Tags: Sublimination/pathfinder
v1.1.2 (exodus4d#270) * fixed exodus4d#194 PHP 5.6 error * - closed exodus4d#102 added "set waypoint/destination" context menu to route finder module - update "Select2" 4.0.0 -> 4.0.3 - update "Font Awesome" 4.6.1 -> 4.6.3 * - added *.js files for develop branch * - closed exodus4d#195 fixed "BASE" dir for subDir installations - fixed "Home" menu link * - exodus4d#195 improved js load path * - added "clear cache" function for manually cache clearing to /setup exodus4d#200 exodus4d#105 exodus4d#158 - added cache size information to /setup - added current pathfinder "VERSION" to /setup - updated "requireJs" 2.1.20 ->2.2.0 - removed unnecessary page cache timings from static templates (page cache) * - added "document_root", "port", "protocol" and "PHP framework version" to /setup page - added new "shattered" wormhole types to "signature table", closed exodus4d#182, exodus4d#179 * - added new "delete old signatures" option to "signature reader" dialog, closed exodus4d#95 * - added new housekeeping cronjob für cached files, closed exodus4d#200 - added new cache size information to /setup page * - fixed signature groupId/typeId "overwriting" for already known signatures. closed exodus4d#207 - improved system search dialog. Added trim(); before "api/signatures-> search" request * updated README.me * fixed PHP error "default object from empty value", closed exodus4d#209 * reduced image file size * - added local storage (IndexedDB) - added local storage for map scroll position. closed exodus4d#69 * - added "notice" panel for upcoming release information - improved layout for "release dialog" (GitHub API) - improved pagespeed (removed render blocking javascripts) - improved map scrollbar configuration - improved Chrome browser custom scrollbar layout - removed "sign up" buttons from "map panels", closed exodus4d#214 * - fixed some session and cookie bugs * - added new requirement check for `max_input_vars` to /setup URL, closed exodus4d#224 * - fixed isWormhole(); bug * -v1.1.1 added js build files * - removed IGB support exodus4d#206 - removed location tracking by IGB * - added build files for upcoming version 1.1.2 - improved ajax authentication check and "logout" notification | closed exodus4d#198 - improved logging, added missing log file configuration to pathfinder.ini - added logging for "unauthorized" requests | closed exodus4d#198 - updated js "jQuery" 1.11.3 -> 3.0.0 | exodus4d#206 - updated js "datatables" plugin 1.10.7 -> 1.10.12 | exodus4d#206 - updated js "mCustomScrollbar" 3.1.14 -> 3.1.4 | exodus4d#206 * - fixed some minor bugs in signature table module * - fixed type "Cataclysmic", closed exodus4d#241 * - added new setup DB indexing for "system_neighbour" table to /setup route, exodus4d#125 - fixed system "TrueSec" rounding in "routes module", closed exodus4d#109 * - fixed system "TrueSec" rounding in "routes module", closed exodus4d#109 * - added new wormhole statics for "Thera", closed exodus4d#240 * - fixed missing statics for constellation "21000062" , closed exodus4d#232 * - added "static" wormholes for "shattered" systems , closed exodus4d#180 - added im/export function for "index" tables (*.csv import), as an alternative to the *.sql import, closed exodus4d#125 * - added new system tooltip for "region name", closed exodus4d#236 - updated "Bootstrap" JS-library 3.3.0 -> 3.3.5 * - removed console.log(),,, * minor bugfixes in /setup page * - added basic support for Russian signatures, closed exodus4d#256 - added warning notification for invalid signature stings * - added basic support for Russian signatures, closed exodus4d#256 * - added requirement check for "PDO", "PDO_MYSQL" to "/setup" route - imrpved DB PDO connection (added "TIMEOUT", forced "ERRMODE") - fixed broken "system alias" renaming dialog * - fixed "system graph" module rendering if there was no data available - improved "image gallery" initialization on landing page - added navigation to /setup page - updated "blueImpGallery" (fixed some bugs after jQuery 3.0 upgrade) 1.15.2 -> 2.21.3 - updated "blueImpGalleryBootstrap" (fixed some bugs after jQuery 3.0 upgrade) 3.1.1 -> 3.4.2 * - JS build files vor 1.1.2 * Updated pathfinder.css
v1.1.1 (exodus4d#233) * fixed exodus4d#194 PHP 5.6 error * - closed exodus4d#102 added "set waypoint/destination" context menu to route finder module - update "Select2" 4.0.0 -> 4.0.3 - update "Font Awesome" 4.6.1 -> 4.6.3 * - added *.js files for develop branch * - closed exodus4d#195 fixed "BASE" dir for subDir installations - fixed "Home" menu link * - exodus4d#195 improved js load path * - added "clear cache" function for manually cache clearing to /setup exodus4d#200 exodus4d#105 exodus4d#158 - added cache size information to /setup - added current pathfinder "VERSION" to /setup - updated "requireJs" 2.1.20 ->2.2.0 - removed unnecessary page cache timings from static templates (page cache) * - added "document_root", "port", "protocol" and "PHP framework version" to /setup page - added new "shattered" wormhole types to "signature table", closed exodus4d#182, exodus4d#179 * - added new "delete old signatures" option to "signature reader" dialog, closed exodus4d#95 * - added new housekeeping cronjob für cached files, closed exodus4d#200 - added new cache size information to /setup page * - fixed signature groupId/typeId "overwriting" for already known signatures. closed exodus4d#207 - improved system search dialog. Added trim(); before "api/signatures-> search" request * updated README.me * fixed PHP error "default object from empty value", closed exodus4d#209 * reduced image file size * - added local storage (IndexedDB) - added local storage for map scroll position. closed exodus4d#69 * - added "notice" panel for upcoming release information - improved layout for "release dialog" (GitHub API) - improved pagespeed (removed render blocking javascripts) - improved map scrollbar configuration - improved Chrome browser custom scrollbar layout - removed "sign up" buttons from "map panels", closed exodus4d#214 * - fixed some session and cookie bugs * - added new requirement check for `max_input_vars` to /setup URL, closed exodus4d#224 * - fixed isWormhole(); bug * -v1.1.1 added js build files
v1.0.0 (exodus4d#183) * exodus4d#84 test data dump from CREST login * updated "credits" dialog (Google+ link) fixed login form layout * updated Cortex Data-Mapper * - exodus4d#84 CREST Login (WIP) - New CREST controller - Database restructuring - improved type-casting for some controller functions - New login process - Fixed some bugs during the setup process (/setup root) - Added CREST request caching by response headers * pathfinder-84 [Feature Request] CREST Pilot Tracking, many smaller Bugfixes * pathfinder-84 [Feature Request] added develop JS files * closed exodus4d#121 fixed wormhole signature type caching * closed exodus4d#120 removed map-loading animation for larger maps (same behaviour as IGB) * closed exodus4d#119 fixed wormhole signature id count * closed exodus4d#114 Added check for already existing system when adding a new one. (fixed PDO 'duplicate entry' error) * closed exodus4d#112 fixed DataTables error for missing "status" data (signature table) * closed exodus4d#111 fixed convertDataToUTC(); client side date transformation * closed exodus4d#109 fixed system TrueSec rounding * closed exodus4d#103 fixed system updated timestamp in getData() * fixed CSS class for secStatus in Routes module * closed exodus4d#121 fixed wormhole signature type caching * changed dateTime format from German to US format fixed some minor bugs in signatureTable module * closed exodus4d#81 fixed "signature type" overwriting by "signature reader" update * closed exodus4d#106 added new signature_types form C5/6 wormholes (gas/ore) * closed exodus4d#129 fixed parameter hinting * closed exodus4d#131 new "route search" algorithm, added current map systems to live search, added refresh/update functionality for each found route, added bulk route refresh function, added "meta map" route search (search on multiple maps), added route "filters" (restrict search on "stargates", "wormholes", "jumpbridges"), added route "filter" for wormholes (reduced/critical wormholes) closed exodus4d#89 fixed "loop connections" on same system exodus4d#84 added error messages for "invalid" CREST "Client ID" added "bootboxjs" (customized styled checkboxes/radio buttons) CSS only "Font Awesome" version upgrade 4.4.0 -> 4.61 "Bootbox.js" version upgrade 4.3.0 -> 4.4.0 fixed "system dialog" (added responsive layout) * closed exodus4d#134 fixed db column type DT_INT (8 bytes) to DT_BIGINT * closed exodus4d#138 added new cookie based login * closed exodus4d#137 fixed javascript errors on trying to establish an "invalid" connection * - exodus4d#84, exodus4d#138 improved "character selection" on login page (expired cookies are deleted, character panel layout improvements) - added new "Server info panel" to the login page - added new cronjob to delete expired cookie authentication data * exodus4d#138 enables character switching between characters which have same user * - PHP Framework upgrade 3.5.0 -> 3.5.1 (fixes some issues with CREST cURL caching, and SESSION management) - exodus4d#138 added "cookie logout" to "logout" menu entry * - updated "feature page" with new feature descriptions and label - added some new images to the "feature gallery" - removed "beta" status from "magnetizing" feature on map menu - hide "server status" panel on "mobile" breakpoint * - exodus4d#138 clear character authentication data on sold characters * closed exodus4d#142 added custom "onsuspect()" session handler * exodus4d#142 do not log suspect if no file is defined in pathfinder.ini * exodus4d#142 added NullSec Data/Relic sites to C1/2/3 wormholes as signature option * exodus4d#144 fixed "Character not found" warning * exodus4d#144 fixed "Character not found" warning * closed exodus4d#144 fixed broken routes panel in IGB * updated README.md for upcoming release * exodus4d#147 response header validation * exodus4d#149 changed comment for 'BASE' framework var * fixed map import * - added minimal SDE dump (EVE Online: Citadel) - exodus4d#147 improved CREST API error logging (WIP) - improved SSO controller (removed access_token from public endpoints) * closed exodus4d#154 added alliance maps to CREST API * - updated Gulp build dependencies - increased CREST timeout from 3s -> 4s - added "Accept" Headers for some CREST endpoints * cloased exodus4d#147 * - closed exodus4d#153 added character verification check for getAll(); Signatures Ajax endpoint * - updated README.md (added Slack developer chat information) * Bugfix frig holes (exodus4d#159) * added missing frigate wormholes and fixed Q003 destination in shattered wormholes * changed C7 to 0.0 for Q003 * - fixed broken "graph" data for system * added a "failover" system for bad crest requests (HTTP status 5xx,.. ) * Red Gaint => Red Giant (exodus4d#161) * closed exodus4d#163 added CREST endpoint support for "waypoints" * fixed typo * closed exodus4d#160 fixed tooltip container * - added new features to login page * closes exodus4d#154 added alliance map support * fixed XML path for cronjobs * fixed a bug with inactive "private" maps * closes exodus4d#175 added alternative environment configuration * - v1.0.0 build