Objective-C class method 'initialize', which is not guaranteed to be invoked by Swift and will be disallowed in future versions #45
Posted by @mrkd: Swinject/Swinject#238
Objective-C class method 'initialize', which is not guaranteed to be invoked by Swift and will be disallowed in future versions
Xcode - Version 8.3 (8E162), Swift 3.1
- Swinject (2.0.0)
- SwinjectStoryboard (1.0.0):
- Swinject (= 2.0.0)
/Pods/SwinjectStoryboard/Sources/Storyboard+Swizzling.swift:25:30: Method 'initialize()' defines Objective-C class method 'initialize', which is not guaranteed to be invoked by Swift and will be disallowed in future versions