DotNetify is a free, open source project that lets you create real-time, reactive, cross-platform apps with React, React Native, Vue, Knockout or Blazor front-end on C# .NET back-end via WebSocket (SignalR).
- 4.1: Async view model - release notes.
- v4.0: Typescript support - release notes.
- v3.7: Routing enhancements: lazy-loading, server-side rendering, 404 error handling - release notes.
- DotNetify-LoadTester (Premium) - performance testing tool for dotNetify apps.
- DotNetify-Blazor: client library for Blazor web assembly.
- DotNetify-Pulse: customizable realtime monitoring for .NET Core services.
- DotNetify-Elements: React + web component library for dotNetify apps.
- React SPA template for ASP.NET Core 3.x.
- Simple and lightweight - no heavy client-side framework, no REST APIs.
- Reactive back-end MVVM architecture on ASP.NET server.
- Built-in real-time across WebSocket with SignalR.
- Support local (client-side only) and Web API modes.
- Full support for single-page apps, including deep-linked, nested routing and token-based authentication.
- Powerful back-end infrastructure, including dependency injection, WebSocket request/response pipelines, and modern tooling.
- DotNetify-Testing: testing library for dotNetify apps.
- DotNetify-LoadTester: performance testing tool for dotNetify apps.
Documentation and live demo can be found at
- React example: dotnetify-react-demo.
- React Native example: dotnetify-react-native-demo.
- Other examples: demo repo.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
All contribution is welcome: star this project, let others know about it, report issues, submit pull requests!
Logo design by area55git.