Simple X509 certificate parser.
From NPM (recommended): npm install x509
Building and testing from source:
sudo npm install -g node-gyp
npm install
npm test
Reading from a file:
const x509 = require('x509');
var issuer = x509.getIssuer(__dirname + '/certs/your.crt');
Reading from a string:
const fs = require('fs'),
x509 = require('x509');
var issuer = x509.getIssuer(fs.readFileSync('./certs/your.crt').toString());
may be a filename or a raw base64 encoded PEM string in any of these methods.
Parse certificate with x509.parseCert
and return the alternate names.
const x509 = require('x509');
var altNames = x509.getAltNames(__dirname + '/certs/');
altNames = [ '*', '' ]
Parse certificate with x509.parseCert
and return the issuer.
const x509 = require('x509');
var issuer = x509.getIssuer(__dirname + '/certs/');
issuer = { countryName: 'GB',
stateOrProvinceName: 'Greater Manchester',
localityName: 'Salford',
organizationName: 'COMODO CA Limited',
commonName: 'COMODO High-Assurance Secure Server CA' }
Parse certificate with x509.parseCert
and return the subject.
const x509 = require('x509');
var subject = x509.getSubject(__dirname + '/certs/');
subject = { countryName: 'US',
postalCode: '10010',
stateOrProvinceName: 'NY',
localityName: 'New York',
streetAddress: '902 Broadway, 4th Floor',
organizationName: 'Nodejitsu',
organizationalUnitName: 'PremiumSSL Wildcard',
commonName: '*' }
Parse subject, issuer, valid before and after date, and alternate names from certificate.
const x509 = require('x509');
var cert = x509.parseCert(__dirname + '/certs/');
cert = { subject:
{ countryName: 'US',
postalCode: '10010',
stateOrProvinceName: 'NY',
localityName: 'New York',
streetAddress: '902 Broadway, 4th Floor',
organizationName: 'Nodejitsu',
organizationalUnitName: 'PremiumSSL Wildcard',
commonName: '*' },
{ countryName: 'GB',
stateOrProvinceName: 'Greater Manchester',
localityName: 'Salford',
organizationName: 'COMODO CA Limited',
commonName: 'COMODO High-Assurance Secure Server CA' },
notBefore: Sun Oct 28 2012 20:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT),
notAfter: Wed Nov 26 2014 18:59:59 GMT-0500 (EST),
altNames: [ '*', '' ],
signatureAlgorithm: 'sha1WithRSAEncryption',
fingerPrint: 'E4:7E:24:8E:86:D2:BE:55:C0:4D:41:A1:C2:0E:06:96:56:B9:8E:EC',
publicKey: {
algorithm: 'rsaEncryption',
e: '65537',
n: '.......' } }
Performs basic certificate validation against a bundle of ca certificates.
It accepts an error-first callback as first argument. If the error is null, then the certificate is valid.
The error messages are the same returned by openssl: x509_verify_cert_error_string
Note: As now, this function only accepts absolute paths to existing files as arguments
const x509 = require('x509');
__dirname + '/certs/',
__dirname + '',
function(err, result){ /*...*/}
Checking the date to make sure the certificate is active:
const x509 = require('x509');
var cert = x509.parseCert('yourcert.crt'),
date = new Date();
if (cert.notBefore > date) {
// Certificate isn't active yet.
if (cert.notAfter < date) {
// Certificate has expired.
If you are suffering from hard to fix build issues, there is an alternative (pure javascript) implementation using emscripten: (based on node-x509, slightly different API)