices, Score Summary, Hero Bans, Observers, Team Chat
- Also view personal statistics about your heroes: wins, losses, winrates, talent winrates and much more for different maps and gamemodes
- Includes a built-in HOTS Logs uploader and HotsApi uploader
- For more information, visit the wiki
- Download and run HeroesMatchTrackerSetup.exe from the releases page
- Windows 7 SP1 or higher (32* or 64 bit)
- .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher (4.6.2 will be installed during setup if not already installed)
- Recommended to have at least 2GB of free memory (for the replay parsing)
* 32 bit OS will work but not recommended as the application might crash due to limited memory
Please visit the wiki.
For Non-English clients, you may want to check out the wiki page Non-English Clients
Want to donate? I recommend you buy yourself some Gems instead, but if you really want to donate...
All hero icons (talents, backgrounds, homescreens, etc) are the property of Blizzard Entertainment.