This is a simple space partitioning algorithm using the TOctree type. It is designed to be general enough to allow users to customize it to their liking.
This project was created to give users an easy to access reference on how to use the TOctree type in their own Unreal Engine projects. We are using TOctree in this project for space partioning, but it can be used for a wide variety of purposes.
##Installation The project is availible in its entirety. All a user has to do is clone the repository to his or her computer. When opening the Visual Studio solution, make sure that "Development Editor" and "Win64" are set in the configuration manager drop downs at the top of the editor window.
If you want to contribute, please submit a pull request with your changes. More information can be found here.
This project uses the MIT license. This essentially means that if you use code from the project then you need to credit it in your product some way. More information can be found here.
Please check out Unreal community forum page which can be found here. There is a short introductory video which can be found here.