) provides a common frontend implementation for client services that need to capture, validate and verify bank account information.
It provides mechanisms to customise messaging, eg page titles, element labels, etc, to ensure that it blends with the calling service.
An example of a client service can be seen in bank-account-verification-example-frontend (BAVEFE
Please note, you are viewing documentation for the latest version of the BAVFE
API (v2). You can view the readme for the old version of the API here.
There are 3 parts to the usage of BAVFE
- Initiate a journey - Initialises a new journey with a unique id (provided by
) and customisation parameters. - Perform the journey - Hands control to
which progresses the journey to capture, validate and verify bank account details. - Complete the journey - The client service calls
to collect the entered data and verification results. Completed journeys will have a sort code, account number and roll number that are valid and appropriately populated, plus anaccountExists
result ofyes
. A result oferror
occurs when there was a problem with the third party API used to populate these fields. Such errors are infrequent, but do occur. In such cases, we recommend the user journey proceed as normal.
In steps 2 & 3, if an invalid journeyId
is provided or is missing, a BadRequest
or NotFound
is returned respectively.
To initiate a journey a POST
call must be made to /api/v2/init
with a payload that has the following data model:
case class InitRequest(
serviceIdentifier: String,
continueUrl: String,
prepopulatedData: Option[InitRequestPrepopulatedData] = None,
address: Option[InitRequestAddress] = None,
messages: Option[InitRequestMessages] = None,
customisationsUrl: Option[String] = None,
bacsRequirements: Option[InitBACSRequirements] = None,
timeoutConfig: Option[InitRequestTimeoutConfig],
signOutUrl: Option[String] = None,
maxCallConfig: Option[InitRequestMaxCallConfig] = None)
case class InitRequestTimeoutConfig(timeoutUrl: String, timeoutAmount: Int, timeoutKeepAliveUrl: Option[String])
// timeoutUrl must be a relative url, or a full url with a host that has been allow-listed
// This is passed to configure direct debit/credit payment support requirements. The default, if not specified, is to require both debit and credit support.
case class InitBACSRequirements(directDebitRequired: Boolean, directCreditRequired: Boolean)
// This is passed to limit the number of attempts a user has to enter valid account details. The default, if not specified, is to allow infinite attempts.
// If they enter invalid details ${count} times, they will be sent back to the ${redirectUrl}
case class InitRequestMaxCallConfig(count: Int, redirectUrl: String)
The init endpoint will respond in the following format:
case class InitResponse(
journeyId: String,
startUrl: String, // relative URL for you to redirect to begin the journey
completeUrl: String, // relative API URL for you to retrieve data at the end of the journey
detailsUrl: Option[String]) // relative URL for you to redirect to the account details page, skipping the account type question.
Please note, the detailsUrl
will only be populated if you provide the prePopulatedData
block on the init call, and allows you to skip asking for account type for example if you already have this information.
As can be seen, the only mandatory parameters are serviceIdentifier
- the name of the calling service, and continueUrl
- the callback url to call the BAVFE
journey segment is completed. The customisationsUrl
is used by BAVFE
to retrieve HtmlPartials
for customisation of header
, beforeContent
and footer
sections of the pages. See CustomisationsController for an example implementation.
If you have already captured some of the relevant bank account information in another part of your journey, you can supply this on the init call and BAVFEFE will pre-populate the relevant fields for you. You can also supply prepopulated data to support a 'Check your answers' flow between your service and BAVFEFE.
You must supply an accountType
in order to use this feature.
The optional prepopulatedData
parameter has the following model:
case class InitRequestPrepopulatedData(
accountType: AccountTypeRequestEnum, // "personal" or "business" (lower case)
name: Option[String] = None,
sortCode: Option[String] = None,
accountNumber: Option[String] = None,
rollNumber: Option[String] = None)
The optional address
parameter has the following model:
case class InitRequestAddress(
lines: List[String],
town: Option[String],
postcode: Option[String]
The optional messages
parameter has the following model:
case class InitRequestMessages(
en: JsObject,
cy: Option[JsObject]
All messages contained in message.en can be customised. If the client service supports Welsh translations, then Welsh customisations should be provided for every English equivalent.
Messages that appear on the account details screen by default are used for both personal and business account flows. In order to customise these per account type, you can append ".business" or ".personal" and these will take precedence in the appropriate journey, e.g:
en = Json.obj(
"" -> "My service"
"" -> "Business bank or building society account details",
"label.accountDetails.heading.personal" -> "Personal bank or building society account details",
Once the initiating call has been made and a journeyId
retrieved, the journey can be started with a call to /bank-account-verification/start/:journeyId
where :journeyId
is that returned by the initiate
Control at this stage passes to BAVFE
until the journey is complete. At the end of the journey, BAVFE
calls back to the continueUrl
(provided in the initiate call) to indicate to the client service that the journey is complete and results can be retrieved.
It should be noted that the InitBACSRequirements
settings will influence how the form level validation is handled in BAVFE
. If a requirement is not met, the journey will not be permitted to continue.
Once the continueUrl
has been called by BAVFE
, a call can be made to /api/v2/complete/:journeyId
to retrieve the results of the journey. The following data model describes the payload that is returned:
case class CompleteResponse(
accountType: AccountTypeRequestEnum,
personal: Option[PersonalCompleteResponse],
business: Option[BusinessCompleteResponse]
can be either personal
or business
. This corresponds to the personal
being defined or the business
being defined in CompleteResponse
has the following data model:
case class PersonalCompleteResponse(
address: Option[CompleteResponseAddress],
accountName: String,
sortCode: String,
accountNumber: String,
accountNumberIsWellFormatted: ReputationResponseEnum,
rollNumber: Option[String] = None,
accountExists: Option[ReputationResponseEnum] = None,
nameMatches: Option[ReputationResponseEnum] = None,
nonStandardAccountDetailsRequiredForBacs: Option[ReputationResponseEnum] = None,
sortCodeBankName: Option[String] = None,
iban: Option[String] = None
has the following data model:
case class BusinessCompleteResponse(
address: Option[CompleteResponseAddress],
companyName: String,
sortCode: String,
accountNumber: String,
rollNumber: Option[String] = None,
accountNumberIsWellFormatted: ReputationResponseEnum,
accountExists: Option[ReputationResponseEnum] = None,
companyNameMatches: Option[ReputationResponseEnum],
nonStandardAccountDetailsRequiredForBacs: Option[ReputationResponseEnum] = None,
sortCodeBankName: Option[String] = None,
iban: Option[String] = None
The ReputationResponseEnum
range of values includes error
. This occurs when there was a problem with the third party API used to populate these fields. Such errors are infrequent, but do occur. In such cases, we recommend the user journey proceed as normal.
At the end of your journey, you may display information provided by the user in a summary screen and allow them to skip back to a specific section in order to amend their answers. You may want to configure this summary to show data gathered by your service as well as the data gathered by BAVFEFE.
In order to allow the user to change the data gathered by BAVFEFE, you should handle the 'change' link by initiating a new journey with BAVFEFE and using the prepopulatedData
block to provide the previous answers. You should also set the continueUrl
to a seperate landing page in your service that then returns to the 'Check your answers' page at the end of the flow.
We suggest that you mock out BAVFE
in any acceptance tests that you write. This will speed up your tests and allow us to make changes to the GUI without affecting your tests.
is our recommended solution for creating acceptance tests for a service that integrates with bank-account-verification-frontend
Check it out on Github.
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.