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Thor Brigsted edited this page May 13, 2018 · 3 revisions
public class XNode.NodePort


Type Name Summary
NodePort Connection Return the first connection
Int32 ConnectionCount Number of connections to other ports
IO direction Input or Output
String fieldName The name of the field
Boolean IsConnected Is this port connected to anything?
Boolean IsDynamic Created with AddInstancePort?
Boolean IsStatic Created with [Input] or [Output] on a field
Boolean IsInput Input port
Boolean IsOutput Output port
Node node Node this port belongs to
Type ValueType Color comes from type


Type Name Summary
void ClearConnections()
void Connect(NodePort port) Connect this to another
void Disconnect(NodePort port) Disconnect this port from another port
NodePort GetConnection(Int32 i)
Single GetInputSum(Single fallback) Return the sum of all inputs.
Int32 GetInputSum(Int32 fallback) Return the sum of all inputs.
Object GetInputValue() Return the output value of the first connected port. Returns null if none found or invalid.
T GetInputValue() Return the output value of the first connected port. Returns null if none found or invalid.
Object[] GetInputValues() Return the output values of all connected ports.
T[] GetInputValues() Return the output values of all connected ports.
Object GetOutputValue() Return the output value of this node through its parent nodes GetValue override method.
Boolean IsConnectedTo(NodePort port)
void Redirect(List<Node> oldNodes, List<Node> newNodes) Swap connected nodes from the old list with nodes from the new list
Boolean TryGetInputValue(T& value)
void VerifyConnections() Checks all connections for invalid references, and removes them.
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