This is IITP_clubs expenses management_system and Tracker Web App to manage all the Expenditure and conduct fests and events efficiently in college. You can add and delete Expenses easily with different categories.
The main aim of this project was to solve improper Expense tracking. With the help of this project Club Co-ordinator users can manage their Expenses easily and categorize them in different categories provided in the Webapp. Clubs can track upto 3 Months of their Expenses which makes it easier for them to plan their Expenses for respective events and fests of college. With the help of charts , data could be visualized far more conveniently.
Hosted at
Clone the project
git clone```
Go to the project directory
cd IITP_club_expenses_management_system```
Install dependencies in project directory
npm install```
Go to the client folder
cd client```
Install dependencies in client
npm install
Start the client react project
npm run start
Come back to project directory
cd ..
Start Server using node or nodemon
node app.js
or nodemon app.js
Please Use Tailwind CSS for styling components
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
`SECRET_KEY` : For verifying jwt tokens.
`DATABASE` : contains the dbURI of MongoDB connections