X2JPEG is a server/client made for self hosted remote desktop gaming on Linux.
Created and optimized for the X server on linux, This software was made to fill the gaps of my current remote desktop NoVNC. While a great remote solution it lacks in low latency and high streamed fps. So I made a very similar piece of software that removes and simplifies the internal logic of NoVNC that is used to reduce bandwith. This removes nearly all overhead for the procsess at the tradeoff of increased bandwith and lower image quality. Because of how JPEG compression works this software is quite terrible at displaying small text and noisy images, but I find it to be quite useable for games escpesially on smaller screens where large pixel counts dont matter as much.
Pros :
Smooth low latency remote desktop capture and streaming
Frame rates in excess of 500fps
Can work on a single X window in a "kiosk" mode
Mouse Capture for first person games
Simple websocket server
Cons :
Sends entire screen image each frame
Increased bandwith usage
Lower image quality at similiar bandwith than other options
Poor at displaying lots of small text
Dependencies :
OpenCV ~ libopencv-dev
X11 Libraries ~ libx11-dev
XTest Extension ~ libxtst-dev
XFixes Extension ~ libxfixes-dev
WebSocket++ ~ libwebsocketpp-dev
Asio Library ~ libasio-dev
Build Instructions :
cd server
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..