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Unmapping in myspacevim#after doesn't work #4946

OnkV opened this issue Dec 25, 2024 · 0 comments

Unmapping in myspacevim#after doesn't work #4946

OnkV opened this issue Dec 25, 2024 · 0 comments
bug bug of SpaceVim core


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OnkV commented Dec 25, 2024

Expected behavior.

J should not be re-mapped by jplus.vim.

The reproduce ways from Vim starting.

  1. Make sure the edit layer is enabled.
  2. Configure bootstrap functions.
  3. Put unmap J in myspacevim#after().
  4. Restart Vim.
  5. Check mappings with :nmap.

This worked fine in SpaceVim 2.3.0.

Output of the :SPDebugInfo!

SpaceVim debug information

SpaceVim options :

  auto_disable_touchpad = 1
  autocomplete_method = 'asyncomplete'
  autocomplete_parens = 1
  bootstrap_after = 'myspacevim#after'
  bootstrap_before = 'myspacevim#before'
  buffer_index_type = 4
  checkinstall = 1
  code_runner_focus = 0
  colorscheme = 'simpleblack'
  colorscheme_bg = 'dark'
  colorscheme_default = 'desert'
  commandline_prompt = '>'
  conceallevel = 0
  custom_color_palette = []
  custom_plugins = [['jpalardy/vim-slime', {'repo': 'jpalardy/vim-slime', 'overwrite': 1}], ['vimoutliner/vimoutliner', {'repo': 'vimoutliner/vimoutliner', 'overwrite': 1}], ['jamessan/vim-gnupg', {'repo': 'jamessan/vim-gnupg', 'overwrite': 1}], ['vifm/vifm.vim', {'repo': 'vifm/vifm.vim', 'overwrite': 1}], ['nvie/vim-flake8', {'repo': 'nvie/vim-flake8', 'overwrite': 1}], ['itspriddle/vim-shellcheck', {'repo': 'itspriddle/vim-shellcheck', 'overwrite': 1}], ['vim-scripts/tracwiki', {'repo': 'vim-scripts/tracwiki', 'overwrite': 1}], ['sheerun/vim-polyglot', {'repo': 'sheerun/vim-polyglot', 'overwrite': 1}], ['ocaml/vim-ocaml', {'repo': 'ocaml/vim-ocaml', 'overwrite': 1}], ['zaid/vim-rec', {'repo': 'zaid/vim-rec', 'overwrite': 1}], ['lucasprag/simpleblack', {'repo': 'lucasprag/simpleblack', 'overwrite': 1}]]
  data_dir = '/home/andi/.cache/'
  debug_level = 1
  default_custom_leader = '<Space>'
  default_indent = 2
  disabled_plugins = []
  enable_bepo_layout = 0
  enable_cursorcolumn = 0
  enable_cursorline = 1
  enable_debug = 0
  enable_googlesuggest = 0
  enable_guicolors = 0
  enable_javacomplete2_py = 0
  enable_key_frequency = 0
  enable_language_specific_leader = 0
  enable_list_mode = 0
  enable_neocomplcache = 0
  enable_os_fileformat_icon = 0
  enable_powerline_fonts = 1
  enable_projects_cache = 1
  enable_statusline_bfpath = 0
  enable_statusline_mode = 1
  enable_statusline_tag = 1
  enable_tabline_filetype_icon = 1
  enable_tabline_ft_icon = 0
  enable_vimfiler_welcome = 1
  enable_ycm = 0
  error_symbol = ''
  escape_key_binding = 'jk'
  expand_tab = 1
  file_searching_tools = []
  filemanager = ''
  filetree_direction = 'right'
  filetype_icons = {}
  force_global_config = 0
  gitcommit_issue_icon = ''
  gitcommit_pr_icon = ''
  github_username = ''
  guifont = 'Courier Code 13'
  hiddenfileinfo = 1
  home_files_number = 6
  hosts_url = ''
  if_ruby = 1
  info_symbol = ''
  keep_server_alive = 1
  language = ''
  lazy_conf_timeout = 200
  leader_guide_default_group_name = ''
  leader_guide_flatten = 1
  leader_guide_hspace = 5
  leader_guide_max_size = 0
  leader_guide_position = 'botright'
  leader_guide_run_map_on_popup = 1
  leader_guide_sort_horizontal = 0
  leader_guide_submode_mappings = {'<C-C>': 'win_close'}
  leader_guide_theme = 'leaderguide'
  leader_guide_vertical = 0
  lint_engine = 'neomake'
  lint_on_save = 1
  lint_on_the_fly = 0
  max_column = 120
  plugin_bundle_dir = '/home/andi/.cache/vimfiles/'
  plugin_manager = 'dein'
  plugin_manager_processes = 16
  plugin_name = 'emmet-vim'
  project_auto_root = 1
  project_non_root = ''
  project_rooter_outermost = 0
  project_rooter_patterns = ['.svn/', '.git/', '.hg/', '_darcs/', '.bzr/', 'package.json']
  projects_cache_num = 20
  realtime_leader_guide = 1
  relativenumber = 0
  search_tools = ['rg', 'ag', 'pt', 'ack', 'grep', 'findstr', 'git']
  sidebar_direction = ''
  sidebar_width = 30
  smartcloseignoreft = ['tagbar', 'neo-tree', 'vimfiler', 'defx', 'NvimTree', 'SpaceVimRunner', 'SpaceVimREPL', 'SpaceVimQuickFix', 'HelpDescribe', 'VebuggerShell', 'VebuggerTerminal', 'SpaceVimTabsManager', 'SpaceVimGitRemoteManager']
  smartcloseignorewin = ['__Tagbar__', 'vimfiler:default']
  snippet_engine = 'neosnippet'
  src_root = 'E:\sources\'
  statusline_inactive_separator = 'bar'
  statusline_iseparator = 'bar'
  statusline_left = ['winnr', 'filename', 'major mode', 'search count', 'syntax checking', 'minor mode lighters', 'vcs', 'hunks']
  statusline_left_sections = ['winnr', 'major mode', 'filename', 'fileformat', 'minor mode lighters']
  statusline_right = ['cursorpos', 'percentage']
  statusline_separator = 'nil'
  statusline_unicode = 1
  terminal_cursor_shape = 2
  todo_close_list = 0
  todo_labels = ['fixme', 'question', 'todo', 'idea']
  todo_prefix = '@'
  update_retry_cnt = 3
  version = '2.5.0-dev'
  vim_help_language = 'en'
  vimcompatible = 0
  warning_symbol = ''
  wildignore = '*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.class,tags,*.jpg,*.ttf,*.TTF,*.png,*/target/*,.git,.svn,.hg,.DS_Store,*.svg'
  windisk_encoding = 'cp936'
  windows_index_type = 3
  windows_leader = ''
  windows_smartclose = ''
  wrap_line = 0

SpaceVim layers :

  python_file_head=['#!/usr/bin/env python3', '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-', '', '']
  enabled_linters=['python', 'pylint']

SpaceVim Health checking :

SpaceVim clipboard support check report:
Checking +clipboard:
SpaceVim environment check report:
Current progpath: vim(/usr/bin/vim.gtk3)
version: 900
OS: linux
[shell, shellcmdflag, shellslash]: ['/bin/zsh', '-c', 0]
SpaceVim lua support check report:
Checking +lua:
SpaceVim python support check report:
Checking +python3:
Checking +python:
Failed : to support +python, Please install vim-gtk, or build from sources.
Checking SpaceVim layer health:

  • checkers:ok
  • format:ok
  • edit:ok
  • ui:ok
  • core:ok
  • core#banner:ok
  • core#statusline:ok
  • core#tabline:ok
  • shell:ok
  • lang#python:ok
  • VersionControl:ok
  • lang#sql:ok
  • ctrlp:ok
  • git:ok
  • sh: can not find function: SpaceVim#layers#sh#health()
  • framework#django:ok
  • lang#graphql:ok
  • lang#haskell:ok
  • lang#json:ok
  • lang#latex:ok
  • lang#javascript:ok
  • lang#html:ok

SpaceVim runtime log :

[ SpaceVim ] : logger file  does not exists, only log for current process will be shown!
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.000] [  Info ] Loading SpaceVim from: /home/andi/.SpaceVim/
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.000] [  Info ] default rtp is:
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.000] [  Info ]   > /home/andi/.SpaceVim/
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.000] [  Info ]   > /usr/share/vim/vim90
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.014] [  Info ] v:argv is:['vim']
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.014] [  Info ] startup status:[0]
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.014] [  Info ] Startup with no argv, current dir is used: ~
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.014] [  Info ] init default layer list.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.014] [  Info ] load layer:autocomplete
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.015] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.015] [  Info ] load layer:checkers
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.015] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.015] [  Info ] load layer:format
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.015] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.015] [  Info ] load layer:edit
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.016] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.016] [  Info ] load layer:ui
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.016] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.017] [  Info ] load layer:core
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.017] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.017] [  Info ] load layer:core#banner
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.017] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.017] [  Info ] load layer:core#statusline
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.018] [  Info ] core#statusline layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.019] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.019] [  Info ] load layer:core#tabline
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.019] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.019] [  Info ] layer list init done
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.019] [  Info ] start loading global config >>>
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.020] [  Info ] global_dir is: /home/andi/.SpaceVim.d/
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.020] [  Info ] find global config: /home/andi/.SpaceVim.d/init.toml
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.020] [  Info ] start to apply config [glob]
[   rooter ] [17:59:35] [   0.020] [  Info ] Load projects cache from: /home/andi/.cache/SpaceVim/projects.json
[   rooter ] [17:59:35] [   0.020] [  Info ] Start to find root for: /home/andi/
[   rooter ] [17:59:35] [   0.021] [  Info ] project_rooter_patterns option has been change, clear b:rootDir
[   rooter ] [17:59:35] [   0.021] [  Info ] Start to find root for: /home/andi/
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.022] [  Info ] load layer:core
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.022] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.022] [  Info ] load layer:edit
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.022] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.022] [  Info ] load layer:shell
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.022] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.022] [  Info ] load layer:lang#python
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.022] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] load layer:VersionControl
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] load layer:lang#sql
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] load layer:ctrlp
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] ctrlp layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] ctrlp layer do not implement set_variable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] load layer:git
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] load layer:sh
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.023] [  Info ] sh layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] sh layer do not implement set_variable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] load layer:checkers
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] load layer:ui
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] load layer:framework#django
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] framework#django layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] framework#django layer do not implement set_variable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] load layer:lang#graphql
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] lang#graphql layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] lang#graphql layer do not implement set_variable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] load layer:core#statusline
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] core#statusline layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.024] [  Info ] load layer:lang#haskell
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] lang#haskell layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] lang#haskell layer do not implement set_variable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] load layer:lang#json
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] lang#json layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] load layer:lang#latex
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] lang#latex layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] lang#latex layer do not implement set_variable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] load layer:lang#javascript
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] lang#javascript layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] load layer:lang#html
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] lang#html layer do not implement loadable function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] layer loaded.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.025] [  Info ] run bootstrap_before function:myspacevim#before
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.048] [  Info ] bootstrap_before function was called successfully.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.048] [  Info ] current directory is $HOME, skip local config
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.070] [  Info ] core#statusline layer do not implement plugins function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.079] [  Info ] sh layer do not implement plugins function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.120] [  Info ] finished loading SpaceVim!
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.137] [  Info ] lsp client: vim-lsp
[   rooter ] [17:59:35] [   0.138] [  Info ] Start to find root for: /home/andi/
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.140] [  Info ] try to open SpaceVim welcome page
[   rooter ] [17:59:35] [   0.150] [  Info ] Start to find root for: /home/andi/
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.153] [  Info ] run root changed callback on VimEnter!
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.168] [  Info ] run bootstrap_after function:myspacevim#after
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.169] [ Error ] failed to call bootstrap_after function: myspacevim#after
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.169] [ Error ]        exception: Vim(unmap):E31: No such mapping
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.169] [ Error ]        throwpoint: VimEnter Autocommands for "*"..function SpaceVim#autocmds#VimEnter[18]..myspacevim#after, line 15
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.267] [  Info ] SpaceVim server startup at:/tmp/spacevim_vim_server
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.295] [  Info ] init default key bindings.
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.296] [  Info ] default key binding init done
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.360] [  Info ] sh layer do not implement config function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.360] [  Info ] framework#django layer do not implement config function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:35] [   0.360] [  Info ] lang#graphql layer do not implement config function
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:42] [   6.585] [  Info ] statusline build-in section vcs has been changed!
[ SpaceVim ] [17:59:42] [   6.585] [  Info ] statusline build-in section hunks has been changed!
@OnkV OnkV added the bug bug of SpaceVim core label Dec 25, 2024
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bug bug of SpaceVim core

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1 participant