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Hello! πŸ‘‹

My name is Shivam Rathore, I go by the username @Shivam010 or @010Shivam, in most of the places. I am a technology enthusiast and an open-source contributor who currently, works as a Lead Software Engineer at

I believe in loyalty, and I think it is a two-way street. If I’m asking
for it from you then you’re getting it from me.

Contributing to open source can be a rewarding way to learn, teach, and build experience in just about any skill you can imagine.

You give some and you take some, just as simple as it is. And it helps, I started with the same and currently, I am a maintainer of:

  • go-ReJSON: A Golang client for RedisLabs' ReJSON module with support for multilple redis clients (redigo, go-redis). πŸ”—
  • upload: An easy and portable way to interact with cloud storage in Golang. πŸ”—
  • go-freeGeoIP: A Golang client for Free IP Geolocation API with an inbuilt support for caching the location data to overcome the per hour rate limit πŸ”—
  • bypass-cors: A proxy server to bypass CORS enabled server APIs. πŸ”—
  • protoc-gen-redact: A protoc plugin to redact field values for GRPC client calls to the server. πŸ”—

And also, a contributor to many open-source projects, some of them are:

  • nitishm/vegeta-server: A RESTful API server for vegeta, a load testing tool written in Go. πŸ”—
  • lib/pq: A Pure Go Postgres driver for database/sql. πŸ”—
  • xqueries/xdb: An experimental database with focus on a readable codebase before performance. πŸ”—
  • blendle/zapdriver: A blazing fast, Zap-based Stackdriver logging driver. πŸ”—
  • ... and many small contributions in open source projects like Uber's zap logger, Mongo db drivers, Google's Protocol Buffer plugins, etc

I am was also active on Twitter and sometimes on Gophers Slack, learning and helping users solve their problems whenever I can.
Let's get in touch! πŸ™Œ

I also work as a freelancer and ghost worker, helping individuals and organisations achieve their goals. Got something to discuss, any project idea, any other help you need? or maybe wanna just say Hello! πŸ‘‹

File your query here or Reach out on Twitter @ 010Shivam!

People find their paths in the strangest of ways. Let's find our own!
Let's connect