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burp-word-list: word list taken from Burp Proxy attack tool
dirb-list-words: file names taken from dirb's wordlists folder and parsed
drupal-modules-list: Drupal modules list from nselib/data/drupal-modules.lst
drupal-themes-list: Drupal themes list from nselib/data/drupal-themes.lst
phpx-all-words: words uniquely parsed from all php files in webapp-files
private-word-names: words that form private file names after extension appendage
services-word-names: list of service names potentially found in a web app
skipfish-word-names: words to form files with extensions from skipfish scanner
various-common-words: words that are commonly used to name files in web apps
webapp-words-combined: words from all of the above files uniquely combined
wordpress-plugins-list: WordPress plugins list from nselib/data/wp-plugins.lst
wordpress-themes-list: WordPress themes list from nselib/data/wp-themes.lst
wordpress-timthumbs-paths: template strings for paths to wordpress files