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Eclipse Setup

Sesu8642 edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 9 revisions
  1. Follow the steps in Building the project

  2. (optional) I suggest creating a new workspace for this

  3. Configure your JDK 17

    1. Window → Preferences → Gradle → Set the Java home (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64) → Apply and Close
  4. Import projects: File → Import... → Gradle → Existing Gradle Project → Next> → Next> → Browse... → Select the root of this repo → Finish

  5. Install plugins

    1. Help → Eclipse Marketplace... → Install the following: SpotBugs Eclipse plugin, Checkstyle Plug-in, SonarLint → restart
  6. Configure Checkstyle

    1. Right-click the "Feudal Tactics-core" project → Properties → Checkstyle → Check "Checkstyle active for this project" → also make sure the local configuration included in the repo is used
  7. Configure save actions

    1. Window → Preferences → Java → Editor → Save Actions → enable all → Apply and Close
  8. Configure license header for new files

    1. Window → Preferences → Java → Code Styles → Code Templates → Code → New Java files → Edit...
    2. insert the following in the beginning // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later, followed by an empty line
    3. OK → Apply and Close
  9. Import run configurations

    1. File → Import → Run/Debug → Launch Configurations → Next > → Browse → Select the run_configs directory → Tick the configs you want to import → Finish
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