This container runs OpenAudible with its GUI accessible by browser.
This is an experimental alternative to the supported and recommended desktop binaries available at
This project is hosted on github and dockerhub
This project is based on the excellent remote desktop container.
OpenAudible runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows. This Docker container runs the latest linux version in a container running Ubuntu that is via web browser. It uses webtop by
This allows you to run OpenAudible from a container, on the cloud, or from any Docker capable system (NAS system?).
No passwords are needed to access the web page (so use care!). For personal use. Only one user can view web sessions at one time-so this can't be used to share the application with multiple viewers at the same time.
docker run -d --rm -it -v $HOME/OpenAudible:/config/OpenAudible -p 3000:3000 --name openaudible openaudible/openaudible:latest
Then open your web browser to http://localhost:3000
Once OpenAudible has been started (by visiting the web site above), your books will and setting files will be available in ~/OpenAudible
git clone
cd openaudible_docker
docker build -t openaudible .
docker run -d --rm -it -v $HOME/OpenAudible:/config/OpenAudible -p 3000:3000 --name openaudible openaudible
The file builds and runs the docker image.
If successful, the application will be up and running on port 3000 and accessible via http://localhost:3000 in a browser.
The -rm flag removes the container when it quits. Any downloaded or converted books will be in the docker Volume.
- Another user logging on to the web page disconnects anyone else already connected
- No password protection is offered or https proxy-but can be added.
- But it does allow a user to try the software in a containerized, accessible-from-anywhere way.
- Add a user/password for accessing the VM
- Perhaps experiment with Ubuntu Kiosk Mode, to disable terminal, su, etc? OpenAudible and system file browser.
- lock down "su" root ability (change root password?)
- This is experimental and unsupported. We hope some people find it useful.
- If you find any issues, please report them on
- Before deleting the container and volume, if you logged into Audible, you should Log out using the Control Menu, which will delete your virtual device.
- Would appreciate feedback or pull requests.
- Docker is great for testing something, but we still recommend the desktop app for most users.
This repository is licensed under the GNU GPL 3.0 because that is what docker-webtop uses.
The OpenAudible desktop application is free to try shareware.