As a developer I thought it might be a great idea to have a portfolio since It gives a convenient way for potential clients to view my work in the process telling them more about my skills/experiences and services.
- Home
- About
- Services
- Skills
- and Contact.
On the top of this home page, there is a navigation bar which contains a Portfolio logo on the left and few nav links on the right. Below the navigation bar is are text that contains my name, profession and a button that says "Contact Me".
- Html, to designed the structure of the website
- CSS, for the layouts and style of the website
- JavaScript, to make the website interactive and to control the behavior of different elements.
One of my challenges was fixing bugs in my code !!! Although this website was not built in a day as I kept on working, designing and adding more features to it to make it look decent, attractive and clean. The more I worked on it and other projects the more disciplined and inspired I became, to learn more, be creative and write clean, decent codes to avoid going through the stress constant debugging.