CustomBlocks.json是用户自定义的方块列表,允许用户灵活编辑。我在里面写了一些半砖方块,可以作为参考。CustomBlocks 文件夹里有用户自定义方块的图片。
属性名 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 默认值 | 说明 |
baseColor | byte | 是 | 方块的地图基色 | |
id | string | 是 | 方块 id,附上详细方块状态,如minecraft:target[power=0] | |
version | byte | 是 | 方块最早出现的版本。0 代表 1.12 以前,12 代表 1.12,17 代表 1.17,以此类推 | |
nameZH | string | 是 | 方块的中文名 | |
nameEN | string | 是 | 方块的英文名 | |
icon | string | 是 | 方块对应图片的文件名(仅文件名,如cobblestone.png) | |
idOld | string | 否 | 空字符串 | 方块在 1.12 的 id |
needGlass | bool | 否 | false | 指示方块底部是否必须有其他方块(如灯笼) |
isGlowing | bool | 否 | false | 指示方块是否发光 |
endermanPickable | bool | 否 | false | 指示方块是否可以被末影人偷走 |
burnable | bool | 否 | false | 指示方块是否可以被烧毁 |
其中选填项可以跳过不填,SlopeCraft 会自动补全为默认值。
Everything about blocklist is in this directory.
FixedBlocks.json stores all default blocks, acting as a fundamental blocklist to make sure that each basecolor_widgets has at least one block. Image of each block is stored in directory named FixedBlocks. Usually you don't need to change anything about fixed blocklist.
CustomBlocks.json stores all user custom blocks, enabling users to use their favorite blocks in map art. Some slab blocks have been already written in this file as examples. Each block should have a corresponding image in * CustomBlocks* directory. Different blocks can share single image file.
Each block has following attributes:
Name | Type | Is Compulsory Item | Default Value | Description |
baseColor | byte | Yes | The base color of this block | |
id | string | Yes | Block id in minecraft with full blockstates, like minecraft:target[power=0] | |
version | byte | Yes | The earlist version when block is added. 0 means earlier than 1.12, 12 means 1.12, 17 means 1.17 and so on | |
nameZH | string | Yes | Chinese name | |
nameEN | string | Yes | English name | |
icon | string | Yes | File name of image ( file name only, like cobblestone.png) | |
idOld | string | No | Empty string | Block id in 1.12 |
needGlass | bool | No | false | Whether a full block is required under this block (like lantern) |
isGlowing | bool | No | false | Whether a block emits light |
endermanPickable | bool | No | false | Whether a block could be stolen by enderman |
Uncompulsory items can be skipped, SlopeCraft will set them as their default value.