ROS Java contains a plain java, standalone version of roscore that does not require any ROS instalation to be present. This is an example ROS system running completely on Java with no ROS instalation required. It is an example that demonstrates running a roscore and four rosjava ROS nodes. A Topic Publisher, a ROS Topic Subscriber, a ROS Service Server and a Service Client.
This example project demonstrates how to do the following programmatically through the ROS Java API:
- Create, start and shutdown the Java roscore
- Create, start and shutdown ROS nodes
- Publish and subscribe to a ROS topic
- Create a ROS Service Server and call it from a ROS Service Client
This repository also provides an example that demonstrates how to run rosjava with an another roscore. E.g. cpp roscore from ROS noetic.
A version of this repository that uses custom ROS messages is available here.
In order to compile and run this project only Java needs to be installed. GIT also makes getting the source very easy. Links are provided for convenience.
- GIT , in order to clone the project repository
- JDK, the project has been developed and tested using JDK 17
- Gradle, is used for project compilation. Installing it is not required. Following the instructions below will automatically download gradle 7.5 and ignore any existing installation.
Quick Instructions for Windows Power Shell
Clone the project repository:
git clone
Go into the cloned repository directory:
cd .\Plain-ROS-Java-System-Example\
Compile the project and prepare for running:
gradlew installDist
Run the project using the generated script:
Build and run in a single command using the gradle application plugin:
gradlew run
Clone the project repository:
git clone
Go into the cloned repository directory:
cd Plain-ROS-Java-System-Example/
Add execute permission to gradlew script:
sudo chmod +x gradlew
Compile the project and install it locally:
gradlew installDist
Run the project using the generated script:
Build and run in a single command using using the gradle application plugin:
gradlew run
It is possible to use rosjava to run rosjava nodes in an environment where a ros system is already running. E.g. a cpp noetic ros instance. An example on how to run rosjava nodes programmatically without starting roscore is provided in MainExternal Note that if a roscore is not running, then this example will not run correctly. In order to use it do the following:
environment variables. Both these variables are needed. If these environment variables are missing, you will see some errors in step 4 below. The following commands assumes the example and roscore run in127.0.0.1
export ROS_IP=
Start roscore Run the following:
With the roscore already started externaly run MainExternal
You can start directly the MainExternal from the gradle by running:
./gradlew runWithExternalRos