This directory contains the PyTorch implementation of NeurOps.
Source code is found in the 'src' directory:
: ModLinear
and ModConv2d
respectfully extend standard nn.Linear
and nn.Conv2d
to also enable masking, growing, and pruning, including auxiliary gradient matrix calculation, activation tracking, pre/post layer operations such as nonlinearities and layer normalization.
: ModSequential
extends standard nn.Sequential
to enable these neural operations to a sequence of ModConv2d
and ModLinear
layers, including the transition from convolutional to dense layers. ModTransformer
extends architectures from transformers
to also enable masking of attention heads and/or hidden neurons in each block.
: Many heuristics useful for growing and pruning that utilize weight, activation, and gradient information.
: Initializations for new layers and growing new neurons, including random initialization (Kaimeng) with proper scale with the existing layer size as well as orthogonalized initialization.