From e063363878f3dd25f5f86386c5bfa12854e6e973 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: greg-lunarg
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 11:26:43 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "GL_ext_vulkan_glsl_relaxed extension support, and
cross stage aware IO mapper"
SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp | 3 -
StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp | 174 ----
Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.2.vert.out | 787 -----------------
Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vert.out | 515 -----------
Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert.out | 720 ---------------
.../vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert.out | 124 ---
Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.frag.out | 826 ------------------
Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.link1.frag.out | 515 -----------
.../baseResults/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert.out | 717 ---------------
Test/iomap.crossStage.2.frag | 42 -
Test/iomap.crossStage.2.geom | 39 -
Test/iomap.crossStage.2.vert | 38 -
Test/iomap.crossStage.frag | 41 -
Test/iomap.crossStage.vert | 38 -
Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.frag | 50 --
Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.geom | 35 -
Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert | 32 -
Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.frag | 16 -
Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert | 15 -
Test/vk.relaxed.frag | 74 --
Test/vk.relaxed.link1.frag | 28 -
Test/vk.relaxed.link2.frag | 19 -
Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.frag | 28 -
Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert | 31 -
glslang/Include/Types.h | 44 -
glslang/Include/intermediate.h | 3 -
glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp | 86 +-
.../MachineIndependent/ParseContextBase.cpp | 63 +-
glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.cpp | 300 +------
glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.h | 43 +-
glslang/MachineIndependent/ShaderLang.cpp | 83 +-
glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.cpp | 2 +-
glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.h | 3 +-
glslang/MachineIndependent/intermOut.cpp | 1 -
glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.cpp | 184 ++--
glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h | 41 +-
glslang/MachineIndependent/linkValidate.cpp | 364 +-------
.../MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h | 53 +-
glslang/Public/ShaderLang.h | 23 +-
gtests/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
gtests/GlslMapIO.FromFile.cpp | 306 -------
gtests/Link.FromFile.Vk.cpp | 12 +-
gtests/VkRelaxed.FromFile.cpp | 296 -------
43 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 6707 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.2.vert.out
delete mode 100644 Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vert.out
delete mode 100644 Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert.out
delete mode 100644 Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert.out
delete mode 100644 Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.frag.out
delete mode 100644 Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.link1.frag.out
delete mode 100644 Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert.out
delete mode 100644 Test/iomap.crossStage.2.frag
delete mode 100644 Test/iomap.crossStage.2.geom
delete mode 100644 Test/iomap.crossStage.2.vert
delete mode 100644 Test/iomap.crossStage.frag
delete mode 100644 Test/iomap.crossStage.vert
delete mode 100644 Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.frag
delete mode 100644 Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.geom
delete mode 100644 Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert
delete mode 100644 Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.frag
delete mode 100644 Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert
delete mode 100644 Test/vk.relaxed.frag
delete mode 100644 Test/vk.relaxed.link1.frag
delete mode 100644 Test/vk.relaxed.link2.frag
delete mode 100644 Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.frag
delete mode 100644 Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert
delete mode 100644 gtests/GlslMapIO.FromFile.cpp
delete mode 100644 gtests/VkRelaxed.FromFile.cpp
diff --git a/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp b/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
index 6d9c7cfec3..8eb06b7cdf 100644
--- a/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
+++ b/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
@@ -2784,7 +2784,6 @@ bool TGlslangToSpvTraverser::visitAggregate(glslang::TVisit visit, glslang::TInt
case glslang::EOpAtomicAdd:
- case glslang::EOpAtomicSubtract:
case glslang::EOpAtomicMin:
case glslang::EOpAtomicMax:
case glslang::EOpAtomicAnd:
@@ -2956,7 +2955,6 @@ bool TGlslangToSpvTraverser::visitAggregate(glslang::TVisit visit, glslang::TInt
case glslang::EOpAtomicAdd:
- case glslang::EOpAtomicSubtract:
case glslang::EOpAtomicMin:
case glslang::EOpAtomicMax:
case glslang::EOpAtomicAnd:
@@ -6896,7 +6894,6 @@ spv::Id TGlslangToSpvTraverser::createAtomicOperation(glslang::TOperator op, spv
- case glslang::EOpAtomicSubtract:
case glslang::EOpAtomicCounterSubtract:
opCode = spv::OpAtomicISub;
diff --git a/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp b/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
index 923ded3052..fdbf027990 100644
--- a/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
+++ b/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ bool SpvToolsValidate = false;
bool NaNClamp = false;
bool stripDebugInfo = false;
bool beQuiet = false;
-bool VulkanRulesRelaxed = false;
// Return codes from main/exit().
@@ -196,17 +195,6 @@ std::array, glslang::EResCount> baseBindi
std::array, glslang::EResCount> baseBindingForSet;
std::array, EShLangCount> baseResourceSetBinding;
-std::vector> blockStorageOverrides;
-bool setGlobalUniformBlock = false;
-std::string globalUniformName;
-unsigned int globalUniformBinding;
-unsigned int globalUniformSet;
-bool setGlobalBufferBlock = false;
-std::string atomicCounterBlockName;
-unsigned int atomicCounterBlockSet;
// Add things like "#define ..." to a preamble to use in the beginning of the shader.
class TPreamble {
@@ -408,115 +396,6 @@ void ProcessResourceSetBindingBase(int& argc, char**& argv, std::array>& storage)
- if (argc < 3)
- usage();
- glslang::TBlockStorageClass blockStorage = glslang::EbsNone;
- std::string strBacking(argv[2]);
- if (strBacking == "uniform")
- blockStorage = glslang::EbsUniform;
- else if (strBacking == "buffer")
- blockStorage = glslang::EbsStorageBuffer;
- else if (strBacking == "push_constant")
- blockStorage = glslang::EbsPushConstant;
- else {
- printf("%s: invalid block storage\n", strBacking.c_str());
- usage();
- }
- storage.push_back(std::make_pair(std::string(argv[1]), blockStorage));
- argc -= 2;
- argv += 2;
-inline bool isNonDigit(char c) {
- // a non-digit character valid in a glsl identifier
- return (c == '_') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
-// whether string isa valid identifier to be used in glsl
-bool isValidIdentifier(const char* str) {
- std::string idn(str);
- if (idn.length() == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (idn.length() >= 3 && idn.substr(0, 3) == "gl_") {
- // identifiers startin with "gl_" are reserved
- return false;
- }
- if (!isNonDigit(idn[0])) {
- return false;
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < idn.length(); ++i) {
- if (!(isdigit(idn[i]) || isNonDigit(idn[i]))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-// Process settings for either the global buffer block or global unfirom block
-// of the form:
-// --argname name set binding
-void ProcessGlobalBlockSettings(int& argc, char**& argv, std::string* name, unsigned int* set, unsigned int* binding)
- if (argc < 4)
- usage();
- unsigned int curArg = 1;
- assert(name || set || binding);
- if (name) {
- if (!isValidIdentifier(argv[curArg])) {
- printf("%s: invalid identifier\n", argv[curArg]);
- usage();
- }
- *name = argv[curArg];
- curArg++;
- }
- if (set) {
- errno = 0;
- int setVal = ::strtol(argv[curArg], NULL, 10);
- if (errno || setVal < 0) {
- printf("%s: invalid set\n", argv[curArg]);
- usage();
- }
- *set = setVal;
- curArg++;
- }
- if (binding) {
- errno = 0;
- int bindingVal = ::strtol(argv[curArg], NULL, 10);
- if (errno || bindingVal < 0) {
- printf("%s: invalid binding\n", argv[curArg]);
- usage();
- }
- *binding = bindingVal;
- curArg++;
- }
- argc -= (curArg - 1);
- argv += (curArg - 1);
// Do all command-line argument parsing. This includes building up the work-items
// to be processed later, and saving all the command-line options.
@@ -690,17 +569,6 @@ void ProcessArguments(std::vector>& workItem
lowerword == "resource-set-binding" ||
lowerword == "rsb") {
ProcessResourceSetBindingBase(argc, argv, baseResourceSetBinding);
- } else if (lowerword == "set-block-storage" ||
- lowerword == "sbs") {
- ProcessBlockStorage(argc, argv, blockStorageOverrides);
- } else if (lowerword == "set-atomic-counter-block" ||
- lowerword == "sacb") {
- ProcessGlobalBlockSettings(argc, argv, &atomicCounterBlockName, &atomicCounterBlockSet, nullptr);
- setGlobalBufferBlock = true;
- } else if (lowerword == "set-default-uniform-block" ||
- lowerword == "sdub") {
- ProcessGlobalBlockSettings(argc, argv, &globalUniformName, &globalUniformSet, &globalUniformBinding);
- setGlobalUniformBlock = true;
} else if (lowerword == "shift-image-bindings" || // synonyms
lowerword == "shift-image-binding" ||
lowerword == "sib") {
@@ -853,9 +721,6 @@ void ProcessArguments(std::vector>& workItem
Error("unknown -O option");
- case 'R':
- VulkanRulesRelaxed = true;
- break;
case 'S':
if (argc <= 1)
Error("no specified for -S");
@@ -1203,24 +1068,6 @@ void CompileAndLinkShaderUnits(std::vector compUnits)
- if (VulkanRulesRelaxed) {
- for (auto& storageOverride : blockStorageOverrides) {
- shader->addBlockStorageOverride(storageOverride.first.c_str(),
- storageOverride.second);
- }
- if (setGlobalBufferBlock) {
- shader->setAtomicCounterBlockName(atomicCounterBlockName.c_str());
- shader->setAtomicCounterBlockSet(atomicCounterBlockSet);
- }
- if (setGlobalUniformBlock) {
- shader->setGlobalUniformBlockName(globalUniformName.c_str());
- shader->setGlobalUniformSet(globalUniformSet);
- shader->setGlobalUniformBinding(globalUniformBinding);
- }
- }
@@ -1244,8 +1091,6 @@ void CompileAndLinkShaderUnits(std::vector compUnits)
if (targetHlslFunctionality1)
- if (VulkanRulesRelaxed)
- shader->setEnvInputVulkanRulesRelaxed();
@@ -1727,9 +1572,6 @@ void usage()
" is searched first, followed by left-to-right order of -I\n"
" -Od disables optimization; may cause illegal SPIR-V for HLSL\n"
" -Os optimizes SPIR-V to minimize size\n"
- " -R use relaxed verification rules for generating Vulkan SPIR-V,\n"
- " allowing the use of default uniforms, atomic_uints, and\n"
- " gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID keywords.\n"
" -S uses specified stage rather than parsing the file extension\n"
" choices for are vert, tesc, tese, geom, frag, or comp\n"
" -U | --undef-macro | --U \n"
@@ -1807,22 +1649,6 @@ void usage()
" --resource-set-binding [stage] set\n"
" set descriptor set for all resources\n"
" --rsb synonym for --resource-set-binding\n"
- " --set-block-backing name {uniform|buffer|push_constant}\n"
- " changes the backing type of a uniform, buffer,\n"
- " or push_constant block declared in\n"
- " in the program, when using -R option.\n"
- " This can be used to change the backing\n"
- " for existing blocks as well as implicit ones\n"
- " such as 'gl_DefaultUniformBlock'.\n"
- " --sbs synonym for set-block-storage\n"
- " --set-atomic-counter-block name set\n"
- " set name, and descriptor set for\n"
- " atomic counter blocks, with -R opt\n"
- " --sacb synonym for set-atomic-counter-block\n"
- " --set-default-uniform-block name set binding\n"
- " set name, descriptor set, and binding for\n"
- " global default-uniform-block, with -R opt\n"
- " --sdub synonym for set-default-uniform-block\n"
" --shift-image-binding [stage] num\n"
" base binding number for images (uav)\n"
" --shift-image-binding [stage] [num set]...\n"
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.2.vert.out b/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.2.vert.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 325c1b465a..0000000000
--- a/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.2.vert.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,787 +0,0 @@
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:32 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:32 Function Parameters:
-0:34 Sequence
-0:34 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 'vgo1' ( smooth out 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 Constant:
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:35 move second child to first child ( temp 2-component vector of float)
-0:35 'vgo2' ( smooth out 2-component vector of float)
-0:35 Constant:
-0:35 0.000000
-0:35 0.000000
-0:36 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 o3: direct index for structure ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:36 Constant:
-0:36 0 (const uint)
-0:36 Constant:
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'vgo1' ( smooth out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'vgo2' ( smooth out 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'um2' ( uniform 2X2 matrix of float)
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 'glass' (layout( location=0 binding=0) uniform sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer 2-component vector of float vb1})
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'gl_VertexID' ( gl_VertexId int VertexId)
-0:? 'gl_InstanceID' ( gl_InstanceId int InstanceId)
-Shader version: 460
-invocations = -1
-max_vertices = 3
-input primitive = points
-output primitive = triangle_strip
-0:? Sequence
-0:29 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:29 Function Parameters:
-0:31 Sequence
-0:31 Sequence
-0:31 Sequence
-0:31 move second child to first child ( temp int)
-0:31 'i' ( temp int)
-0:31 Constant:
-0:31 0 (const int)
-0:31 Loop with condition tested first
-0:31 Loop Condition
-0:31 Compare Less Than ( temp bool)
-0:31 'i' ( temp int)
-0:31 Constant:
-0:31 3 (const int)
-0:31 Loop Body
-0:32 Sequence
-0:32 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:32 'gfo1' (layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float)
-0:32 Constant:
-0:32 0.000000
-0:32 0.000000
-0:32 0.000000
-0:32 0.000000
-0:33 move second child to first child ( temp 2-component vector of float)
-0:33 'gfo2' (layout( stream=0) out 2-component vector of float)
-0:33 Constant:
-0:33 0.000000
-0:33 0.000000
-0:34 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 o3: direct index for structure (layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 'gf_out' (layout( location=5 stream=0) out block{layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:34 Constant:
-0:34 0 (const int)
-0:34 o3: direct index for structure ( in 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 indirect index (layout( location=5) temp block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:34 'inBlock' (layout( location=5) in 1-element array of block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:34 'i' ( temp int)
-0:34 Constant:
-0:34 0 (const int)
-0:35 EmitVertex ( global void)
-0:31 Loop Terminal Expression
-0:31 Post-Increment ( temp int)
-0:31 'i' ( temp int)
-0:37 EndPrimitive ( global void)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'vgo1' ( in 1-element array of 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'vgo2' ( in 1-element array of 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'inBlock' (layout( location=5) in 1-element array of block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'gfo1' (layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gfo2' (layout( stream=0) out 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gf_out' (layout( location=5 stream=0) out block{layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:37 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:37 Function Parameters:
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'color' ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'gfo1' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const int)
-0:39 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 2 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 0.000000
-0:39 0.000000
-0:39 0.000000
-0:39 0.000000
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 2 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 3 (const int)
-0:40 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:40 'outColor' ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:40 'color' ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) in block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'gfo1' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gfo2' ( smooth in 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'outColor' ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'um2' ( uniform 2X2 matrix of float)
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 'glass' (layout( location=0 binding=0) uniform sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer 2-component vector of float fb1})
-0:? 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-Linked vertex stage:
-Linked geometry stage:
-Linked fragment stage:
-WARNING: Linking unknown stage stage: Matched shader interfaces are using different instance names.
- blockName1: "layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b}" versus blockName2: "layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b}"
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:32 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:32 Function Parameters:
-0:34 Sequence
-0:34 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 'vgo1' ( smooth out 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 Constant:
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:35 move second child to first child ( temp 2-component vector of float)
-0:35 'vgo2' ( smooth out 2-component vector of float)
-0:35 Constant:
-0:35 0.000000
-0:35 0.000000
-0:36 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 o3: direct index for structure ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:36 Constant:
-0:36 0 (const uint)
-0:36 Constant:
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'vgo1' ( smooth out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'vgo2' ( smooth out 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'um2' ( uniform 2X2 matrix of float)
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 'glass' (layout( location=0 binding=0) uniform sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer 2-component vector of float vb1})
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'gl_VertexID' ( gl_VertexId int VertexId)
-0:? 'gl_InstanceID' ( gl_InstanceId int InstanceId)
-Shader version: 460
-invocations = 1
-max_vertices = 3
-input primitive = points
-output primitive = triangle_strip
-0:? Sequence
-0:29 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:29 Function Parameters:
-0:31 Sequence
-0:31 Sequence
-0:31 Sequence
-0:31 move second child to first child ( temp int)
-0:31 'i' ( temp int)
-0:31 Constant:
-0:31 0 (const int)
-0:31 Loop with condition tested first
-0:31 Loop Condition
-0:31 Compare Less Than ( temp bool)
-0:31 'i' ( temp int)
-0:31 Constant:
-0:31 3 (const int)
-0:31 Loop Body
-0:32 Sequence
-0:32 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:32 'gfo1' (layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float)
-0:32 Constant:
-0:32 0.000000
-0:32 0.000000
-0:32 0.000000
-0:32 0.000000
-0:33 move second child to first child ( temp 2-component vector of float)
-0:33 'gfo2' (layout( stream=0) out 2-component vector of float)
-0:33 Constant:
-0:33 0.000000
-0:33 0.000000
-0:34 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 o3: direct index for structure (layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 'gf_out' (layout( location=5 stream=0) out block{layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:34 Constant:
-0:34 0 (const int)
-0:34 o3: direct index for structure ( in 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 indirect index (layout( location=5) temp block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:34 'inBlock' (layout( location=5) in 1-element array of block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:34 'i' ( temp int)
-0:34 Constant:
-0:34 0 (const int)
-0:35 EmitVertex ( global void)
-0:31 Loop Terminal Expression
-0:31 Post-Increment ( temp int)
-0:31 'i' ( temp int)
-0:37 EndPrimitive ( global void)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'vgo1' ( in 1-element array of 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'vgo2' ( in 1-element array of 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'inBlock' (layout( location=5) in 1-element array of block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'gfo1' (layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gfo2' (layout( stream=0) out 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gf_out' (layout( location=5 stream=0) out block{layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:37 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:37 Function Parameters:
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'color' ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'gfo1' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const int)
-0:39 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 2 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 0.000000
-0:39 0.000000
-0:39 0.000000
-0:39 0.000000
-0:39 Sequence
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 2 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 3 (const int)
-0:40 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:40 'outColor' ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:40 'color' ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) in block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'gfo1' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gfo2' ( smooth in 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'outColor' ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'um2' ( uniform 2X2 matrix of float)
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 'glass' (layout( location=0 binding=0) uniform sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer 2-component vector of float fb1})
-0:? 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 56
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Vertex 4 "main" 9 14 18 54 55
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "vgo1"
- Name 14 "vgo2"
- Name 16 "outBlock"
- MemberName 16(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 18 ""
- Name 23 "u1"
- Name 27 "u2"
- Name 29 "u3"
- Name 36 "um2"
- Name 40 "glass"
- Name 41 "crossStageBlock1"
- MemberName 41(crossStageBlock1) 0 "a"
- MemberName 41(crossStageBlock1) 1 "b"
- Name 43 ""
- Name 44 "vertOnlyBlock"
- MemberName 44(vertOnlyBlock) 0 "vb1"
- Name 46 ""
- Name 47 "crossStageBlock2"
- MemberName 47(crossStageBlock2) 0 "a"
- MemberName 47(crossStageBlock2) 1 "b"
- Name 52 "blockName1"
- Name 54 "gl_VertexID"
- Name 55 "gl_InstanceID"
- Decorate 9(vgo1) Location 0
- Decorate 14(vgo2) Location 1
- Decorate 16(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 18 Location 5
- Decorate 23(u1) Location 1
- Decorate 23(u1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 27(u2) Location 2
- Decorate 27(u2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 29(u3) Location 3
- Decorate 29(u3) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 36(um2) Location 4
- Decorate 36(um2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 40(glass) Location 0
- Decorate 40(glass) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 40(glass) Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 41(crossStageBlock1) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 41(crossStageBlock1) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 41(crossStageBlock1) Block
- Decorate 43 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 43 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 44(vertOnlyBlock) 0 Offset 0
- Decorate 44(vertOnlyBlock) BufferBlock
- Decorate 46 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 46 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 47(crossStageBlock2) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 47(crossStageBlock2) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 47(crossStageBlock2) Block
- Decorate 52(blockName1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 52(blockName1) Binding 0
- Decorate 54(gl_VertexID) BuiltIn VertexId
- Decorate 55(gl_InstanceID) BuiltIn InstanceId
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 8: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
- 9(vgo1): 8(ptr) Variable Output
- 10: 6(float) Constant 0
- 11: 7(fvec4) ConstantComposite 10 10 10 10
- 12: TypeVector 6(float) 2
- 13: TypePointer Output 12(fvec2)
- 14(vgo2): 13(ptr) Variable Output
- 15: 12(fvec2) ConstantComposite 10 10
- 16(outBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec4)
- 17: TypePointer Output 16(outBlock)
- 18: 17(ptr) Variable Output
- 19: TypeInt 32 1
- 20: 19(int) Constant 0
- 22: TypePointer UniformConstant 12(fvec2)
- 23(u1): 22(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 24: TypeVector 6(float) 3
- 25: 24(fvec3) ConstantComposite 10 10 10
- 26: TypePointer UniformConstant 24(fvec3)
- 27(u2): 26(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 25
- 28: TypePointer UniformConstant 7(fvec4)
- 29(u3): 28(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 11
- 30: TypeMatrix 12(fvec2) 2
- 31: 6(float) Constant 1082130432
- 32: 12(fvec2) ConstantComposite 31 10
- 33: 12(fvec2) ConstantComposite 10 31
- 34: 30 ConstantComposite 32 33
- 35: TypePointer UniformConstant 30
- 36(um2): 35(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 34
- 37: TypeImage 6(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
- 38: TypeSampledImage 37
- 39: TypePointer UniformConstant 38
- 40(glass): 39(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-41(crossStageBlock1): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4)
- 42: TypePointer Uniform 41(crossStageBlock1)
- 43: 42(ptr) Variable Uniform
-44(vertOnlyBlock): TypeStruct 12(fvec2)
- 45: TypePointer Uniform 44(vertOnlyBlock)
- 46: 45(ptr) Variable Uniform
-47(crossStageBlock2): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 12(fvec2)
- 48: TypeInt 32 0
- 49: 48(int) Constant 2
- 50: TypeArray 47(crossStageBlock2) 49
- 51: TypePointer Uniform 50
- 52(blockName1): 51(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 53: TypePointer Input 19(int)
- 54(gl_VertexID): 53(ptr) Variable Input
-55(gl_InstanceID): 53(ptr) Variable Input
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- Store 9(vgo1) 11
- Store 14(vgo2) 15
- 21: 8(ptr) AccessChain 18 20
- Store 21 11
- Return
- FunctionEnd
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 65
- Capability Geometry
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Geometry 4 "main" 22 27 31 37 48 51
- ExecutionMode 4 InputPoints
- ExecutionMode 4 Invocations 1
- ExecutionMode 4 OutputTriangleStrip
- ExecutionMode 4 OutputVertices 3
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 8 "i"
- Name 22 "gfo1"
- Name 27 "gfo2"
- Name 29 "outBlock"
- MemberName 29(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 31 "gf_out"
- Name 32 "outBlock"
- MemberName 32(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 37 "inBlock"
- Name 48 "vgo1"
- Name 51 "vgo2"
- Name 53 "u1"
- Name 57 "u2"
- Name 59 "u3"
- Name 60 "crossStageBlock2"
- MemberName 60(crossStageBlock2) 0 "a"
- MemberName 60(crossStageBlock2) 1 "b"
- Name 64 "blockName1"
- Decorate 22(gfo1) Location 0
- Decorate 27(gfo2) Location 1
- Decorate 29(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 31(gf_out) Location 5
- Decorate 32(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 37(inBlock) Location 5
- Decorate 48(vgo1) Location 0
- Decorate 51(vgo2) Location 1
- Decorate 53(u1) Location 1
- Decorate 53(u1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 57(u2) Location 2
- Decorate 57(u2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 59(u3) Location 3
- Decorate 59(u3) DescriptorSet 0
- MemberDecorate 60(crossStageBlock2) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 60(crossStageBlock2) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 60(crossStageBlock2) Block
- Decorate 64(blockName1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 64(blockName1) Binding 0
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeInt 32 1
- 7: TypePointer Function 6(int)
- 9: 6(int) Constant 0
- 16: 6(int) Constant 3
- 17: TypeBool
- 19: TypeFloat 32
- 20: TypeVector 19(float) 4
- 21: TypePointer Output 20(fvec4)
- 22(gfo1): 21(ptr) Variable Output
- 23: 19(float) Constant 0
- 24: 20(fvec4) ConstantComposite 23 23 23 23
- 25: TypeVector 19(float) 2
- 26: TypePointer Output 25(fvec2)
- 27(gfo2): 26(ptr) Variable Output
- 28: 25(fvec2) ConstantComposite 23 23
- 29(outBlock): TypeStruct 20(fvec4)
- 30: TypePointer Output 29(outBlock)
- 31(gf_out): 30(ptr) Variable Output
- 32(outBlock): TypeStruct 20(fvec4)
- 33: TypeInt 32 0
- 34: 33(int) Constant 1
- 35: TypeArray 32(outBlock) 34
- 36: TypePointer Input 35
- 37(inBlock): 36(ptr) Variable Input
- 39: TypePointer Input 20(fvec4)
- 44: 6(int) Constant 1
- 46: TypeArray 20(fvec4) 34
- 47: TypePointer Input 46
- 48(vgo1): 47(ptr) Variable Input
- 49: TypeArray 25(fvec2) 34
- 50: TypePointer Input 49
- 51(vgo2): 50(ptr) Variable Input
- 52: TypePointer UniformConstant 25(fvec2)
- 53(u1): 52(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 54: TypeVector 19(float) 3
- 55: 54(fvec3) ConstantComposite 23 23 23
- 56: TypePointer UniformConstant 54(fvec3)
- 57(u2): 56(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 55
- 58: TypePointer UniformConstant 20(fvec4)
- 59(u3): 58(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 24
-60(crossStageBlock2): TypeStruct 20(fvec4) 25(fvec2)
- 61: 33(int) Constant 2
- 62: TypeArray 60(crossStageBlock2) 61
- 63: TypePointer Uniform 62
- 64(blockName1): 63(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 8(i): 7(ptr) Variable Function
- Store 8(i) 9
- Branch 10
- 10: Label
- LoopMerge 12 13 None
- Branch 14
- 14: Label
- 15: 6(int) Load 8(i)
- 18: 17(bool) SLessThan 15 16
- BranchConditional 18 11 12
- 11: Label
- Store 22(gfo1) 24
- Store 27(gfo2) 28
- 38: 6(int) Load 8(i)
- 40: 39(ptr) AccessChain 37(inBlock) 38 9
- 41: 20(fvec4) Load 40
- 42: 21(ptr) AccessChain 31(gf_out) 9
- Store 42 41
- EmitVertex
- Branch 13
- 13: Label
- 43: 6(int) Load 8(i)
- 45: 6(int) IAdd 43 44
- Store 8(i) 45
- Branch 10
- 12: Label
- EndPrimitive
- Return
- FunctionEnd
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 62
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 11 32 36 38
- ExecutionMode 4 OriginLowerLeft
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "color"
- Name 11 "gfo1"
- Name 15 "u1"
- Name 21 "u2"
- Name 28 "u3"
- Name 32 "outColor"
- Name 34 "outBlock"
- MemberName 34(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 36 ""
- Name 38 "gfo2"
- Name 45 "um2"
- Name 49 "glass"
- Name 50 "crossStageBlock1"
- MemberName 50(crossStageBlock1) 0 "a"
- MemberName 50(crossStageBlock1) 1 "b"
- Name 52 ""
- Name 53 "fragOnlyBlock"
- MemberName 53(fragOnlyBlock) 0 "fb1"
- Name 55 ""
- Name 56 "crossStageBlock2"
- MemberName 56(crossStageBlock2) 0 "a"
- MemberName 56(crossStageBlock2) 1 "b"
- Name 61 "blockName2"
- Decorate 11(gfo1) Location 0
- Decorate 15(u1) Location 1
- Decorate 15(u1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 21(u2) Location 2
- Decorate 21(u2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 28(u3) Location 3
- Decorate 28(u3) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 32(outColor) Location 0
- Decorate 34(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 36 Location 5
- Decorate 38(gfo2) Location 1
- Decorate 45(um2) Location 4
- Decorate 45(um2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 49(glass) Location 0
- Decorate 49(glass) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 49(glass) Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 50(crossStageBlock1) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 50(crossStageBlock1) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 50(crossStageBlock1) Block
- Decorate 52 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 52 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 53(fragOnlyBlock) 0 Offset 0
- Decorate 53(fragOnlyBlock) BufferBlock
- Decorate 55 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 55 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 56(crossStageBlock2) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 56(crossStageBlock2) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 56(crossStageBlock2) Block
- Decorate 61(blockName2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 61(blockName2) Binding 0
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 8: TypePointer Function 7(fvec4)
- 10: TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
- 11(gfo1): 10(ptr) Variable Input
- 13: TypeVector 6(float) 2
- 14: TypePointer UniformConstant 13(fvec2)
- 15(u1): 14(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 19: TypeVector 6(float) 3
- 20: TypePointer UniformConstant 19(fvec3)
- 21(u2): 20(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 25: 6(float) Constant 0
- 26: 7(fvec4) ConstantComposite 25 25 25 25
- 27: TypePointer UniformConstant 7(fvec4)
- 28(u3): 27(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 26
- 31: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
- 32(outColor): 31(ptr) Variable Output
- 34(outBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec4)
- 35: TypePointer Input 34(outBlock)
- 36: 35(ptr) Variable Input
- 37: TypePointer Input 13(fvec2)
- 38(gfo2): 37(ptr) Variable Input
- 39: TypeMatrix 13(fvec2) 2
- 40: 6(float) Constant 1082130432
- 41: 13(fvec2) ConstantComposite 40 25
- 42: 13(fvec2) ConstantComposite 25 40
- 43: 39 ConstantComposite 41 42
- 44: TypePointer UniformConstant 39
- 45(um2): 44(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 43
- 46: TypeImage 6(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
- 47: TypeSampledImage 46
- 48: TypePointer UniformConstant 47
- 49(glass): 48(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-50(crossStageBlock1): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4)
- 51: TypePointer Uniform 50(crossStageBlock1)
- 52: 51(ptr) Variable Uniform
-53(fragOnlyBlock): TypeStruct 13(fvec2)
- 54: TypePointer Uniform 53(fragOnlyBlock)
- 55: 54(ptr) Variable Uniform
-56(crossStageBlock2): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 13(fvec2)
- 57: TypeInt 32 0
- 58: 57(int) Constant 2
- 59: TypeArray 56(crossStageBlock2) 58
- 60: TypePointer Uniform 59
- 61(blockName2): 60(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 9(color): 8(ptr) Variable Function
- 12: 7(fvec4) Load 11(gfo1)
- 16: 13(fvec2) Load 15(u1)
- 17: 7(fvec4) VectorShuffle 16 16 0 1 0 1
- 18: 7(fvec4) FMul 12 17
- 22: 19(fvec3) Load 21(u2)
- 23: 7(fvec4) VectorShuffle 22 22 0 1 2 0
- 24: 7(fvec4) FMul 18 23
- 29: 7(fvec4) Load 28(u3)
- 30: 7(fvec4) FMul 24 29
- Store 9(color) 30
- 33: 7(fvec4) Load 9(color)
- Store 32(outColor) 33
- Return
- FunctionEnd
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vert.out b/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vert.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 5338b80750..0000000000
--- a/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vert.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:32 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:32 Function Parameters:
-0:34 Sequence
-0:34 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 'o1' ( smooth out 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 Constant:
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:35 move second child to first child ( temp 2-component vector of float)
-0:35 'o2' ( smooth out 2-component vector of float)
-0:35 Constant:
-0:35 0.000000
-0:35 0.000000
-0:36 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 o3: direct index for structure ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:36 Constant:
-0:36 0 (const uint)
-0:36 Constant:
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'o1' ( smooth out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'o2' ( smooth out 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'um2' ( uniform 2X2 matrix of float)
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 'glass' (layout( location=0 binding=0) uniform sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer 2-component vector of float vb1})
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'gl_VertexID' ( gl_VertexId int VertexId)
-0:? 'gl_InstanceID' ( gl_InstanceId int InstanceId)
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:36 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:36 Function Parameters:
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'color' ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'o1' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const int)
-0:38 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 2 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 0.000000
-0:38 0.000000
-0:38 0.000000
-0:38 0.000000
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 2 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 3 (const int)
-0:39 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'outColor' ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'color' ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) in block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'o2' ( smooth in 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'o1' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'outColor' ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'um2' ( uniform 2X2 matrix of float)
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 'glass' (layout( location=0 binding=0) uniform sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer 2-component vector of float fb1})
-0:? 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-Linked vertex stage:
-Linked fragment stage:
-WARNING: Linking unknown stage stage: Matched shader interfaces are using different instance names.
- blockName1: "layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b}" versus blockName2: "layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b}"
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:32 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:32 Function Parameters:
-0:34 Sequence
-0:34 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 'o1' ( smooth out 4-component vector of float)
-0:34 Constant:
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:34 0.000000
-0:35 move second child to first child ( temp 2-component vector of float)
-0:35 'o2' ( smooth out 2-component vector of float)
-0:35 Constant:
-0:35 0.000000
-0:35 0.000000
-0:36 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 o3: direct index for structure ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:36 Constant:
-0:36 0 (const uint)
-0:36 Constant:
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:36 0.000000
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'o1' ( smooth out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'o2' ( smooth out 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'um2' ( uniform 2X2 matrix of float)
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 'glass' (layout( location=0 binding=0) uniform sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer 2-component vector of float vb1})
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'gl_VertexID' ( gl_VertexId int VertexId)
-0:? 'gl_InstanceID' ( gl_InstanceId int InstanceId)
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:36 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:36 Function Parameters:
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'color' ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 component-wise multiply ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'o1' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const int)
-0:38 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 2 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 vector swizzle ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 0.000000
-0:38 0.000000
-0:38 0.000000
-0:38 0.000000
-0:38 Sequence
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 2 (const int)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 3 (const int)
-0:39 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'outColor' ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 'color' ( temp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) in block{ in 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'o2' ( smooth in 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'o1' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'outColor' ( out 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u1' ( uniform 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u2' ( uniform 3-component vector of float)
-0:? 'u3' ( uniform 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 'um2' ( uniform 2X2 matrix of float)
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 0.000000
-0:? 4.000000
-0:? 'glass' (layout( location=0 binding=0) uniform sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer 2-component vector of float fb1})
-0:? 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-component vector of float b})
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 56
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Vertex 4 "main" 9 14 18 54 55
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "o1"
- Name 14 "o2"
- Name 16 "outBlock"
- MemberName 16(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 18 ""
- Name 23 "u1"
- Name 27 "u2"
- Name 29 "u3"
- Name 36 "um2"
- Name 40 "glass"
- Name 41 "crossStageBlock1"
- MemberName 41(crossStageBlock1) 0 "a"
- MemberName 41(crossStageBlock1) 1 "b"
- Name 43 ""
- Name 44 "vertOnlyBlock"
- MemberName 44(vertOnlyBlock) 0 "vb1"
- Name 46 ""
- Name 47 "crossStageBlock2"
- MemberName 47(crossStageBlock2) 0 "a"
- MemberName 47(crossStageBlock2) 1 "b"
- Name 52 "blockName1"
- Name 54 "gl_VertexID"
- Name 55 "gl_InstanceID"
- Decorate 9(o1) Location 0
- Decorate 14(o2) Location 1
- Decorate 16(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 18 Location 5
- Decorate 23(u1) Location 1
- Decorate 23(u1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 27(u2) Location 2
- Decorate 27(u2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 29(u3) Location 3
- Decorate 29(u3) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 36(um2) Location 4
- Decorate 36(um2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 40(glass) Location 0
- Decorate 40(glass) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 40(glass) Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 41(crossStageBlock1) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 41(crossStageBlock1) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 41(crossStageBlock1) Block
- Decorate 43 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 43 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 44(vertOnlyBlock) 0 Offset 0
- Decorate 44(vertOnlyBlock) BufferBlock
- Decorate 46 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 46 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 47(crossStageBlock2) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 47(crossStageBlock2) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 47(crossStageBlock2) Block
- Decorate 52(blockName1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 52(blockName1) Binding 0
- Decorate 54(gl_VertexID) BuiltIn VertexId
- Decorate 55(gl_InstanceID) BuiltIn InstanceId
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 8: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
- 9(o1): 8(ptr) Variable Output
- 10: 6(float) Constant 0
- 11: 7(fvec4) ConstantComposite 10 10 10 10
- 12: TypeVector 6(float) 2
- 13: TypePointer Output 12(fvec2)
- 14(o2): 13(ptr) Variable Output
- 15: 12(fvec2) ConstantComposite 10 10
- 16(outBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec4)
- 17: TypePointer Output 16(outBlock)
- 18: 17(ptr) Variable Output
- 19: TypeInt 32 1
- 20: 19(int) Constant 0
- 22: TypePointer UniformConstant 12(fvec2)
- 23(u1): 22(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 24: TypeVector 6(float) 3
- 25: 24(fvec3) ConstantComposite 10 10 10
- 26: TypePointer UniformConstant 24(fvec3)
- 27(u2): 26(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 25
- 28: TypePointer UniformConstant 7(fvec4)
- 29(u3): 28(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 11
- 30: TypeMatrix 12(fvec2) 2
- 31: 6(float) Constant 1082130432
- 32: 12(fvec2) ConstantComposite 31 10
- 33: 12(fvec2) ConstantComposite 10 31
- 34: 30 ConstantComposite 32 33
- 35: TypePointer UniformConstant 30
- 36(um2): 35(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 34
- 37: TypeImage 6(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
- 38: TypeSampledImage 37
- 39: TypePointer UniformConstant 38
- 40(glass): 39(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-41(crossStageBlock1): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4)
- 42: TypePointer Uniform 41(crossStageBlock1)
- 43: 42(ptr) Variable Uniform
-44(vertOnlyBlock): TypeStruct 12(fvec2)
- 45: TypePointer Uniform 44(vertOnlyBlock)
- 46: 45(ptr) Variable Uniform
-47(crossStageBlock2): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 12(fvec2)
- 48: TypeInt 32 0
- 49: 48(int) Constant 2
- 50: TypeArray 47(crossStageBlock2) 49
- 51: TypePointer Uniform 50
- 52(blockName1): 51(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 53: TypePointer Input 19(int)
- 54(gl_VertexID): 53(ptr) Variable Input
-55(gl_InstanceID): 53(ptr) Variable Input
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- Store 9(o1) 11
- Store 14(o2) 15
- 21: 8(ptr) AccessChain 18 20
- Store 21 11
- Return
- FunctionEnd
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 62
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 11 32 36 38
- ExecutionMode 4 OriginLowerLeft
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "color"
- Name 11 "o1"
- Name 15 "u1"
- Name 21 "u2"
- Name 28 "u3"
- Name 32 "outColor"
- Name 34 "outBlock"
- MemberName 34(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 36 ""
- Name 38 "o2"
- Name 45 "um2"
- Name 49 "glass"
- Name 50 "crossStageBlock1"
- MemberName 50(crossStageBlock1) 0 "a"
- MemberName 50(crossStageBlock1) 1 "b"
- Name 52 ""
- Name 53 "fragOnlyBlock"
- MemberName 53(fragOnlyBlock) 0 "fb1"
- Name 55 ""
- Name 56 "crossStageBlock2"
- MemberName 56(crossStageBlock2) 0 "a"
- MemberName 56(crossStageBlock2) 1 "b"
- Name 61 "blockName2"
- Decorate 11(o1) Location 0
- Decorate 15(u1) Location 1
- Decorate 15(u1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 21(u2) Location 2
- Decorate 21(u2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 28(u3) Location 3
- Decorate 28(u3) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 32(outColor) Location 0
- Decorate 34(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 36 Location 5
- Decorate 38(o2) Location 1
- Decorate 45(um2) Location 4
- Decorate 45(um2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 49(glass) Location 0
- Decorate 49(glass) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 49(glass) Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 50(crossStageBlock1) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 50(crossStageBlock1) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 50(crossStageBlock1) Block
- Decorate 52 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 52 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 53(fragOnlyBlock) 0 Offset 0
- Decorate 53(fragOnlyBlock) BufferBlock
- Decorate 55 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 55 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 56(crossStageBlock2) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 56(crossStageBlock2) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 56(crossStageBlock2) Block
- Decorate 61(blockName2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 61(blockName2) Binding 0
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 8: TypePointer Function 7(fvec4)
- 10: TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
- 11(o1): 10(ptr) Variable Input
- 13: TypeVector 6(float) 2
- 14: TypePointer UniformConstant 13(fvec2)
- 15(u1): 14(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 19: TypeVector 6(float) 3
- 20: TypePointer UniformConstant 19(fvec3)
- 21(u2): 20(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 25: 6(float) Constant 0
- 26: 7(fvec4) ConstantComposite 25 25 25 25
- 27: TypePointer UniformConstant 7(fvec4)
- 28(u3): 27(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 26
- 31: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
- 32(outColor): 31(ptr) Variable Output
- 34(outBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec4)
- 35: TypePointer Input 34(outBlock)
- 36: 35(ptr) Variable Input
- 37: TypePointer Input 13(fvec2)
- 38(o2): 37(ptr) Variable Input
- 39: TypeMatrix 13(fvec2) 2
- 40: 6(float) Constant 1082130432
- 41: 13(fvec2) ConstantComposite 40 25
- 42: 13(fvec2) ConstantComposite 25 40
- 43: 39 ConstantComposite 41 42
- 44: TypePointer UniformConstant 39
- 45(um2): 44(ptr) Variable UniformConstant 43
- 46: TypeImage 6(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
- 47: TypeSampledImage 46
- 48: TypePointer UniformConstant 47
- 49(glass): 48(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-50(crossStageBlock1): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4)
- 51: TypePointer Uniform 50(crossStageBlock1)
- 52: 51(ptr) Variable Uniform
-53(fragOnlyBlock): TypeStruct 13(fvec2)
- 54: TypePointer Uniform 53(fragOnlyBlock)
- 55: 54(ptr) Variable Uniform
-56(crossStageBlock2): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 13(fvec2)
- 57: TypeInt 32 0
- 58: 57(int) Constant 2
- 59: TypeArray 56(crossStageBlock2) 58
- 60: TypePointer Uniform 59
- 61(blockName2): 60(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 9(color): 8(ptr) Variable Function
- 12: 7(fvec4) Load 11(o1)
- 16: 13(fvec2) Load 15(u1)
- 17: 7(fvec4) VectorShuffle 16 16 0 1 0 1
- 18: 7(fvec4) FMul 12 17
- 22: 19(fvec3) Load 21(u2)
- 23: 7(fvec4) VectorShuffle 22 22 0 1 2 0
- 24: 7(fvec4) FMul 18 23
- 29: 7(fvec4) Load 28(u3)
- 30: 7(fvec4) FMul 24 29
- Store 9(color) 30
- 33: 7(fvec4) Load 9(color)
- Store 32(outColor) 33
- Return
- FunctionEnd
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert.out b/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e137bdfc40..0000000000
--- a/Test/baseResults/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:26 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:26 Function Parameters:
-0:28 Sequence
-0:28 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'vgo1' ( smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 Constant:
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:29 move second child to first child ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:29 'vgo2' ( smooth out highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:29 Constant:
-0:29 0.000000
-0:29 0.000000
-0:30 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 o3: direct index for structure ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:30 Constant:
-0:30 0 (const uint)
-0:30 Constant:
-0:30 0.000000
-0:30 0.000000
-0:30 0.000000
-0:30 0.000000
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'vgo1' ( smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'vgo2' ( smooth out highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'glass' (layout( binding=0) uniform highp sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer highp 2-component vector of float vb1})
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-Shader version: 460
-invocations = -1
-max_vertices = 3
-input primitive = points
-output primitive = triangle_strip
-0:? Sequence
-0:25 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:25 Function Parameters:
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 move second child to first child ( temp highp int)
-0:27 'i' ( temp highp int)
-0:27 Constant:
-0:27 0 (const int)
-0:27 Loop with condition tested first
-0:27 Loop Condition
-0:27 Compare Less Than ( temp bool)
-0:27 'i' ( temp highp int)
-0:27 Constant:
-0:27 3 (const int)
-0:27 Loop Body
-0:28 Sequence
-0:28 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'gfo1' (layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 Constant:
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:29 move second child to first child ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:29 'gfo2' (layout( stream=0) out highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:29 Constant:
-0:29 0.000000
-0:29 0.000000
-0:30 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 o3: direct index for structure (layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 'gf_out' (layout( location=5 stream=0) out block{layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:30 Constant:
-0:30 0 (const int)
-0:30 o3: direct index for structure ( in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 indirect index (layout( location=5) temp block{ in highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:30 'inBlock' (layout( location=5) in 1-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:30 'i' ( temp highp int)
-0:30 Constant:
-0:30 0 (const int)
-0:31 EmitVertex ( global void)
-0:27 Loop Terminal Expression
-0:27 Post-Increment ( temp highp int)
-0:27 'i' ( temp highp int)
-0:33 EndPrimitive ( global void)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'vgo1' ( in 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'vgo2' ( in 1-element array of highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'inBlock' (layout( location=5) in 1-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'gfo1' (layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gfo2' (layout( stream=0) out highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gf_out' (layout( location=5 stream=0) out block{layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:30 Function Definition: Bar( ( global highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:30 Function Parameters:
-0:31 Sequence
-0:31 Branch: Return with expression
-0:32 add ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:31 add ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:31 fb1: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:31 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer highp 2-component vector of float fb1})
-0:31 Constant:
-0:31 0 (const uint)
-0:32 b: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:32 direct index (layout( column_major std140) temp block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:32 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:32 Constant:
-0:32 0 (const int)
-0:32 Constant:
-0:32 1 (const int)
-0:33 b: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:33 direct index (layout( column_major std140) temp block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:33 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:33 Constant:
-0:33 1 (const int)
-0:33 Constant:
-0:33 1 (const int)
-0:36 Function Definition: Foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 Function Parameters:
-0:37 Sequence
-0:37 Branch: Return with expression
-0:40 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:37 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:37 a: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:37 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float b})
-0:37 Constant:
-0:37 0 (const uint)
-0:38 b: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float b})
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const uint)
-0:39 a: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 direct index (layout( column_major std140) temp block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:39 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:40 a: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:40 direct index (layout( column_major std140) temp block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:40 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:40 Constant:
-0:40 1 (const int)
-0:40 Constant:
-0:40 0 (const int)
-0:41 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:41 Function Call: Bar( ( global highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:41 Constant:
-0:41 0.000000
-0:41 Constant:
-0:41 0.000000
-0:44 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:44 Function Parameters:
-0:46 Sequence
-0:46 Sequence
-0:46 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:46 'color' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:46 'gfo1' ( smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 'color' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 'color' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 Function Call: Foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:48 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:48 'outColor' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:48 'color' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) in block{ in highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'gfo1' ( smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gfo2' ( smooth in highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'outColor' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'glass' (layout( binding=0) uniform highp sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer highp 2-component vector of float fb1})
-0:? 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-Linked vertex stage:
-Linked geometry stage:
-Linked fragment stage:
-WARNING: Linking unknown stage stage: Matched shader interfaces are using different instance names.
- blockName1: "layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b}" versus blockName2: "layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b}"
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:26 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:26 Function Parameters:
-0:28 Sequence
-0:28 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'vgo1' ( smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 Constant:
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:29 move second child to first child ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:29 'vgo2' ( smooth out highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:29 Constant:
-0:29 0.000000
-0:29 0.000000
-0:30 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 o3: direct index for structure ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:30 Constant:
-0:30 0 (const uint)
-0:30 Constant:
-0:30 0.000000
-0:30 0.000000
-0:30 0.000000
-0:30 0.000000
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'vgo1' ( smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'vgo2' ( smooth out highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) out block{ out highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'glass' (layout( binding=0) uniform highp sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer highp 2-component vector of float vb1})
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-Shader version: 460
-invocations = 1
-max_vertices = 3
-input primitive = points
-output primitive = triangle_strip
-0:? Sequence
-0:25 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:25 Function Parameters:
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 move second child to first child ( temp highp int)
-0:27 'i' ( temp highp int)
-0:27 Constant:
-0:27 0 (const int)
-0:27 Loop with condition tested first
-0:27 Loop Condition
-0:27 Compare Less Than ( temp bool)
-0:27 'i' ( temp highp int)
-0:27 Constant:
-0:27 3 (const int)
-0:27 Loop Body
-0:28 Sequence
-0:28 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'gfo1' (layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 Constant:
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:28 0.000000
-0:29 move second child to first child ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:29 'gfo2' (layout( stream=0) out highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:29 Constant:
-0:29 0.000000
-0:29 0.000000
-0:30 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 o3: direct index for structure (layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 'gf_out' (layout( location=5 stream=0) out block{layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:30 Constant:
-0:30 0 (const int)
-0:30 o3: direct index for structure ( in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 indirect index (layout( location=5) temp block{ in highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:30 'inBlock' (layout( location=5) in 1-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:30 'i' ( temp highp int)
-0:30 Constant:
-0:30 0 (const int)
-0:31 EmitVertex ( global void)
-0:27 Loop Terminal Expression
-0:27 Post-Increment ( temp highp int)
-0:27 'i' ( temp highp int)
-0:33 EndPrimitive ( global void)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'vgo1' ( in 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'vgo2' ( in 1-element array of highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'inBlock' (layout( location=5) in 1-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'gfo1' (layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gfo2' (layout( stream=0) out highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gf_out' (layout( location=5 stream=0) out block{layout( stream=0) out highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'blockName1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:30 Function Definition: Bar( ( global highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:30 Function Parameters:
-0:31 Sequence
-0:31 Branch: Return with expression
-0:32 add ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:31 add ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:31 fb1: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:31 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer highp 2-component vector of float fb1})
-0:31 Constant:
-0:31 0 (const uint)
-0:32 b: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:32 direct index (layout( column_major std140) temp block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:32 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:32 Constant:
-0:32 0 (const int)
-0:32 Constant:
-0:32 1 (const int)
-0:33 b: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:33 direct index (layout( column_major std140) temp block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:33 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:33 Constant:
-0:33 1 (const int)
-0:33 Constant:
-0:33 1 (const int)
-0:36 Function Definition: Foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:36 Function Parameters:
-0:37 Sequence
-0:37 Branch: Return with expression
-0:40 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:37 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:37 a: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:37 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float b})
-0:37 Constant:
-0:37 0 (const uint)
-0:38 b: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:38 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float b})
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const uint)
-0:39 a: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:39 direct index (layout( column_major std140) temp block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:39 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const int)
-0:40 a: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:40 direct index (layout( column_major std140) temp block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:40 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-0:40 Constant:
-0:40 1 (const int)
-0:40 Constant:
-0:40 0 (const int)
-0:41 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:41 Function Call: Bar( ( global highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:41 Constant:
-0:41 0.000000
-0:41 Constant:
-0:41 0.000000
-0:44 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:44 Function Parameters:
-0:46 Sequence
-0:46 Sequence
-0:46 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:46 'color' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:46 'gfo1' ( smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 'color' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 'color' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:47 Function Call: Foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:48 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:48 'outColor' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:48 'color' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( location=5) in block{ in highp 4-component vector of float o3})
-0:? 'gfo1' ( smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'gfo2' ( smooth in highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:? 'outColor' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'glass' (layout( binding=0) uniform highp sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float b})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( column_major std430) readonly buffer highp 2-component vector of float fb1})
-0:? 'blockName2' (layout( column_major std140) uniform 2-element array of block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 2-component vector of float b})
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 38
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Vertex 4 "main" 9 14 18
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "vgo1"
- Name 14 "vgo2"
- Name 16 "outBlock"
- MemberName 16(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 18 ""
- Name 25 "glass"
- Name 26 "crossStageBlock1"
- MemberName 26(crossStageBlock1) 0 "a"
- MemberName 26(crossStageBlock1) 1 "b"
- Name 28 ""
- Name 29 "vertOnlyBlock"
- MemberName 29(vertOnlyBlock) 0 "vb1"
- Name 31 ""
- Name 32 "crossStageBlock2"
- MemberName 32(crossStageBlock2) 0 "a"
- MemberName 32(crossStageBlock2) 1 "b"
- Name 37 "blockName1"
- Decorate 9(vgo1) Location 0
- Decorate 14(vgo2) Location 1
- Decorate 16(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 18 Location 5
- Decorate 25(glass) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 25(glass) Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 26(crossStageBlock1) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 26(crossStageBlock1) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 26(crossStageBlock1) Block
- Decorate 28 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 28 Binding 1
- MemberDecorate 29(vertOnlyBlock) 0 NonWritable
- MemberDecorate 29(vertOnlyBlock) 0 Offset 0
- Decorate 29(vertOnlyBlock) BufferBlock
- Decorate 31 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 31 Binding 0
- MemberDecorate 32(crossStageBlock2) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 32(crossStageBlock2) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 32(crossStageBlock2) Block
- Decorate 37(blockName1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 37(blockName1) Binding 3
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 8: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
- 9(vgo1): 8(ptr) Variable Output
- 10: 6(float) Constant 0
- 11: 7(fvec4) ConstantComposite 10 10 10 10
- 12: TypeVector 6(float) 2
- 13: TypePointer Output 12(fvec2)
- 14(vgo2): 13(ptr) Variable Output
- 15: 12(fvec2) ConstantComposite 10 10
- 16(outBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec4)
- 17: TypePointer Output 16(outBlock)
- 18: 17(ptr) Variable Output
- 19: TypeInt 32 1
- 20: 19(int) Constant 0
- 22: TypeImage 6(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
- 23: TypeSampledImage 22
- 24: TypePointer UniformConstant 23
- 25(glass): 24(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-26(crossStageBlock1): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4)
- 27: TypePointer Uniform 26(crossStageBlock1)
- 28: 27(ptr) Variable Uniform
-29(vertOnlyBlock): TypeStruct 12(fvec2)
- 30: TypePointer Uniform 29(vertOnlyBlock)
- 31: 30(ptr) Variable Uniform
-32(crossStageBlock2): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 12(fvec2)
- 33: TypeInt 32 0
- 34: 33(int) Constant 2
- 35: TypeArray 32(crossStageBlock2) 34
- 36: TypePointer Uniform 35
- 37(blockName1): 36(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- Store 9(vgo1) 11
- Store 14(vgo2) 15
- 21: 8(ptr) AccessChain 18 20
- Store 21 11
- Return
- FunctionEnd
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 57
- Capability Geometry
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Geometry 4 "main" 22 27 31 37 48 51
- ExecutionMode 4 InputPoints
- ExecutionMode 4 Invocations 1
- ExecutionMode 4 OutputTriangleStrip
- ExecutionMode 4 OutputVertices 3
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 8 "i"
- Name 22 "gfo1"
- Name 27 "gfo2"
- Name 29 "outBlock"
- MemberName 29(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 31 "gf_out"
- Name 32 "outBlock"
- MemberName 32(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 37 "inBlock"
- Name 48 "vgo1"
- Name 51 "vgo2"
- Name 52 "crossStageBlock2"
- MemberName 52(crossStageBlock2) 0 "a"
- MemberName 52(crossStageBlock2) 1 "b"
- Name 56 "blockName1"
- Decorate 22(gfo1) Location 0
- Decorate 27(gfo2) Location 1
- Decorate 29(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 31(gf_out) Location 5
- Decorate 32(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 37(inBlock) Location 5
- Decorate 48(vgo1) Location 0
- Decorate 51(vgo2) Location 1
- MemberDecorate 52(crossStageBlock2) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 52(crossStageBlock2) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 52(crossStageBlock2) Block
- Decorate 56(blockName1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 56(blockName1) Binding 3
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeInt 32 1
- 7: TypePointer Function 6(int)
- 9: 6(int) Constant 0
- 16: 6(int) Constant 3
- 17: TypeBool
- 19: TypeFloat 32
- 20: TypeVector 19(float) 4
- 21: TypePointer Output 20(fvec4)
- 22(gfo1): 21(ptr) Variable Output
- 23: 19(float) Constant 0
- 24: 20(fvec4) ConstantComposite 23 23 23 23
- 25: TypeVector 19(float) 2
- 26: TypePointer Output 25(fvec2)
- 27(gfo2): 26(ptr) Variable Output
- 28: 25(fvec2) ConstantComposite 23 23
- 29(outBlock): TypeStruct 20(fvec4)
- 30: TypePointer Output 29(outBlock)
- 31(gf_out): 30(ptr) Variable Output
- 32(outBlock): TypeStruct 20(fvec4)
- 33: TypeInt 32 0
- 34: 33(int) Constant 1
- 35: TypeArray 32(outBlock) 34
- 36: TypePointer Input 35
- 37(inBlock): 36(ptr) Variable Input
- 39: TypePointer Input 20(fvec4)
- 44: 6(int) Constant 1
- 46: TypeArray 20(fvec4) 34
- 47: TypePointer Input 46
- 48(vgo1): 47(ptr) Variable Input
- 49: TypeArray 25(fvec2) 34
- 50: TypePointer Input 49
- 51(vgo2): 50(ptr) Variable Input
-52(crossStageBlock2): TypeStruct 20(fvec4) 25(fvec2)
- 53: 33(int) Constant 2
- 54: TypeArray 52(crossStageBlock2) 53
- 55: TypePointer Uniform 54
- 56(blockName1): 55(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 8(i): 7(ptr) Variable Function
- Store 8(i) 9
- Branch 10
- 10: Label
- LoopMerge 12 13 None
- Branch 14
- 14: Label
- 15: 6(int) Load 8(i)
- 18: 17(bool) SLessThan 15 16
- BranchConditional 18 11 12
- 11: Label
- Store 22(gfo1) 24
- Store 27(gfo2) 28
- 38: 6(int) Load 8(i)
- 40: 39(ptr) AccessChain 37(inBlock) 38 9
- 41: 20(fvec4) Load 40
- 42: 21(ptr) AccessChain 31(gf_out) 9
- Store 42 41
- EmitVertex
- Branch 13
- 13: Label
- 43: 6(int) Load 8(i)
- 45: 6(int) IAdd 43 44
- Store 8(i) 45
- Branch 10
- 12: Label
- EndPrimitive
- Return
- FunctionEnd
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 81
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 64 70 74 76
- ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "Bar("
- Name 13 "Foo("
- Name 15 "fragOnlyBlock"
- MemberName 15(fragOnlyBlock) 0 "fb1"
- Name 17 ""
- Name 23 "crossStageBlock2"
- MemberName 23(crossStageBlock2) 0 "a"
- MemberName 23(crossStageBlock2) 1 "b"
- Name 28 "blockName2"
- Name 38 "crossStageBlock1"
- MemberName 38(crossStageBlock1) 0 "a"
- MemberName 38(crossStageBlock1) 1 "b"
- Name 40 ""
- Name 62 "color"
- Name 64 "gfo1"
- Name 70 "outColor"
- Name 72 "outBlock"
- MemberName 72(outBlock) 0 "o3"
- Name 74 ""
- Name 76 "gfo2"
- Name 80 "glass"
- MemberDecorate 15(fragOnlyBlock) 0 NonWritable
- MemberDecorate 15(fragOnlyBlock) 0 Offset 0
- Decorate 15(fragOnlyBlock) BufferBlock
- Decorate 17 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 17 Binding 2
- MemberDecorate 23(crossStageBlock2) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 23(crossStageBlock2) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 23(crossStageBlock2) Block
- Decorate 28(blockName2) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 28(blockName2) Binding 3
- MemberDecorate 38(crossStageBlock1) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 38(crossStageBlock1) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 38(crossStageBlock1) Block
- Decorate 40 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 40 Binding 1
- Decorate 64(gfo1) Location 0
- Decorate 70(outColor) Location 0
- Decorate 72(outBlock) Block
- Decorate 74 Location 5
- Decorate 76(gfo2) Location 1
- Decorate 80(glass) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 80(glass) Binding 0
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 2
- 8: TypeFunction 7(fvec2)
- 11: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 12: TypeFunction 11(fvec4)
-15(fragOnlyBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec2)
- 16: TypePointer Uniform 15(fragOnlyBlock)
- 17: 16(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 18: TypeInt 32 1
- 19: 18(int) Constant 0
- 20: TypePointer Uniform 7(fvec2)
-23(crossStageBlock2): TypeStruct 11(fvec4) 7(fvec2)
- 24: TypeInt 32 0
- 25: 24(int) Constant 2
- 26: TypeArray 23(crossStageBlock2) 25
- 27: TypePointer Uniform 26
- 28(blockName2): 27(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 29: 18(int) Constant 1
-38(crossStageBlock1): TypeStruct 11(fvec4) 11(fvec4)
- 39: TypePointer Uniform 38(crossStageBlock1)
- 40: 39(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 41: TypePointer Uniform 11(fvec4)
- 54: 6(float) Constant 0
- 61: TypePointer Function 11(fvec4)
- 63: TypePointer Input 11(fvec4)
- 64(gfo1): 63(ptr) Variable Input
- 69: TypePointer Output 11(fvec4)
- 70(outColor): 69(ptr) Variable Output
- 72(outBlock): TypeStruct 11(fvec4)
- 73: TypePointer Input 72(outBlock)
- 74: 73(ptr) Variable Input
- 75: TypePointer Input 7(fvec2)
- 76(gfo2): 75(ptr) Variable Input
- 77: TypeImage 6(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
- 78: TypeSampledImage 77
- 79: TypePointer UniformConstant 78
- 80(glass): 79(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 62(color): 61(ptr) Variable Function
- 65: 11(fvec4) Load 64(gfo1)
- Store 62(color) 65
- 66: 11(fvec4) Load 62(color)
- 67: 11(fvec4) FunctionCall 13(Foo()
- 68: 11(fvec4) FAdd 66 67
- Store 62(color) 68
- 71: 11(fvec4) Load 62(color)
- Store 70(outColor) 71
- Return
- FunctionEnd
- 9(Bar(): 7(fvec2) Function None 8
- 10: Label
- 21: 20(ptr) AccessChain 17 19
- 22: 7(fvec2) Load 21
- 30: 20(ptr) AccessChain 28(blockName2) 19 29
- 31: 7(fvec2) Load 30
- 32: 7(fvec2) FAdd 22 31
- 33: 20(ptr) AccessChain 28(blockName2) 29 29
- 34: 7(fvec2) Load 33
- 35: 7(fvec2) FAdd 32 34
- ReturnValue 35
- FunctionEnd
- 13(Foo(): 11(fvec4) Function None 12
- 14: Label
- 42: 41(ptr) AccessChain 40 19
- 43: 11(fvec4) Load 42
- 44: 41(ptr) AccessChain 40 29
- 45: 11(fvec4) Load 44
- 46: 11(fvec4) FAdd 43 45
- 47: 41(ptr) AccessChain 28(blockName2) 19 19
- 48: 11(fvec4) Load 47
- 49: 11(fvec4) FAdd 46 48
- 50: 41(ptr) AccessChain 28(blockName2) 29 19
- 51: 11(fvec4) Load 50
- 52: 11(fvec4) FAdd 49 51
- 53: 7(fvec2) FunctionCall 9(Bar()
- 55: 6(float) CompositeExtract 53 0
- 56: 6(float) CompositeExtract 53 1
- 57: 11(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 55 56 54 54
- 58: 11(fvec4) FAdd 52 57
- ReturnValue 58
- FunctionEnd
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert.out b/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert.out
deleted file mode 100644
index f19eae6407..0000000000
--- a/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:9 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:9 Function Parameters:
-0:10 Sequence
-0:10 Branch: Return with expression
-0:10 vector swizzle ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:10 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:10 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 2-component vector of float a})
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 0 (const uint)
-0:10 Sequence
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 0 (const int)
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 1 (const int)
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 0 (const int)
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 1 (const int)
-0:13 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:13 Function Parameters:
-0:14 Sequence
-0:14 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:14 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:14 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 2-component vector of float a})
-0:? 'gl_VertexID' ( in int VertexIndex)
-0:? 'gl_InstanceID' ( in int InstanceIndex)
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:10 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:10 Function Parameters:
-0:11 Sequence
-0:11 Branch: Return with expression
-0:11 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:11 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a})
-0:11 Constant:
-0:11 0 (const uint)
-0:14 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:14 Function Parameters:
-0:15 Sequence
-0:15 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:15 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:15 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:15 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:15 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a})
-Linked vertex stage:
-Linked fragment stage:
-ERROR: Linking unknown stage stage: Types must match:
- a: " uniform highp 2-component vector of float" versus " uniform highp 4-component vector of float"
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:9 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:9 Function Parameters:
-0:10 Sequence
-0:10 Branch: Return with expression
-0:10 vector swizzle ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:10 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:10 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 2-component vector of float a})
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 0 (const uint)
-0:10 Sequence
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 0 (const int)
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 1 (const int)
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 0 (const int)
-0:10 Constant:
-0:10 1 (const int)
-0:13 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:13 Function Parameters:
-0:14 Sequence
-0:14 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:14 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:14 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 2-component vector of float a})
-0:? 'gl_VertexID' ( in int VertexIndex)
-0:? 'gl_InstanceID' ( in int InstanceIndex)
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:10 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:10 Function Parameters:
-0:11 Sequence
-0:11 Branch: Return with expression
-0:11 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:11 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a})
-0:11 Constant:
-0:11 0 (const uint)
-0:14 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:14 Function Parameters:
-0:15 Sequence
-0:15 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:15 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:15 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:15 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:15 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a})
-Validation failed
-SPIR-V is not generated for failed compile or link
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.frag.out b/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.frag.out
deleted file mode 100644
index d98910e6f8..0000000000
--- a/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.frag.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,826 +0,0 @@
-WARNING: 0:7: 'b' : Ignoring initializer for uniform
-WARNING: 0:8: 'c' : ignoring layout qualifier for uniform location
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:36 Function Definition: bar( ( global highp uint)
-0:36 Function Parameters:
-0:37 Sequence
-0:37 Sequence
-0:37 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:37 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:37 Constant:
-0:37 0 (const uint)
-0:38 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:38 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:38 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:38 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:38 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const uint)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const uint)
-0:39 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:39 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:39 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:39 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:39 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:39 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const uint)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const uint)
-0:40 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:40 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:40 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:40 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:40 Constant:
-0:40 0 (const uint)
-0:42 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:42 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:42 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:42 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:42 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:42 Constant:
-0:42 0 (const uint)
-0:42 Constant:
-0:42 1 (const uint)
-0:43 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:43 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:43 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:43 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:43 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:43 Constant:
-0:43 0 (const uint)
-0:43 Constant:
-0:43 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:44 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:44 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:44 AtomicSubtract ( global highp uint)
-0:44 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:44 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:44 Constant:
-0:44 0 (const uint)
-0:44 Constant:
-0:44 1 (const uint)
-0:46 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:46 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:46 AtomicMin ( global highp uint)
-0:46 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:46 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:46 Constant:
-0:46 0 (const uint)
-0:46 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:47 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:47 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:47 AtomicMax ( global highp uint)
-0:47 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:47 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:47 Constant:
-0:47 0 (const uint)
-0:47 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:48 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:48 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:48 AtomicAnd ( global highp uint)
-0:48 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:48 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:48 Constant:
-0:48 0 (const uint)
-0:48 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:50 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:50 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:50 AtomicOr ( global highp uint)
-0:50 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:50 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:50 Constant:
-0:50 0 (const uint)
-0:50 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:51 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:51 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:51 AtomicXor ( global highp uint)
-0:51 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:51 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:51 Constant:
-0:51 0 (const uint)
-0:51 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:53 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:53 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:53 AtomicExchange ( global highp uint)
-0:53 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:53 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:53 Constant:
-0:53 0 (const uint)
-0:53 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:54 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:54 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:54 AtomicCompSwap ( global highp uint)
-0:54 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:54 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:54 Constant:
-0:54 0 (const uint)
-0:54 Constant:
-0:54 0 (const uint)
-0:54 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:56 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:56 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:56 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:56 Constant:
-0:56 1 (const uint)
-0:56 Constant:
-0:56 1 (const uint)
-0:57 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:57 counter3: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:57 'anon@3' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-0:57 Constant:
-0:57 0 (const uint)
-0:57 Constant:
-0:57 1 (const uint)
-0:59 MemoryBarrierBuffer ( global void)
-0:61 Branch: Return with expression
-0:61 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:64 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:64 Function Parameters:
-0:65 Sequence
-0:65 Sequence
-0:65 move second child to first child ( temp highp float)
-0:65 'f' ( temp highp float)
-0:65 add ( temp highp float)
-0:65 add ( temp highp float)
-0:65 add ( temp highp float)
-0:65 j: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp float)
-0:65 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp float j, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 0 (const uint)
-0:65 j: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std430) buffer highp float)
-0:65 'bufferInstance' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer highp float j, layout( column_major std430) buffer highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 0 (const int)
-0:65 y: direct index for structure ( global highp float)
-0:65 structUniform: direct index for structure ( uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z})
-0:65 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 4 (const uint)
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 1 (const int)
-0:65 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:65 z: direct index for structure ( global highp uint)
-0:65 structUniform: direct index for structure ( uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z})
-0:65 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 4 (const uint)
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 2 (const int)
-0:66 Sequence
-0:66 move second child to first child ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 'v2' ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 add ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 add ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 b: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:66 Constant:
-0:66 1 (const uint)
-0:66 c: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:66 Constant:
-0:66 2 (const uint)
-0:66 x: direct index for structure ( global highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 structUniform: direct index for structure ( uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z})
-0:66 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:66 Constant:
-0:66 4 (const uint)
-0:66 Constant:
-0:66 0 (const int)
-0:67 Sequence
-0:67 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'v4' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 0 (const uint)
-0:67 direct index ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 d: direct index for structure ( uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 3 (const uint)
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 0 (const int)
-0:67 direct index ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 d: direct index for structure ( uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 3 (const uint)
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 1 (const int)
-0:67 direct index ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 d: direct index for structure ( uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 3 (const uint)
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 2 (const int)
-0:67 k: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp float j, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 1 (const uint)
-0:67 k: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std430) buffer highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'bufferInstance' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer highp float j, layout( column_major std430) buffer highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 1 (const int)
-0:67 texture ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 't1' ( uniform highp sampler2D)
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 0.000000
-0:67 0.000000
-0:68 Branch: Return with expression
-0:68 component-wise multiply ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:68 component-wise multiply ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:68 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:68 'f' ( temp highp float)
-0:68 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:68 'v2' ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:68 Constant:
-0:68 1.000000
-0:68 Constant:
-0:68 1.000000
-0:68 'v4' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:71 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:71 Function Parameters:
-0:72 Sequence
-0:72 Sequence
-0:72 move second child to first child ( temp highp float)
-0:72 'j' ( temp highp float)
-0:72 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:72 Function Call: bar( ( global highp uint)
-0:73 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:73 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:73 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:73 'j' ( temp highp float)
-0:73 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:? 't1' ( uniform highp sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp float j, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:? 'bufferInstance' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer highp float j, layout( column_major std430) buffer highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:? 'anon@3' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-Linked fragment stage:
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:36 Function Definition: bar( ( global highp uint)
-0:36 Function Parameters:
-0:37 Sequence
-0:37 Sequence
-0:37 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:37 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:37 Constant:
-0:37 0 (const uint)
-0:38 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:38 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:38 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:38 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:38 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 0 (const uint)
-0:38 Constant:
-0:38 1 (const uint)
-0:39 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:39 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:39 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:39 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:39 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:39 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 0 (const uint)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:39 Constant:
-0:39 1 (const uint)
-0:40 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:40 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:40 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:40 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:40 Constant:
-0:40 0 (const uint)
-0:42 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:42 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:42 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:42 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:42 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:42 Constant:
-0:42 0 (const uint)
-0:42 Constant:
-0:42 1 (const uint)
-0:43 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:43 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:43 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:43 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:43 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:43 Constant:
-0:43 0 (const uint)
-0:43 Constant:
-0:43 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:44 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:44 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:44 AtomicSubtract ( global highp uint)
-0:44 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:44 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:44 Constant:
-0:44 0 (const uint)
-0:44 Constant:
-0:44 1 (const uint)
-0:46 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:46 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:46 AtomicMin ( global highp uint)
-0:46 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:46 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:46 Constant:
-0:46 0 (const uint)
-0:46 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:47 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:47 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:47 AtomicMax ( global highp uint)
-0:47 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:47 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:47 Constant:
-0:47 0 (const uint)
-0:47 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:48 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:48 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:48 AtomicAnd ( global highp uint)
-0:48 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:48 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:48 Constant:
-0:48 0 (const uint)
-0:48 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:50 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:50 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:50 AtomicOr ( global highp uint)
-0:50 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:50 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:50 Constant:
-0:50 0 (const uint)
-0:50 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:51 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:51 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:51 AtomicXor ( global highp uint)
-0:51 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:51 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:51 Constant:
-0:51 0 (const uint)
-0:51 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:53 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:53 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:53 AtomicExchange ( global highp uint)
-0:53 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:53 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:53 Constant:
-0:53 0 (const uint)
-0:53 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:54 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:54 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:54 AtomicCompSwap ( global highp uint)
-0:54 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:54 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:54 Constant:
-0:54 0 (const uint)
-0:54 Constant:
-0:54 0 (const uint)
-0:54 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:56 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:56 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:56 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:56 Constant:
-0:56 1 (const uint)
-0:56 Constant:
-0:56 1 (const uint)
-0:57 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:57 counter3: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:57 'anon@3' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-0:57 Constant:
-0:57 0 (const uint)
-0:57 Constant:
-0:57 1 (const uint)
-0:59 MemoryBarrierBuffer ( global void)
-0:61 Branch: Return with expression
-0:61 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:64 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:64 Function Parameters:
-0:65 Sequence
-0:65 Sequence
-0:65 move second child to first child ( temp highp float)
-0:65 'f' ( temp highp float)
-0:65 add ( temp highp float)
-0:65 add ( temp highp float)
-0:65 add ( temp highp float)
-0:65 j: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp float)
-0:65 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp float j, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 0 (const uint)
-0:65 j: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std430) buffer highp float)
-0:65 'bufferInstance' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer highp float j, layout( column_major std430) buffer highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 0 (const int)
-0:65 y: direct index for structure ( global highp float)
-0:65 structUniform: direct index for structure ( uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z})
-0:65 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 4 (const uint)
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 1 (const int)
-0:65 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:65 z: direct index for structure ( global highp uint)
-0:65 structUniform: direct index for structure ( uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z})
-0:65 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 4 (const uint)
-0:65 Constant:
-0:65 2 (const int)
-0:66 Sequence
-0:66 move second child to first child ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 'v2' ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 add ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 add ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 b: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:66 Constant:
-0:66 1 (const uint)
-0:66 c: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:66 Constant:
-0:66 2 (const uint)
-0:66 x: direct index for structure ( global highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:66 structUniform: direct index for structure ( uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z})
-0:66 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:66 Constant:
-0:66 4 (const uint)
-0:66 Constant:
-0:66 0 (const int)
-0:67 Sequence
-0:67 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'v4' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 0 (const uint)
-0:67 direct index ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 d: direct index for structure ( uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 3 (const uint)
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 0 (const int)
-0:67 direct index ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 d: direct index for structure ( uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 3 (const uint)
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 1 (const int)
-0:67 direct index ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 d: direct index for structure ( uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 3 (const uint)
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 2 (const int)
-0:67 k: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp float j, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 1 (const uint)
-0:67 k: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std430) buffer highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 'bufferInstance' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer highp float j, layout( column_major std430) buffer highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 1 (const int)
-0:67 texture ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:67 't1' ( uniform highp sampler2D)
-0:67 Constant:
-0:67 0.000000
-0:67 0.000000
-0:68 Branch: Return with expression
-0:68 component-wise multiply ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:68 component-wise multiply ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:68 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:68 'f' ( temp highp float)
-0:68 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:68 'v2' ( temp highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:68 Constant:
-0:68 1.000000
-0:68 Constant:
-0:68 1.000000
-0:68 'v4' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:71 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:71 Function Parameters:
-0:72 Sequence
-0:72 Sequence
-0:72 move second child to first child ( temp highp float)
-0:72 'j' ( temp highp float)
-0:72 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:72 Function Call: bar( ( global highp uint)
-0:73 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:73 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:73 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:73 'j' ( temp highp float)
-0:73 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b, uniform highp 2-component vector of float c, uniform 10-element array of highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform structure{ global highp 2-component vector of float x, global highp float y, global highp uint z} structUniform})
-0:? 't1' ( uniform highp sampler2D)
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{layout( column_major std140) uniform highp float j, layout( column_major std140) uniform highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:? 'bufferInstance' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430) buffer highp float j, layout( column_major std430) buffer highp 4-component vector of float k})
-0:? 'anon@2' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:? 'anon@3' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 163
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 159
- ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 8 "bar("
- Name 13 "foo("
- Name 16 "j"
- Name 18 "gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0"
- MemberName 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 "counter1"
- MemberName 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 "counter2"
- Name 20 ""
- Name 63 "gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1"
- MemberName 63(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1) 0 "counter3"
- Name 65 ""
- Name 73 "f"
- Name 74 "UniformBlock"
- MemberName 74(UniformBlock) 0 "j"
- MemberName 74(UniformBlock) 1 "k"
- Name 76 ""
- Name 80 "BufferBlock"
- MemberName 80(BufferBlock) 0 "j"
- MemberName 80(BufferBlock) 1 "k"
- Name 82 "bufferInstance"
- Name 89 "e"
- MemberName 89(e) 0 "x"
- MemberName 89(e) 1 "y"
- MemberName 89(e) 2 "z"
- Name 90 "gl_DefaultUniformBlock"
- MemberName 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 0 "a"
- MemberName 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 1 "b"
- MemberName 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 2 "c"
- MemberName 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 3 "d"
- MemberName 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 4 "structUniform"
- Name 92 ""
- Name 103 "v2"
- Name 114 "v4"
- Name 137 "t1"
- Name 155 "j"
- Name 159 "o"
- MemberDecorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Offset 4
- Decorate 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) BufferBlock
- Decorate 20 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 20 Binding 4
- MemberDecorate 63(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 63(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1) 0 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 63(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 63(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1) 0 Offset 0
- Decorate 63(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1) BufferBlock
- Decorate 65 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 65 Binding 5
- MemberDecorate 74(UniformBlock) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 74(UniformBlock) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 74(UniformBlock) Block
- Decorate 76 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 76 Binding 2
- MemberDecorate 80(BufferBlock) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 80(BufferBlock) 1 Offset 16
- Decorate 80(BufferBlock) BufferBlock
- Decorate 82(bufferInstance) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 82(bufferInstance) Binding 3
- Decorate 88 ArrayStride 16
- MemberDecorate 89(e) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 89(e) 1 Offset 8
- MemberDecorate 89(e) 2 Offset 12
- MemberDecorate 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 1 Offset 16
- MemberDecorate 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 2 Offset 24
- MemberDecorate 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 3 Offset 32
- MemberDecorate 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 4 Offset 192
- Decorate 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) Block
- Decorate 92 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 92 Binding 0
- Decorate 137(t1) DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 137(t1) Binding 1
- Decorate 159(o) Location 0
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeInt 32 0
- 7: TypeFunction 6(int)
- 10: TypeFloat 32
- 11: TypeVector 10(float) 4
- 12: TypeFunction 11(fvec4)
- 15: TypePointer Function 6(int)
- 17: 6(int) Constant 0
-18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0): TypeStruct 6(int) 6(int)
- 19: TypePointer Uniform 18(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0)
- 20: 19(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 21: TypeInt 32 1
- 22: 21(int) Constant 0
- 23: TypePointer Uniform 6(int)
- 25: 6(int) Constant 1
- 28: 6(int) Constant 4294967295
- 60: 21(int) Constant 1
-63(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1): TypeStruct 6(int)
- 64: TypePointer Uniform 63(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_1)
- 65: 64(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 68: 6(int) Constant 72
- 72: TypePointer Function 10(float)
-74(UniformBlock): TypeStruct 10(float) 11(fvec4)
- 75: TypePointer Uniform 74(UniformBlock)
- 76: 75(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 77: TypePointer Uniform 10(float)
- 80(BufferBlock): TypeStruct 10(float) 11(fvec4)
- 81: TypePointer Uniform 80(BufferBlock)
-82(bufferInstance): 81(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 86: TypeVector 10(float) 2
- 87: 6(int) Constant 10
- 88: TypeArray 11(fvec4) 87
- 89(e): TypeStruct 86(fvec2) 10(float) 6(int)
-90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock): TypeStruct 11(fvec4) 86(fvec2) 86(fvec2) 88 89(e)
- 91: TypePointer Uniform 90(gl_DefaultUniformBlock)
- 92: 91(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 93: 21(int) Constant 4
- 97: 21(int) Constant 2
- 102: TypePointer Function 86(fvec2)
- 104: TypePointer Uniform 86(fvec2)
- 113: TypePointer Function 11(fvec4)
- 115: TypePointer Uniform 11(fvec4)
- 118: 21(int) Constant 3
- 134: TypeImage 10(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
- 135: TypeSampledImage 134
- 136: TypePointer UniformConstant 135
- 137(t1): 136(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
- 139: 10(float) Constant 0
- 140: 86(fvec2) ConstantComposite 139 139
- 146: 10(float) Constant 1065353216
- 158: TypePointer Output 11(fvec4)
- 159(o): 158(ptr) Variable Output
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 155(j): 72(ptr) Variable Function
- 156: 6(int) FunctionCall 8(bar()
- 157: 10(float) ConvertUToF 156
- Store 155(j) 157
- 160: 10(float) Load 155(j)
- 161: 11(fvec4) FunctionCall 13(foo()
- 162: 11(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 161 160
- Store 159(o) 162
- Return
- FunctionEnd
- 8(bar(): 6(int) Function None 7
- 9: Label
- 16(j): 15(ptr) Variable Function
- Store 16(j) 17
- 24: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 26: 6(int) AtomicIAdd 24 25 17 25
- Store 16(j) 26
- 27: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 29: 6(int) AtomicIAdd 27 25 17 28
- 30: 6(int) ISub 29 25
- Store 16(j) 30
- 31: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 32: 6(int) Load 31
- Store 16(j) 32
- 33: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 34: 6(int) AtomicIAdd 33 25 17 25
- Store 16(j) 34
- 35: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 36: 6(int) AtomicIAdd 35 25 17 28
- Store 16(j) 36
- 37: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 38: 6(int) AtomicISub 37 25 17 25
- Store 16(j) 38
- 39: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 40: 6(int) Load 16(j)
- 41: 6(int) AtomicUMin 39 25 17 40
- Store 16(j) 41
- 42: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 43: 6(int) Load 16(j)
- 44: 6(int) AtomicUMax 42 25 17 43
- Store 16(j) 44
- 45: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 46: 6(int) Load 16(j)
- 47: 6(int) AtomicAnd 45 25 17 46
- Store 16(j) 47
- 48: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 49: 6(int) Load 16(j)
- 50: 6(int) AtomicOr 48 25 17 49
- Store 16(j) 50
- 51: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 52: 6(int) Load 16(j)
- 53: 6(int) AtomicXor 51 25 17 52
- Store 16(j) 53
- 54: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 55: 6(int) Load 16(j)
- 56: 6(int) AtomicExchange 54 25 17 55
- Store 16(j) 56
- 57: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 22
- 58: 6(int) Load 16(j)
- 59: 6(int) AtomicCompareExchange 57 25 17 17 58 17
- Store 16(j) 59
- 61: 23(ptr) AccessChain 20 60
- 62: 6(int) AtomicIAdd 61 25 17 25
- 66: 23(ptr) AccessChain 65 22
- 67: 6(int) AtomicIAdd 66 25 17 25
- MemoryBarrier 25 68
- 69: 6(int) Load 16(j)
- ReturnValue 69
- FunctionEnd
- 13(foo(): 11(fvec4) Function None 12
- 14: Label
- 73(f): 72(ptr) Variable Function
- 103(v2): 102(ptr) Variable Function
- 114(v4): 113(ptr) Variable Function
- 78: 77(ptr) AccessChain 76 22
- 79: 10(float) Load 78
- 83: 77(ptr) AccessChain 82(bufferInstance) 22
- 84: 10(float) Load 83
- 85: 10(float) FAdd 79 84
- 94: 77(ptr) AccessChain 92 93 60
- 95: 10(float) Load 94
- 96: 10(float) FAdd 85 95
- 98: 23(ptr) AccessChain 92 93 97
- 99: 6(int) Load 98
- 100: 10(float) ConvertUToF 99
- 101: 10(float) FAdd 96 100
- Store 73(f) 101
- 105: 104(ptr) AccessChain 92 60
- 106: 86(fvec2) Load 105
- 107: 104(ptr) AccessChain 92 97
- 108: 86(fvec2) Load 107
- 109: 86(fvec2) FAdd 106 108
- 110: 104(ptr) AccessChain 92 93 22
- 111: 86(fvec2) Load 110
- 112: 86(fvec2) FAdd 109 111
- Store 103(v2) 112
- 116: 115(ptr) AccessChain 92 22
- 117: 11(fvec4) Load 116
- 119: 115(ptr) AccessChain 92 118 22
- 120: 11(fvec4) Load 119
- 121: 11(fvec4) FAdd 117 120
- 122: 115(ptr) AccessChain 92 118 60
- 123: 11(fvec4) Load 122
- 124: 11(fvec4) FAdd 121 123
- 125: 115(ptr) AccessChain 92 118 97
- 126: 11(fvec4) Load 125
- 127: 11(fvec4) FAdd 124 126
- 128: 115(ptr) AccessChain 76 60
- 129: 11(fvec4) Load 128
- 130: 11(fvec4) FAdd 127 129
- 131: 115(ptr) AccessChain 82(bufferInstance) 60
- 132: 11(fvec4) Load 131
- 133: 11(fvec4) FAdd 130 132
- 138: 135 Load 137(t1)
- 141: 11(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 138 140
- 142: 11(fvec4) FAdd 133 141
- Store 114(v4) 142
- 143: 10(float) Load 73(f)
- 144: 11(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 143 143 143 143
- 145: 86(fvec2) Load 103(v2)
- 147: 10(float) CompositeExtract 145 0
- 148: 10(float) CompositeExtract 145 1
- 149: 11(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 147 148 146 146
- 150: 11(fvec4) FMul 144 149
- 151: 11(fvec4) Load 114(v4)
- 152: 11(fvec4) FMul 150 151
- ReturnValue 152
- FunctionEnd
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.link1.frag.out b/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.link1.frag.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dac4c64e2..0000000000
--- a/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.link1.frag.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:19 Function Definition: bar( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:19 Function Parameters:
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 add ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:20 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:20 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:20 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:20 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Sequence
-0:21 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const uint)
-0:21 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 2 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 2 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const int)
-0:21 c1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 3 (const uint)
-0:21 d: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 4 (const uint)
-0:23 Branch: Return with expression
-0:23 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:23 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:23 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:23 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:26 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:26 Function Parameters:
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 Function Call: bar( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:14 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:14 Function Parameters:
-0:15 Sequence
-0:15 Sequence
-0:15 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:15 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:15 add ( temp highp uint)
-0:15 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:15 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:15 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 1 (const uint)
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 1 (const uint)
-0:15 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:15 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:15 counter3: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:15 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 0 (const uint)
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 1 (const uint)
-0:16 Sequence
-0:16 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 0 (const uint)
-0:16 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:16 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 2 (const uint)
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 0 (const int)
-0:16 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:16 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 2 (const uint)
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 1 (const int)
-0:16 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:16 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 1 (const uint)
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 0 (const int)
-0:16 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:16 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 1 (const uint)
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 1 (const int)
-0:16 c2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 3 (const uint)
-0:16 d: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 4 (const uint)
-0:18 Branch: Return with expression
-0:18 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:18 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:18 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:18 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-Linked fragment stage:
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:19 Function Definition: bar( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:19 Function Parameters:
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 add ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:20 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:20 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:20 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:20 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Sequence
-0:21 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const uint)
-0:21 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 2 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 2 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const int)
-0:21 c1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 3 (const uint)
-0:21 d: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 4 (const uint)
-0:23 Branch: Return with expression
-0:23 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:23 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:23 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:23 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:26 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:26 Function Parameters:
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 Function Call: bar( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:14 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:14 Function Parameters:
-0:15 Sequence
-0:15 Sequence
-0:15 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:15 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:15 add ( temp highp uint)
-0:15 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:15 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:15 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 1 (const uint)
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 1 (const uint)
-0:15 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:15 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:15 counter3: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:15 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 2 (const uint)
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:15 Constant:
-0:15 1 (const uint)
-0:16 Sequence
-0:16 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 0 (const uint)
-0:16 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:16 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 1 (const uint)
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 0 (const int)
-0:16 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:16 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 1 (const uint)
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 1 (const int)
-0:16 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:16 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 2 (const uint)
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 0 (const int)
-0:16 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:16 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 2 (const uint)
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 1 (const int)
-0:16 c2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 5 (const uint)
-0:16 d: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:16 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:16 Constant:
-0:16 4 (const uint)
-0:18 Branch: Return with expression
-0:18 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:18 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:18 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:18 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2})
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3})
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 105
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 68
- ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "bar("
- Name 11 "foo("
- Name 15 "j"
- Name 16 "gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0"
- MemberName 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 "counter1"
- MemberName 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 "counter2"
- MemberName 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 "counter3"
- Name 18 ""
- Name 33 "v"
- Name 35 "gl_DefaultUniformBlock"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 0 "a"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 1 "b1"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 2 "b2"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 3 "c1"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 4 "d"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 5 "c2"
- Name 37 ""
- Name 68 "o"
- Name 72 "j"
- Name 79 "v"
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Offset 4
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Offset 8
- Decorate 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) BufferBlock
- Decorate 18 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 18 Binding 1
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 1 Offset 16
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 2 Offset 24
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 3 Offset 32
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 4 Offset 48
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 5 Offset 64
- Decorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) Block
- Decorate 37 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 37 Binding 0
- Decorate 68(o) Location 0
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 8: TypeFunction 7(fvec4)
- 13: TypeInt 32 0
- 14: TypePointer Function 13(int)
-16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0): TypeStruct 13(int) 13(int) 13(int)
- 17: TypePointer Uniform 16(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0)
- 18: 17(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 19: TypeInt 32 1
- 20: 19(int) Constant 0
- 21: TypePointer Uniform 13(int)
- 23: 13(int) Constant 1
- 24: 13(int) Constant 0
- 26: 19(int) Constant 1
- 28: 13(int) Constant 4294967295
- 32: TypePointer Function 7(fvec4)
- 34: TypeVector 6(float) 2
-35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 34(fvec2) 34(fvec2) 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4)
- 36: TypePointer Uniform 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock)
- 37: 36(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 38: TypePointer Uniform 7(fvec4)
- 41: TypePointer Uniform 6(float)
- 46: 19(int) Constant 2
- 53: 19(int) Constant 3
- 57: 19(int) Constant 4
- 67: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
- 68(o): 67(ptr) Variable Output
- 92: 19(int) Constant 5
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 69: 7(fvec4) FunctionCall 11(foo()
- 70: 7(fvec4) FunctionCall 9(bar()
- 71: 7(fvec4) FAdd 69 70
- Store 68(o) 71
- Return
- FunctionEnd
- 9(bar(): 7(fvec4) Function None 8
- 10: Label
- 15(j): 14(ptr) Variable Function
- 33(v): 32(ptr) Variable Function
- 22: 21(ptr) AccessChain 18 20
- 25: 13(int) AtomicIAdd 22 23 24 23
- 27: 21(ptr) AccessChain 18 26
- 29: 13(int) AtomicIAdd 27 23 24 28
- 30: 13(int) ISub 29 23
- 31: 13(int) IAdd 25 30
- Store 15(j) 31
- 39: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 20
- 40: 7(fvec4) Load 39
- 42: 41(ptr) AccessChain 37 26 24
- 43: 6(float) Load 42
- 44: 41(ptr) AccessChain 37 26 23
- 45: 6(float) Load 44
- 47: 41(ptr) AccessChain 37 46 24
- 48: 6(float) Load 47
- 49: 41(ptr) AccessChain 37 46 23
- 50: 6(float) Load 49
- 51: 7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 43 45 48 50
- 52: 7(fvec4) FAdd 40 51
- 54: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 53
- 55: 7(fvec4) Load 54
- 56: 7(fvec4) FAdd 52 55
- 58: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 57
- 59: 7(fvec4) Load 58
- 60: 7(fvec4) FAdd 56 59
- Store 33(v) 60
- 61: 13(int) Load 15(j)
- 62: 6(float) ConvertUToF 61
- 63: 7(fvec4) Load 33(v)
- 64: 7(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 63 62
- ReturnValue 64
- FunctionEnd
- 11(foo(): 7(fvec4) Function None 8
- 12: Label
- 72(j): 14(ptr) Variable Function
- 79(v): 32(ptr) Variable Function
- 73: 21(ptr) AccessChain 18 26
- 74: 13(int) AtomicIAdd 73 23 24 23
- 75: 21(ptr) AccessChain 18 46
- 76: 13(int) AtomicIAdd 75 23 24 28
- 77: 13(int) ISub 76 23
- 78: 13(int) IAdd 74 77
- Store 72(j) 78
- 80: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 20
- 81: 7(fvec4) Load 80
- 82: 41(ptr) AccessChain 37 26 24
- 83: 6(float) Load 82
- 84: 41(ptr) AccessChain 37 26 23
- 85: 6(float) Load 84
- 86: 41(ptr) AccessChain 37 46 24
- 87: 6(float) Load 86
- 88: 41(ptr) AccessChain 37 46 23
- 89: 6(float) Load 88
- 90: 7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 83 85 87 89
- 91: 7(fvec4) FAdd 81 90
- 93: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 92
- 94: 7(fvec4) Load 93
- 95: 7(fvec4) FAdd 91 94
- 96: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 57
- 97: 7(fvec4) Load 96
- 98: 7(fvec4) FAdd 95 97
- Store 79(v) 98
- 99: 13(int) Load 72(j)
- 100: 6(float) ConvertUToF 99
- 101: 7(fvec4) Load 79(v)
- 102: 7(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 101 100
- ReturnValue 102
- FunctionEnd
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert.out b/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert.out
deleted file mode 100644
index a63f10c353..0000000000
--- a/Test/baseResults/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:18 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:18 Function Parameters:
-0:19 Sequence
-0:19 Sequence
-0:19 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:19 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:19 add ( temp highp uint)
-0:19 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:19 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:19 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 1 (const uint)
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 1 (const uint)
-0:19 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:19 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:19 counter3: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:19 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 0 (const uint)
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const uint)
-0:20 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:20 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 2 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const int)
-0:20 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:20 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 2 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const int)
-0:20 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:20 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const int)
-0:20 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:20 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const int)
-0:20 c2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 3 (const uint)
-0:20 d: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 4 (const uint)
-0:22 Branch: Return with expression
-0:22 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:22 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:22 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:22 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:25 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:25 Function Parameters:
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 indirect index ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 s: direct index for structure ( uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:28 Constant:
-0:28 5 (const uint)
-0:28 'gl_VertexID' ( in int VertexIndex)
-0:29 move second child to first child ( temp highp float)
-0:29 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:29 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:29 Constant:
-0:29 0 (const int)
-0:29 subtract ( temp highp float)
-0:29 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:29 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:29 Constant:
-0:29 0 (const int)
-0:29 Convert int to float ( temp highp float)
-0:29 'gl_InstanceID' ( in highp int InstanceIndex)
-0:30 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:? 'gl_VertexID' ( in int VertexIndex)
-0:? 'gl_InstanceID' ( in int InstanceIndex)
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:19 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:19 Function Parameters:
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 add ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:20 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:20 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:20 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:20 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Sequence
-0:21 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const uint)
-0:21 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 2 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 2 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const int)
-0:21 c1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 3 (const uint)
-0:21 d: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 4 (const uint)
-0:23 Branch: Return with expression
-0:23 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:23 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:23 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:23 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:26 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:26 Function Parameters:
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-Linked vertex stage:
-Linked fragment stage:
-Shader version: 460
-0:? Sequence
-0:18 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:18 Function Parameters:
-0:19 Sequence
-0:19 Sequence
-0:19 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:19 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:19 add ( temp highp uint)
-0:19 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:19 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:19 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 1 (const uint)
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 1 (const uint)
-0:19 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:19 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:19 counter3: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:19 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 0 (const uint)
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:19 Constant:
-0:19 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const uint)
-0:20 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:20 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 2 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const int)
-0:20 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:20 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 2 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const int)
-0:20 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:20 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const int)
-0:20 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:20 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const int)
-0:20 c2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 3 (const uint)
-0:20 d: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:20 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 4 (const uint)
-0:22 Branch: Return with expression
-0:22 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:22 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:22 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:22 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:25 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:25 Function Parameters:
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 indirect index ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 s: direct index for structure ( uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:28 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:28 Constant:
-0:28 5 (const uint)
-0:28 'gl_VertexID' ( in int VertexIndex)
-0:29 move second child to first child ( temp highp float)
-0:29 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:29 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:29 Constant:
-0:29 0 (const int)
-0:29 subtract ( temp highp float)
-0:29 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:29 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:29 Constant:
-0:29 0 (const int)
-0:29 Convert int to float ( temp highp float)
-0:29 'gl_InstanceID' ( in highp int InstanceIndex)
-0:30 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:30 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d, uniform 4-element array of highp 4-component vector of float s})
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter3, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:? 'gl_VertexID' ( in int VertexIndex)
-0:? 'gl_InstanceID' ( in int InstanceIndex)
-Shader version: 460
-gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
-0:? Sequence
-0:19 Function Definition: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:19 Function Parameters:
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 Sequence
-0:20 move second child to first child ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 add ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:20 counter1: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:20 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 0 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 subtract ( temp highp uint)
-0:20 AtomicAdd ( global highp uint)
-0:20 counter2: direct index for structure ( coherent volatile buffer highp uint)
-0:20 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 4294967295 (const uint)
-0:20 Constant:
-0:20 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Sequence
-0:21 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 a: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const uint)
-0:21 Construct vec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 2 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 0 (const int)
-0:21 direct index ( temp highp float)
-0:21 b2: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 2-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 2 (const uint)
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 1 (const int)
-0:21 c1: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 3 (const uint)
-0:21 d: direct index for structure ( uniform highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:21 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:21 Constant:
-0:21 4 (const uint)
-0:23 Branch: Return with expression
-0:23 vector-scale ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:23 Convert uint to float ( temp highp float)
-0:23 'j' ( temp highp uint)
-0:23 'v' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:26 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
-0:26 Function Parameters:
-0:27 Sequence
-0:27 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 add ( temp highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:27 Function Call: foo( ( global highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? Linker Objects
-0:? 'io' (layout( location=0) smooth in highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'o' ( out highp 4-component vector of float)
-0:? 'anon@0' (layout( column_major std140) uniform block{ uniform highp 4-component vector of float a, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b1, uniform highp 2-component vector of float b2, uniform highp 4-component vector of float c1, uniform highp 4-component vector of float d})
-0:? 'anon@1' (layout( column_major std430) buffer block{ coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter1, coherent volatile buffer highp uint counter2})
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 88
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Vertex 4 "main" 72 80 86
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "foo("
- Name 13 "j"
- Name 14 "gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0"
- MemberName 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 "counter3"
- MemberName 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 "counter2"
- MemberName 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 "counter1"
- Name 16 ""
- Name 31 "v"
- Name 35 "gl_DefaultUniformBlock"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 0 "a"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 1 "b2"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 2 "b1"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 3 "c2"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 4 "d"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 5 "s"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 6 "c1"
- Name 37 ""
- Name 67 "v"
- Name 72 "gl_VertexID"
- Name 80 "gl_InstanceID"
- Name 86 "io"
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Offset 4
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Offset 8
- Decorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) BufferBlock
- Decorate 16 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 16 Binding 1
- Decorate 34 ArrayStride 16
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 1 Offset 16
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 2 Offset 24
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 3 Offset 32
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 4 Offset 48
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 5 Offset 64
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 6 Offset 128
- Decorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) Block
- Decorate 37 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 37 Binding 0
- Decorate 72(gl_VertexID) BuiltIn VertexIndex
- Decorate 80(gl_InstanceID) BuiltIn InstanceIndex
- Decorate 86(io) Location 0
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 8: TypeFunction 7(fvec4)
- 11: TypeInt 32 0
- 12: TypePointer Function 11(int)
-14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0): TypeStruct 11(int) 11(int) 11(int)
- 15: TypePointer Uniform 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0)
- 16: 15(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 17: TypeInt 32 1
- 18: 17(int) Constant 1
- 19: TypePointer Uniform 11(int)
- 21: 11(int) Constant 1
- 22: 11(int) Constant 0
- 24: 17(int) Constant 0
- 26: 11(int) Constant 4294967295
- 30: TypePointer Function 7(fvec4)
- 32: TypeVector 6(float) 2
- 33: 11(int) Constant 4
- 34: TypeArray 7(fvec4) 33
-35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 32(fvec2) 32(fvec2) 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4) 34 7(fvec4)
- 36: TypePointer Uniform 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock)
- 37: 36(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 38: TypePointer Uniform 7(fvec4)
- 41: 17(int) Constant 2
- 42: TypePointer Uniform 6(float)
- 53: 17(int) Constant 3
- 57: 17(int) Constant 4
- 70: 17(int) Constant 5
- 71: TypePointer Input 17(int)
- 72(gl_VertexID): 71(ptr) Variable Input
- 77: TypePointer Function 6(float)
-80(gl_InstanceID): 71(ptr) Variable Input
- 85: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
- 86(io): 85(ptr) Variable Output
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 67(v): 30(ptr) Variable Function
- 68: 7(fvec4) FunctionCall 9(foo()
- Store 67(v) 68
- 69: 7(fvec4) Load 67(v)
- 73: 17(int) Load 72(gl_VertexID)
- 74: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 70 73
- 75: 7(fvec4) Load 74
- 76: 7(fvec4) FAdd 69 75
- Store 67(v) 76
- 78: 77(ptr) AccessChain 67(v) 22
- 79: 6(float) Load 78
- 81: 17(int) Load 80(gl_InstanceID)
- 82: 6(float) ConvertSToF 81
- 83: 6(float) FSub 79 82
- 84: 77(ptr) AccessChain 67(v) 22
- Store 84 83
- 87: 7(fvec4) Load 67(v)
- Store 86(io) 87
- Return
- FunctionEnd
- 9(foo(): 7(fvec4) Function None 8
- 10: Label
- 13(j): 12(ptr) Variable Function
- 31(v): 30(ptr) Variable Function
- 20: 19(ptr) AccessChain 16 18
- 23: 11(int) AtomicIAdd 20 21 22 21
- 25: 19(ptr) AccessChain 16 24
- 27: 11(int) AtomicIAdd 25 21 22 26
- 28: 11(int) ISub 27 21
- 29: 11(int) IAdd 23 28
- Store 13(j) 29
- 39: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 24
- 40: 7(fvec4) Load 39
- 43: 42(ptr) AccessChain 37 41 22
- 44: 6(float) Load 43
- 45: 42(ptr) AccessChain 37 41 21
- 46: 6(float) Load 45
- 47: 42(ptr) AccessChain 37 18 22
- 48: 6(float) Load 47
- 49: 42(ptr) AccessChain 37 18 21
- 50: 6(float) Load 49
- 51: 7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 44 46 48 50
- 52: 7(fvec4) FAdd 40 51
- 54: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 53
- 55: 7(fvec4) Load 54
- 56: 7(fvec4) FAdd 52 55
- 58: 38(ptr) AccessChain 37 57
- 59: 7(fvec4) Load 58
- 60: 7(fvec4) FAdd 56 59
- Store 31(v) 60
- 61: 11(int) Load 13(j)
- 62: 6(float) ConvertUToF 61
- 63: 7(fvec4) Load 31(v)
- 64: 7(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 63 62
- ReturnValue 64
- FunctionEnd
-// Module Version 10000
-// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
-// Id's are bound by 74
- Capability Shader
- 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
- MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 68 70
- ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
- Source GLSL 460
- Name 4 "main"
- Name 9 "foo("
- Name 13 "j"
- Name 14 "gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0"
- MemberName 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 "counter3"
- MemberName 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 "counter2"
- MemberName 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 "counter1"
- Name 16 ""
- Name 31 "v"
- Name 35 "gl_DefaultUniformBlock"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 0 "a"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 1 "b2"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 2 "b1"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 3 "c2"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 4 "d"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 5 "s"
- MemberName 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 6 "c1"
- Name 37 ""
- Name 68 "o"
- Name 70 "io"
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 1 Offset 4
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Volatile
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Coherent
- MemberDecorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) 2 Offset 8
- Decorate 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0) BufferBlock
- Decorate 16 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 16 Binding 1
- Decorate 34 ArrayStride 16
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 0 Offset 0
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 1 Offset 16
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 2 Offset 24
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 3 Offset 32
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 4 Offset 48
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 5 Offset 64
- MemberDecorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) 6 Offset 128
- Decorate 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock) Block
- Decorate 37 DescriptorSet 0
- Decorate 37 Binding 0
- Decorate 68(o) Location 0
- Decorate 70(io) Location 0
- 2: TypeVoid
- 3: TypeFunction 2
- 6: TypeFloat 32
- 7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
- 8: TypeFunction 7(fvec4)
- 11: TypeInt 32 0
- 12: TypePointer Function 11(int)
-14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0): TypeStruct 11(int) 11(int) 11(int)
- 15: TypePointer Uniform 14(gl_AtomicCounterBlock_0)
- 16: 15(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 17: TypeInt 32 1
- 18: 17(int) Constant 2
- 19: TypePointer Uniform 11(int)
- 21: 11(int) Constant 1
- 22: 11(int) Constant 0
- 24: 17(int) Constant 1
- 26: 11(int) Constant 4294967295
- 30: TypePointer Function 7(fvec4)
- 32: TypeVector 6(float) 2
- 33: 11(int) Constant 4
- 34: TypeArray 7(fvec4) 33
-35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock): TypeStruct 7(fvec4) 32(fvec2) 32(fvec2) 7(fvec4) 7(fvec4) 34 7(fvec4)
- 36: TypePointer Uniform 35(gl_DefaultUniformBlock)
- 37: 36(ptr) Variable Uniform
- 38: 17(int) Constant 0
- 39: TypePointer Uniform 7(fvec4)
- 42: TypePointer Uniform 6(float)
- 53: 17(int) Constant 6
- 57: 17(int) Constant 4
- 67: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
- 68(o): 67(ptr) Variable Output
- 69: TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
- 70(io): 69(ptr) Variable Input
- 4(main): 2 Function None 3
- 5: Label
- 71: 7(fvec4) Load 70(io)
- 72: 7(fvec4) FunctionCall 9(foo()
- 73: 7(fvec4) FAdd 71 72
- Store 68(o) 73
- Return
- FunctionEnd
- 9(foo(): 7(fvec4) Function None 8
- 10: Label
- 13(j): 12(ptr) Variable Function
- 31(v): 30(ptr) Variable Function
- 20: 19(ptr) AccessChain 16 18
- 23: 11(int) AtomicIAdd 20 21 22 21
- 25: 19(ptr) AccessChain 16 24
- 27: 11(int) AtomicIAdd 25 21 22 26
- 28: 11(int) ISub 27 21
- 29: 11(int) IAdd 23 28
- Store 13(j) 29
- 40: 39(ptr) AccessChain 37 38
- 41: 7(fvec4) Load 40
- 43: 42(ptr) AccessChain 37 18 22
- 44: 6(float) Load 43
- 45: 42(ptr) AccessChain 37 18 21
- 46: 6(float) Load 45
- 47: 42(ptr) AccessChain 37 24 22
- 48: 6(float) Load 47
- 49: 42(ptr) AccessChain 37 24 21
- 50: 6(float) Load 49
- 51: 7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 44 46 48 50
- 52: 7(fvec4) FAdd 41 51
- 54: 39(ptr) AccessChain 37 53
- 55: 7(fvec4) Load 54
- 56: 7(fvec4) FAdd 52 55
- 58: 39(ptr) AccessChain 37 57
- 59: 7(fvec4) Load 58
- 60: 7(fvec4) FAdd 56 59
- Store 31(v) 60
- 61: 11(int) Load 13(j)
- 62: 6(float) ConvertUToF 61
- 63: 7(fvec4) Load 31(v)
- 64: 7(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 63 62
- ReturnValue 64
- FunctionEnd
diff --git a/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.frag b/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index 25756a6d0e..0000000000
--- a/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout(location = 5) in outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-in vec4 gfo1;
-in vec2 gfo2;
-out vec4 outColor;
-uniform vec2 u1;
-uniform vec3 u2; // initializer present in vertex stage
-uniform vec4 u3 = vec4(0); // initializer matches initializer in vertex stage
-uniform mat2 um2 = mat2(4.0);
-layout (location = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D glass;
-uniform crossStageBlock1 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec4 b;
-buffer fragOnlyBlock {
- vec2 fb1;
-uniform crossStageBlock2 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec2 b;
-} blockName2 [2]; // instance name different from vert
-void main()
- vec4 color = gfo1 * u1.rgrg * u2.rgbr * u3.rgba; // o1 is statically used
- outColor = color;
diff --git a/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.geom b/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.geom
deleted file mode 100644
index 91508ab5ef..0000000000
--- a/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.geom
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout(points) in;
-layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices=3) out;
-in vec4 vgo1[];
-in vec2 vgo2[];
-layout(location = 5) in outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-} inBlock[];
-out vec4 gfo1;
-out vec2 gfo2;
-layout(location = 5) out outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-} gf_out;
-uniform vec2 u1;
-uniform vec3 u2 = vec3(0); // initializer not present in fragment stage
-uniform vec4 u3 = vec4(0); // initializer matches initializer in fragment stage
-uniform crossStageBlock2 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec2 b;
-} blockName1 [2]; // instance name different from frag
-void main()
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- gfo1 = vec4(0);
- gfo2 = vec2(0);
- gf_out.o3 = inBlock[i].o3;
- EmitVertex();
- }
- EndPrimitive();
diff --git a/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.vert b/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.vert
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb0d9d1e2..0000000000
--- a/Test/iomap.crossStage.2.vert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-out vec4 vgo1; // declaration order different than fragment shader
-out vec2 vgo2; // declaration order different than fragment shader
-layout(location = 5) out outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-uniform vec2 u1;
-uniform vec3 u2 = vec3(0); // initializer not present in fragment stage
-uniform vec4 u3 = vec4(0); // initializer matches initializer in fragment stage
-uniform mat2 um2 = mat2(4.0);
-layout (location = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D glass;
-uniform crossStageBlock1 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec4 b;
-buffer vertOnlyBlock {
- vec2 vb1;
-uniform crossStageBlock2 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec2 b;
-} blockName1 [2]; // instance name different from frag
-void main()
- vgo1 = vec4(0);
- vgo2 = vec2(0);
- o3 = vec4(0);
diff --git a/Test/iomap.crossStage.frag b/Test/iomap.crossStage.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index 16247032e3..0000000000
--- a/Test/iomap.crossStage.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout(location = 5) in outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-in vec2 o2; // declaration order different than vertex shader
-in vec4 o1; // declaration order different than vertex shader
-out vec4 outColor;
-uniform vec2 u1;
-uniform vec3 u2; // initializer present in vertex stage
-uniform vec4 u3 = vec4(0); // initializer matches initializer in vertex stage
-uniform mat2 um2 = mat2(4.0);
-layout (location = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D glass;
-uniform crossStageBlock1 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec4 b;
-buffer fragOnlyBlock {
- vec2 fb1;
-uniform crossStageBlock2 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec2 b;
-} blockName2 [2]; // instance name different from vert
-void main()
- vec4 color = o1 * u1.rgrg * u2.rgbr * u3.rgba; // o1 is statically used
- outColor = color;
diff --git a/Test/iomap.crossStage.vert b/Test/iomap.crossStage.vert
deleted file mode 100644
index d05874ffae..0000000000
--- a/Test/iomap.crossStage.vert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-out vec4 o1; // declaration order different than fragment shader
-out vec2 o2; // declaration order different than fragment shader
-layout(location = 5) out outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-uniform vec2 u1;
-uniform vec3 u2 = vec3(0); // initializer not present in fragment stage
-uniform vec4 u3 = vec4(0); // initializer matches initializer in fragment stage
-uniform mat2 um2 = mat2(4.0);
-layout (location = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D glass;
-uniform crossStageBlock1 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec4 b;
-buffer vertOnlyBlock {
- vec2 vb1;
-uniform crossStageBlock2 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec2 b;
-} blockName1 [2]; // instance name different from frag
-void main()
- o1 = vec4(0);
- o2 = vec2(0);
- o3 = vec4(0);
diff --git a/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.frag b/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index d09e687457..0000000000
--- a/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout(location = 5) in outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-in vec4 gfo1;
-in vec2 gfo2;
-out vec4 outColor;
-layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler2D glass;
-uniform crossStageBlock1 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec4 b;
-readonly buffer fragOnlyBlock {
- vec2 fb1;
-uniform crossStageBlock2 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec2 b;
-} blockName2 [2]; // instance name different from vert
-vec2 Bar() {
- return fb1 +
- blockName2[0].b +
- blockName2[1].b;
-vec4 Foo() {
- return a +
- b +
- blockName2[0].a +
- blockName2[1].a +
- vec4(Bar(), 0.0, 0.0);
-void main()
- vec4 color = gfo1; // o1 is statically used
- color = color + Foo();
- outColor = color;
diff --git a/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.geom b/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.geom
deleted file mode 100644
index b951737363..0000000000
--- a/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.geom
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout(points) in;
-layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices=3) out;
-in vec4 vgo1[];
-in vec2 vgo2[];
-layout(location = 5) in outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-} inBlock[];
-out vec4 gfo1;
-out vec2 gfo2;
-layout(location = 5) out outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-} gf_out;
-uniform crossStageBlock2 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec2 b;
-} blockName1 [2]; // instance name different from frag
-void main()
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- gfo1 = vec4(0);
- gfo2 = vec2(0);
- gf_out.o3 = inBlock[i].o3;
- EmitVertex();
- }
- EndPrimitive();
diff --git a/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert b/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert
deleted file mode 100644
index e422131f2c..0000000000
--- a/Test/iomap.crossStage.vk.vert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-out vec4 vgo1; // declaration order different than fragment shader
-out vec2 vgo2; // declaration order different than fragment shader
-layout(location = 5) out outBlock {
- vec4 o3;
-layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler2D glass;
-uniform crossStageBlock1 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec4 b;
-readonly buffer vertOnlyBlock {
- vec2 vb1;
-uniform crossStageBlock2 {
- uniform vec4 a;
- vec2 b;
-} blockName1 [2]; // instance name different from frag
-void main()
- vgo1 = vec4(0);
- vgo2 = vec2(0);
- o3 = vec4(0);
diff --git a/Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.frag b/Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index b75b50b77f..0000000000
--- a/Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout (location = 0) in vec4 io;
-out vec4 o;
-// default uniforms will be gathered into a uniform block
-uniform vec4 a; // declared in both stages with different types
-vec4 foo() {
- return a;
-void main() {
- o = io + foo();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert b/Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert
deleted file mode 100644
index b1bdbbecad..0000000000
--- a/Test/vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout (location = 0) out vec4 io;
-// default uniforms will be gathered into a uniform block
-// final global block will merge uniforms from all linked files
-uniform vec2 a; // declared in both stages with different type
-vec4 foo() {
- return a.xyxy;
-void main() {
- io = foo();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Test/vk.relaxed.frag b/Test/vk.relaxed.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index d43416e0c0..0000000000
--- a/Test/vk.relaxed.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-out vec4 o;
-// default uniforms will be gathered into a uniform block
-uniform vec4 a;
-uniform vec2 b = vec2(0, 0); // initializer will be ignored
-layout(location = 0) uniform vec2 c; // location qualifier will be ignored
-uniform vec4 d[10];
-uniform struct e {
- vec2 x;
- float y;
- uint z;
-} structUniform;
-// opaque types will not be grouped into uniform block
-uniform sampler2D t1;
-// shared and packed layout qualifier are silently ignored
-layout(shared) uniform UniformBlock {
- float j;
- vec4 k;
-layout(packed) buffer BufferBlock {
- float j;
- vec4 k;
-} bufferInstance;
-// atomic_uint will be converted to uint and gathered in a buffer block
-layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter1; // offset not used
-layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter2; // offset not used
-layout(binding = 1) uniform atomic_uint counter3; // offset not used
-// atomic counter functions will be converted to equivalent integer atomic operations
-uint bar() {
- uint j = 0;
- j = atomicCounterIncrement(counter1);
- j = atomicCounterDecrement(counter1);
- j = atomicCounter(counter1);
- j = atomicCounterAdd(counter1, 1);
- j = atomicCounterAdd(counter1, -1);
- j = atomicCounterSubtract(counter1, 1);
- j = atomicCounterMin(counter1, j);
- j = atomicCounterMax(counter1, j);
- j = atomicCounterAnd(counter1, j);
- j = atomicCounterOr(counter1, j);
- j = atomicCounterXor(counter1, j);
- j = atomicCounterExchange(counter1, j);
- j = atomicCounterCompSwap(counter1, 0, j);
- atomicCounterIncrement(counter2);
- atomicCounterIncrement(counter3);
- memoryBarrierAtomicCounter();
- return j;
-vec4 foo() {
- float f = j + bufferInstance.j + structUniform.y + structUniform.z;
- vec2 v2 = b + c + structUniform.x;
- vec4 v4 = a + d[0] + d[1] + d[2] + k + bufferInstance.k + texture(t1, vec2(0, 0));
- return vec4(f) * vec4(v2, 1, 1) * v4;
-void main() {
- float j = float(bar());
- o = j * foo();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Test/vk.relaxed.link1.frag b/Test/vk.relaxed.link1.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index 95b609f225..0000000000
--- a/Test/vk.relaxed.link1.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-out vec4 o;
-// default uniforms will be gathered into a uniform block
-// final global block will merge uniforms from all linked files
-uniform vec4 a; // declared in both stages
-uniform vec2 b1; // declaration order swapped in other stage
-uniform vec2 b2;
-uniform vec4 c1; // not delcared in other file
-uniform vec4 d;
-// final global buffer will berge buffers from all linked files
-layout (binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter1;
-layout (binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter2;
-vec4 foo();
-vec4 bar() {
- uint j = atomicCounterIncrement(counter1) + atomicCounterDecrement(counter2);
- vec4 v = a + vec4(b1.x, b1.y, b2.x, b2.y) + c1 + d;
- return float(j) * v;
-void main() {
- o = foo() + bar();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Test/vk.relaxed.link2.frag b/Test/vk.relaxed.link2.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index a4f468a4be..0000000000
--- a/Test/vk.relaxed.link2.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-// default uniforms will be gathered into a uniform block
-// final global block will merge uniforms from all linked files
-uniform vec4 a; // declared in both stages
-uniform vec2 b2; // declaration order swapped in other stage
-uniform vec2 b1;
-uniform vec4 c2; // not delcared in other file
-uniform vec4 d;
-layout (binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter3;
-layout (binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter2;
-vec4 foo() {
- uint j = atomicCounterIncrement(counter2) + atomicCounterDecrement(counter3);
- vec4 v = a + vec4(b1.x, b1.y, b2.x, b2.y) + c2 + d;
- return float(j) * v;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.frag b/Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index d1eebba038..0000000000
--- a/Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout (location = 0) in vec4 io;
-out vec4 o;
-// default uniforms will be gathered into a uniform block
-// final global block will merge uniforms from all linked files
-uniform vec4 a; // declared in both stages
-uniform vec2 b1; // declaration order swapped in other stage
-uniform vec2 b2;
-uniform vec4 c1; // not delcared in other file
-uniform vec4 d;
-// final global buffer will berge buffers from all linked files
-layout (binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter1;
-layout (binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter2;
-vec4 foo() {
- uint j = atomicCounterIncrement(counter1) + atomicCounterDecrement(counter2);
- vec4 v = a + vec4(b1.x, b1.y, b2.x, b2.y) + c1 + d;
- return float(j) * v;
-void main() {
- o = io + foo();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert b/Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert
deleted file mode 100644
index 52396ac523..0000000000
--- a/Test/vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#version 460
-layout (location = 0) out vec4 io;
-// default uniforms will be gathered into a uniform block
-// final global block will merge uniforms from all linked files
-uniform vec4 a; // declared in both stages
-uniform vec2 b2; // declaration order swapped in other stage
-uniform vec2 b1;
-uniform vec4 c2; // not delcared in other file
-uniform vec4 d;
-uniform vec4 s[4];
-layout (binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter3;
-layout (binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter2;
-vec4 foo() {
- uint j = atomicCounterIncrement(counter2) + atomicCounterDecrement(counter3);
- vec4 v = a + vec4(b1.x, b1.y, b2.x, b2.y) + c2 + d;
- return float(j) * v;
-void main() {
- vec4 v = foo();
- v = v + s[gl_VertexID];
- v.x = v.x - float(gl_InstanceID);
- io = v;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glslang/Include/Types.h b/glslang/Include/Types.h
index bb6d0bd856..603203db9a 100644
--- a/glslang/Include/Types.h
+++ b/glslang/Include/Types.h
@@ -501,7 +501,6 @@ class TQualifier {
noContraction = false;
nullInit = false;
- defaultBlock = false;
// drop qualifiers that don't belong in a temporary variable
@@ -515,7 +514,6 @@ class TQualifier {
specConstant = false;
nonUniform = false;
nullInit = false;
- defaultBlock = false;
@@ -574,7 +572,6 @@ class TQualifier {
bool specConstant : 1;
bool nonUniform : 1;
bool explicitOffset : 1;
- bool defaultBlock : 1; // default blocks with matching names have structures merged when linking
bool isWriteOnly() const { return false; }
@@ -759,46 +756,6 @@ class TQualifier {
- TBlockStorageClass getBlockStorage() const {
- if (storage == EvqUniform && !isPushConstant()) {
- return EbsUniform;
- }
- else if (storage == EvqUniform) {
- return EbsPushConstant;
- }
- else if (storage == EvqBuffer) {
- return EbsStorageBuffer;
- }
- return EbsNone;
- }
- void setBlockStorage(TBlockStorageClass newBacking) {
-#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
- layoutPushConstant = (newBacking == EbsPushConstant);
- switch (newBacking) {
- case EbsUniform :
- if (layoutPacking == ElpStd430) {
- // std430 would not be valid
- layoutPacking = ElpStd140;
- }
- storage = EvqUniform;
- break;
- case EbsStorageBuffer :
- storage = EvqBuffer;
- break;
-#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
- case EbsPushConstant :
- storage = EvqUniform;
- layoutSet = TQualifier::layoutSetEnd;
- layoutBinding = TQualifier::layoutBindingEnd;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
bool isPerView() const { return false; }
bool isTaskMemory() const { return false; }
@@ -895,7 +852,6 @@ class TQualifier {
return hasNonXfbLayout() ||
TLayoutMatrix layoutMatrix : 3;
TLayoutPacking layoutPacking : 4;
int layoutOffset;
diff --git a/glslang/Include/intermediate.h b/glslang/Include/intermediate.h
index 1440c205ec..85edd6358d 100644
--- a/glslang/Include/intermediate.h
+++ b/glslang/Include/intermediate.h
@@ -593,7 +593,6 @@ enum TOperator {
- EOpAtomicSubtract,
@@ -1136,8 +1135,6 @@ class TIntermTyped : public TIntermNode {
virtual TBasicType getBasicType() const { return type.getBasicType(); }
virtual TQualifier& getQualifier() { return type.getQualifier(); }
virtual const TQualifier& getQualifier() const { return type.getQualifier(); }
- virtual TArraySizes* getArraySizes() { return type.getArraySizes(); }
- virtual const TArraySizes* getArraySizes() const { return type.getArraySizes(); }
virtual void propagatePrecision(TPrecisionQualifier);
virtual int getVectorSize() const { return type.getVectorSize(); }
virtual int getMatrixCols() const { return type.getMatrixCols(); }
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
index a9e5af456a..c94a8a4b54 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
@@ -1627,36 +1627,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"uint atomicCounterExchange(atomic_uint, uint);"
"uint atomicCounterCompSwap(atomic_uint, uint, uint);"
- "\n");
- }
- }
- else if (spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- //
- // Atomic counter functions act as aliases to normal atomic functions.
- // replace definitions to take 'volatile coherent uint' instead of 'atomic_uint'
- // and map to equivalent non-counter atomic op
- //
- if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 300) ||
- (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310)) {
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "uint atomicCounterIncrement(volatile coherent uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterDecrement(volatile coherent uint);"
- "uint atomicCounter(volatile coherent uint);"
- "\n");
- }
- if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 460) {
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "uint atomicCounterAdd(volatile coherent uint, uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterSubtract(volatile coherent uint, uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterMin(volatile coherent uint, uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterMax(volatile coherent uint, uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterAnd(volatile coherent uint, uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterOr(volatile coherent uint, uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterXor(volatile coherent uint, uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterExchange(volatile coherent uint, uint);"
- "uint atomicCounterCompSwap(volatile coherent uint, uint, uint);"
@@ -4154,7 +4124,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 420) || esBarrier) {
- if (spvVersion.vulkan == 0 || spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan == 0) {
commonBuiltins.append("void memoryBarrierAtomicCounter();");
commonBuiltins.append("void memoryBarrierImage();");
@@ -4878,13 +4848,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"in int gl_VertexIndex;"
"in int gl_InstanceIndex;"
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && version >= 140 && spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed)
- stageBuiltins[EShLangVertex].append(
- "in int gl_VertexID;" // declare with 'in' qualifier
- "in int gl_InstanceID;"
- );
if (version >= 440) {
"in int gl_BaseVertexARB;"
@@ -4922,7 +4885,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"mediump float gl_PointSize;" // needs qualifier fixed later
} else {
- if (spvVersion.vulkan == 0 || spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed)
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan == 0)
"in highp int gl_VertexID;" // needs qualifier fixed later
"in highp int gl_InstanceID;" // needs qualifier fixed later
@@ -7473,12 +7436,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
SpecialQualifier("gl_InstanceID", EvqInstanceId, EbvInstanceId, symbolTable);
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- // treat these built-ins as aliases of VertexIndex and InstanceIndex
- BuiltInVariable("gl_VertexID", EbvVertexIndex, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_InstanceID", EbvInstanceIndex, symbolTable);
- }
if (profile != EEsProfile) {
if (version >= 440) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_BaseVertexARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters);
@@ -8955,14 +8912,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("memoryBarrierAtomicCounter", EOpMemoryBarrierAtomicCounter);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("memoryBarrierImage", EOpMemoryBarrierImage);
- if (spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- //
- // functions signature have been replaced to take uint operations on buffer variables
- // remap atomic counter functions to atomic operations
- //
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("memoryBarrierAtomicCounter", EOpMemoryBarrierBuffer);
- }
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicLoad", EOpAtomicLoad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicStore", EOpAtomicStore);
@@ -8970,20 +8919,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterDecrement", EOpAtomicCounterDecrement);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounter", EOpAtomicCounter);
- if (spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- //
- // functions signature have been replaced to take uint operations
- // remap atomic counter functions to atomic operations
- //
- // these atomic counter functions do not match signatures of glsl
- // atomic functions, so they will be remapped to semantically
- // equivalent functions in the parser
- //
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterIncrement", EOpNull);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterDecrement", EOpNull);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounter", EOpNull);
- }
symbolTable.relateToOperator("clockARB", EOpReadClockSubgroupKHR);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("clock2x32ARB", EOpReadClockSubgroupKHR);
@@ -9002,23 +8937,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterCompSwap", EOpAtomicCounterCompSwap);
- if (spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- //
- // functions signature have been replaced to take 'uint' instead of 'atomic_uint'
- // remap atomic counter functions to non-counter atomic ops so
- // functions act as aliases to non-counter atomic ops
- //
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterAdd", EOpAtomicAdd);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterSubtract", EOpAtomicSubtract);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterMin", EOpAtomicMin);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterMax", EOpAtomicMax);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterAnd", EOpAtomicAnd);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterOr", EOpAtomicOr);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterXor", EOpAtomicXor);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterExchange", EOpAtomicExchange);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterCompSwap", EOpAtomicCompSwap);
- }
symbolTable.relateToOperator("fma", EOpFma);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("frexp", EOpFrexp);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ldexp", EOpLdexp);
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseContextBase.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseContextBase.cpp
index 02cca409e1..3efa27aca3 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseContextBase.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseContextBase.cpp
@@ -601,6 +601,7 @@ void TParseContextBase::parseSwizzleSelector(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TStrin
// Make the passed-in variable information become a member of the
// global uniform block. If this doesn't exist yet, make it.
@@ -645,67 +646,7 @@ void TParseContextBase::growGlobalUniformBlock(const TSourceLoc& loc, TType& mem
-void TParseContextBase::growAtomicCounterBlock(int binding, const TSourceLoc& loc, TType& memberType, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList) {
- // Make the atomic counter block, if not yet made.
- const auto &at = atomicCounterBuffers.find(binding);
- if (at == atomicCounterBuffers.end()) {
- atomicCounterBuffers.insert({binding, (TVariable*)nullptr });
- atomicCounterBlockFirstNewMember.insert({binding, 0});
- }
- TVariable*& atomicCounterBuffer = atomicCounterBuffers[binding];
- int& bufferNewMember = atomicCounterBlockFirstNewMember[binding];
- if (atomicCounterBuffer == nullptr) {
- TQualifier blockQualifier;
- blockQualifier.clear();
- = EvqBuffer;
- char charBuffer[512];
- if (binding != TQualifier::layoutBindingEnd) {
- snprintf(charBuffer, 512, "%s_%d", getAtomicCounterBlockName(), binding);
- } else {
- snprintf(charBuffer, 512, "%s_0", getAtomicCounterBlockName());
- }
- TType blockType(new TTypeList, *NewPoolTString(charBuffer), blockQualifier);
- setUniformBlockDefaults(blockType);
- blockType.getQualifier().layoutPacking = ElpStd430;
- atomicCounterBuffer = new TVariable(NewPoolTString(""), blockType, true);
- // If we arn't auto mapping bindings then set the block to use the same
- // binding as what the atomic was set to use
- if (!intermediate.getAutoMapBindings()) {
- atomicCounterBuffer->getWritableType().getQualifier().layoutBinding = binding;
- }
- bufferNewMember = 0;
- atomicCounterBuffer->getWritableType().getQualifier().layoutSet = atomicCounterBlockSet;
- }
- // Add the requested member as a member to the global block.
- TType* type = new TType;
- type->shallowCopy(memberType);
- type->setFieldName(memberName);
- if (typeList)
- type->setStruct(typeList);
- TTypeLoc typeLoc = {type, loc};
- atomicCounterBuffer->getType().getWritableStruct()->push_back(typeLoc);
- // Insert into the symbol table.
- if (bufferNewMember == 0) {
- // This is the first request; we need a normal symbol table insert
- if (symbolTable.insert(*atomicCounterBuffer))
- trackLinkage(*atomicCounterBuffer);
- else
- error(loc, "failed to insert the global constant buffer", "buffer", "");
- } else {
- // This is a follow-on request; we need to amend the first insert
- symbolTable.amend(*atomicCounterBuffer, bufferNewMember);
- }
- ++bufferNewMember;
void TParseContextBase::finish()
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.cpp
index 550fce6797..12d68a3e6c 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.cpp
@@ -225,108 +225,6 @@ void TParseContext::parserError(const char* s)
error(getCurrentLoc(), "compilation terminated", "", "");
-void TParseContext::growGlobalUniformBlock(const TSourceLoc& loc, TType& memberType, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList)
- bool createBlock = globalUniformBlock == nullptr;
- if (createBlock) {
- globalUniformBinding = intermediate.getGlobalUniformBinding();
- globalUniformSet = intermediate.getGlobalUniformSet();
- }
- // use base class function to create/expand block
- TParseContextBase::growGlobalUniformBlock(loc, memberType, memberName, typeList);
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- // check for a block storage override
- TBlockStorageClass storageOverride = intermediate.getBlockStorageOverride(getGlobalUniformBlockName());
- TQualifier& qualifier = globalUniformBlock->getWritableType().getQualifier();
- qualifier.defaultBlock = true;
- if (storageOverride != EbsNone) {
- if (createBlock) {
- // Remap block storage
- qualifier.setBlockStorage(storageOverride);
- // check that the change didn't create errors
- blockQualifierCheck(loc, qualifier, false);
- }
- // remap meber storage as well
- memberType.getQualifier().setBlockStorage(storageOverride);
- }
- }
-void TParseContext::growAtomicCounterBlock(int binding, const TSourceLoc& loc, TType& memberType, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList)
- bool createBlock = atomicCounterBuffers.find(binding) == atomicCounterBuffers.end();
- if (createBlock) {
- atomicCounterBlockSet = intermediate.getAtomicCounterBlockSet();
- }
- // use base class function to create/expand block
- TParseContextBase::growAtomicCounterBlock(binding, loc, memberType, memberName, typeList);
- TQualifier& qualifier = atomicCounterBuffers[binding]->getWritableType().getQualifier();
- qualifier.defaultBlock = true;
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- // check for a Block storage override
- TBlockStorageClass storageOverride = intermediate.getBlockStorageOverride(getAtomicCounterBlockName());
- if (storageOverride != EbsNone) {
- if (createBlock) {
- // Remap block storage
- qualifier.setBlockStorage(storageOverride);
- // check that the change didn't create errors
- blockQualifierCheck(loc, qualifier, false);
- }
- // remap meber storage as well
- memberType.getQualifier().setBlockStorage(storageOverride);
- }
- }
-const char* TParseContext::getGlobalUniformBlockName() const
- const char* name = intermediate.getGlobalUniformBlockName();
- if (std::string(name) == "")
- return "gl_DefaultUniformBlock";
- else
- return name;
-void TParseContext::finalizeGlobalUniformBlockLayout(TVariable&)
-void TParseContext::setUniformBlockDefaults(TType& block) const
- block.getQualifier().layoutPacking = ElpStd140;
- block.getQualifier().layoutMatrix = ElmColumnMajor;
-const char* TParseContext::getAtomicCounterBlockName() const
- const char* name = intermediate.getAtomicCounterBlockName();
- if (std::string(name) == "")
- return "gl_AtomicCounterBlock";
- else
- return name;
-void TParseContext::finalizeAtomicCounterBlockLayout(TVariable&)
-void TParseContext::setAtomicCounterBlockDefaults(TType& block) const
- block.getQualifier().layoutPacking = ElpStd430;
- block.getQualifier().layoutMatrix = ElmRowMajor;
void TParseContext::handlePragma(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TVector& tokens)
@@ -1237,14 +1135,6 @@ TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction
TIntermTyped* result = nullptr;
- if (spvVersion.vulkan != 0 && spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- // allow calls that are invalid in Vulkan Semantics to be invisibily
- // remapped to equivalent valid functions
- result = vkRelaxedRemapFunctionCall(loc, function, arguments);
- if (result)
- return result;
- }
if (function->getBuiltInOp() == EOpArrayLength)
result = handleLengthMethod(loc, function, arguments);
else if (function->getBuiltInOp() != EOpNull) {
@@ -1837,7 +1727,6 @@ void TParseContext::memorySemanticsCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction&
// Grab the semantics and storage class semantics from the operands, based on opcode
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpAtomicAdd:
- case EOpAtomicSubtract:
case EOpAtomicMin:
case EOpAtomicMax:
case EOpAtomicAnd:
@@ -2287,7 +2176,6 @@ void TParseContext::builtInOpCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& fnCan
case EOpAtomicAdd:
- case EOpAtomicSubtract:
case EOpAtomicMin:
case EOpAtomicMax:
case EOpAtomicAnd:
@@ -3500,7 +3388,7 @@ void TParseContext::transparentOpaqueCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TType& t
if (type.containsNonOpaque()) {
// Vulkan doesn't allow transparent uniforms outside of blocks
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && !spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed)
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
vulkanRemoved(loc, "non-opaque uniforms outside a block");
// OpenGL wants locations on these (unless they are getting automapped)
if (spvVersion.openGl > 0 && !type.getQualifier().hasLocation() && !intermediate.getAutoMapLocations())
@@ -5131,22 +5019,14 @@ void TParseContext::setLayoutQualifier(const TSourceLoc& loc, TPublicType& publi
if (id == TQualifier::getLayoutPackingString(ElpPacked)) {
- if (spvVersion.spv != 0) {
- if (spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed)
- return; // silently ignore qualifier
- else
- spvRemoved(loc, "packed");
- }
+ if (spvVersion.spv != 0)
+ spvRemoved(loc, "packed");
publicType.qualifier.layoutPacking = ElpPacked;
if (id == TQualifier::getLayoutPackingString(ElpShared)) {
- if (spvVersion.spv != 0) {
- if (spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed)
- return; // silently ignore qualifier
- else
- spvRemoved(loc, "shared");
- }
+ if (spvVersion.spv != 0)
+ spvRemoved(loc, "shared");
publicType.qualifier.layoutPacking = ElpShared;
@@ -6048,7 +5928,7 @@ void TParseContext::layoutTypeCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TType& type)
error(loc, "sampler binding not less than gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits", "binding", type.isArray() ? "(using array)" : "");
- if (type.isAtomic() && !spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
+ if (type.isAtomic()) {
if (qualifier.layoutBinding >= (unsigned int)resources.maxAtomicCounterBindings) {
error(loc, "atomic_uint binding is too large; see gl_MaxAtomicCounterBindings", "binding", "");
@@ -6718,68 +6598,6 @@ const TFunction* TParseContext::findFunctionExplicitTypes(const TSourceLoc& loc,
return bestMatch;
-// Adjust function calls that aren't declared in Vulkan to a
-// calls with equivalent effects
-TIntermTyped* TParseContext::vkRelaxedRemapFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction* function, TIntermNode* arguments)
- TIntermTyped* result = nullptr;
-#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
- if (function->getBuiltInOp() != EOpNull) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- if (function->getName() == "atomicCounterIncrement") {
- // change atomicCounterIncrement into an atomicAdd of 1
- TString name("atomicAdd");
- TType uintType(EbtUint);
- TFunction realFunc(&name, function->getType());
- for (int i = 0; i < function->getParamCount(); ++i) {
- realFunc.addParameter((*function)[i]);
- }
- TParameter tmpP = { 0, &uintType };
- realFunc.addParameter(tmpP);
- arguments = intermediate.growAggregate(arguments, intermediate.addConstantUnion(1, loc, true));
- result = handleFunctionCall(loc, &realFunc, arguments);
- } else if (function->getName() == "atomicCounterDecrement") {
- // change atomicCounterDecrement into an atomicAdd with -1
- // and subtract 1 from result, to return post-decrement value
- TString name("atomicAdd");
- TType uintType(EbtUint);
- TFunction realFunc(&name, function->getType());
- for (int i = 0; i < function->getParamCount(); ++i) {
- realFunc.addParameter((*function)[i]);
- }
- TParameter tmpP = { 0, &uintType };
- realFunc.addParameter(tmpP);
- arguments = intermediate.growAggregate(arguments, intermediate.addConstantUnion(-1, loc, true));
- result = handleFunctionCall(loc, &realFunc, arguments);
- // post decrement, so that it matches AtomicCounterDecrement semantics
- if (result) {
- result = handleBinaryMath(loc, "-", EOpSub, result, intermediate.addConstantUnion(1, loc, true));
- }
- } else if (function->getName() == "atomicCounter") {
- // change atomicCounter into a direct read of the variable
- if (arguments->getAsTyped()) {
- result = arguments->getAsTyped();
- }
- }
- return result;
// When a declaration includes a type, but not a variable name, it can be used
// to establish defaults.
void TParseContext::declareTypeDefaults(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TPublicType& publicType)
@@ -6804,91 +6622,6 @@ void TParseContext::declareTypeDefaults(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TPublicType
-bool TParseContext::vkRelaxedRemapUniformVariable(const TSourceLoc& loc, TString& identifier, const TPublicType&,
- TArraySizes*, TIntermTyped* initializer, TType& type)
- if (parsingBuiltins || symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel() || !symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ||
- type.getQualifier().storage != EvqUniform ||
- !(type.containsNonOpaque()
-#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
- || type.getBasicType() == EbtAtomicUint
- )) {
- return false;
- }
- if (type.getQualifier().hasLocation()) {
- warn(loc, "ignoring layout qualifier for uniform", identifier.c_str(), "location");
- type.getQualifier().layoutLocation = TQualifier::layoutLocationEnd;
- }
- if (initializer) {
- warn(loc, "Ignoring initializer for uniform", identifier.c_str(), "");
- initializer = nullptr;
- }
- if (type.isArray()) {
- // do array size checks here
- arraySizesCheck(loc, type.getQualifier(), type.getArraySizes(), initializer, false);
- if (arrayQualifierError(loc, type.getQualifier()) || arrayError(loc, type)) {
- error(loc, "array param error", identifier.c_str(), "");
- }
- }
- // do some checking on the type as it was declared
- layoutTypeCheck(loc, type);
- int bufferBinding = TQualifier::layoutBindingEnd;
- TVariable* updatedBlock = nullptr;
-#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
- // Convert atomic_uint into members of a buffer block
- if (type.isAtomic()) {
- type.setBasicType(EbtUint);
- type.getQualifier().storage = EvqBuffer;
- type.getQualifier().volatil = true;
- type.getQualifier().coherent = true;
- // xxTODO: use logic from fixOffset() to apply explicit member offset
- bufferBinding = type.getQualifier().layoutBinding;
- type.getQualifier().layoutBinding = TQualifier::layoutBindingEnd;
- type.getQualifier().explicitOffset = false;
- growAtomicCounterBlock(bufferBinding, loc, type, identifier, nullptr);
- updatedBlock = atomicCounterBuffers[bufferBinding];
- }
- if (!updatedBlock) {
- growGlobalUniformBlock(loc, type, identifier, nullptr);
- updatedBlock = globalUniformBlock;
- }
- //
- // don't assign explicit member offsets here
- // if any are assigned, need to be updated here and in the merge/link step
- // fixBlockUniformOffsets(updatedBlock->getWritableType().getQualifier(), *updatedBlock->getWritableType().getWritableStruct());
- // checks on update buffer object
- layoutObjectCheck(loc, *updatedBlock);
- TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(identifier);
- if (!symbol) {
- if (updatedBlock == globalUniformBlock)
- error(loc, "error adding uniform to default uniform block", identifier.c_str(), "");
- else
- error(loc, "error adding atomic counter to atomic counter block", identifier.c_str(), "");
- return false;
- }
- // merge qualifiers
- mergeObjectLayoutQualifiers(updatedBlock->getWritableType().getQualifier(), type.getQualifier(), true);
- return true;
// Do everything necessary to handle a variable (non-block) declaration.
// Either redeclaring a variable, or making a new one, updating the symbol
@@ -7000,14 +6733,6 @@ TIntermNode* TParseContext::declareVariable(const TSourceLoc& loc, TString& iden
if (symbol == nullptr)
reservedErrorCheck(loc, identifier);
- if (symbol == nullptr && spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed) {
- bool remapped = vkRelaxedRemapUniformVariable(loc, identifier, publicType, arraySizes, initializer, type);
- if (remapped) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
// Declare the variable
@@ -7900,8 +7625,6 @@ void TParseContext::inheritMemoryQualifiers(const TQualifier& from, TQualifier&
void TParseContext::declareBlock(const TSourceLoc& loc, TTypeList& typeList, const TString* instanceName,
TArraySizes* arraySizes)
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed)
- blockStorageRemap(loc, blockName, currentBlockQualifier);
blockStageIoCheck(loc, currentBlockQualifier);
blockQualifierCheck(loc, currentBlockQualifier, instanceName != nullptr);
if (arraySizes != nullptr) {
@@ -8191,17 +7914,6 @@ void TParseContext::declareBlock(const TSourceLoc& loc, TTypeList& typeList, con
-// allow storage type of block to be remapped at compile time
-void TParseContext::blockStorageRemap(const TSourceLoc&, const TString* instanceName, TQualifier& qualifier)
- TBlockStorageClass type = intermediate.getBlockStorageOverride(instanceName->c_str());
- if (type != EbsNone) {
- qualifier.setBlockStorage(type);
- }
// Do all block-declaration checking regarding the combination of in/out/uniform/buffer
// with a particular stage.
void TParseContext::blockStageIoCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TQualifier& qualifier)
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.h b/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.h
index 6f00621af9..ad9b8d6acd 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.h
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.h
@@ -92,8 +92,7 @@ class TParseContextBase : public TParseVersions {
- globalUniformSet(TQualifier::layoutSetEnd),
- atomicCounterBlockSet(TQualifier::layoutSetEnd)
+ globalUniformSet(TQualifier::layoutSetEnd)
if (entryPoint != nullptr)
sourceEntryPointName = *entryPoint;
@@ -155,11 +154,10 @@ class TParseContextBase : public TParseVersions {
extensionCallback(line, extension, behavior);
// Manage the global uniform block (default uniforms in GLSL, $Global in HLSL)
virtual void growGlobalUniformBlock(const TSourceLoc&, TType&, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList = nullptr);
- // Manage global buffer (used for backing atomic counters in GLSL when using relaxed Vulkan semantics)
- virtual void growAtomicCounterBlock(int binding, const TSourceLoc&, TType&, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList = nullptr);
// Potentially rename shader entry point function
void renameShaderFunction(TString*& name) const
@@ -232,24 +230,7 @@ class TParseContextBase : public TParseVersions {
// override this to set the language-specific name
virtual const char* getGlobalUniformBlockName() const { return ""; }
virtual void setUniformBlockDefaults(TType&) const { }
- virtual void finalizeGlobalUniformBlockLayout(TVariable&) {}
- // Manage the atomic counter block (used for atomic_uints with Vulkan-Relaxed)
- TMap atomicCounterBuffers;
- unsigned int atomicCounterBlockSet;
- TMap atomicCounterBlockFirstNewMember;
- // override this to set the language-specific name
- virtual const char* getAtomicCounterBlockName() const { return ""; }
- virtual void setAtomicCounterBlockDefaults(TType&) const {}
- virtual void finalizeAtomicCounterBlockLayout(TVariable&) {}
- bool isAtomicCounterBlock(const TSymbol& symbol) {
- const TVariable* var = symbol.getAsVariable();
- if (!var)
- return false;
- const auto& at = atomicCounterBuffers.find(var->getType().getQualifier().layoutBinding);
- return (at != atomicCounterBuffers.end() && (*at).second->getType() == var->getType());
- }
+ virtual void finalizeGlobalUniformBlockLayout(TVariable&) { }
virtual void outputMessage(const TSourceLoc&, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, TPrefixType prefix,
va_list args);
@@ -312,9 +293,6 @@ class TParseContext : public TParseContextBase {
bool parseShaderStrings(TPpContext&, TInputScanner& input, bool versionWillBeError = false) override;
void parserError(const char* s); // for bison's yyerror
- virtual void growGlobalUniformBlock(const TSourceLoc&, TType&, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList = nullptr) override;
- virtual void growAtomicCounterBlock(int binding, const TSourceLoc&, TType&, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList = nullptr) override;
void reservedErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TString&);
void reservedPpErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* name, const char* op) override;
bool lineContinuationCheck(const TSourceLoc&, bool endOfComment) override;
@@ -362,10 +340,6 @@ class TParseContext : public TParseContextBase {
void checkPrecisionQualifier(const TSourceLoc&, TPrecisionQualifier);
void memorySemanticsCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TFunction&, const TIntermOperator& callNode);
- TIntermTyped* vkRelaxedRemapFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc&, TFunction*, TIntermNode*);
- // returns true if the variable was remapped to something else
- bool vkRelaxedRemapUniformVariable(const TSourceLoc&, TString&, const TPublicType&, TArraySizes*, TIntermTyped*, TType&);
void assignError(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TString left, TString right);
void unaryOpError(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TString operand);
void binaryOpError(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TString left, TString right);
@@ -443,7 +417,6 @@ class TParseContext : public TParseContextBase {
TIntermTyped* constructBuiltIn(const TType&, TOperator, TIntermTyped*, const TSourceLoc&, bool subset);
void inheritMemoryQualifiers(const TQualifier& from, TQualifier& to);
void declareBlock(const TSourceLoc&, TTypeList& typeList, const TString* instanceName = 0, TArraySizes* arraySizes = 0);
- void blockStorageRemap(const TSourceLoc&, const TString*, TQualifier&);
void blockStageIoCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&);
void blockQualifierCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&, bool instanceName);
void fixBlockLocations(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier&, TTypeList&, bool memberWithLocation, bool memberWithoutLocation);
@@ -488,14 +461,6 @@ class TParseContext : public TParseContextBase {
void finish() override;
- virtual const char* getGlobalUniformBlockName() const override;
- virtual void finalizeGlobalUniformBlockLayout(TVariable&) override;
- virtual void setUniformBlockDefaults(TType& block) const override;
- virtual const char* getAtomicCounterBlockName() const override;
- virtual void finalizeAtomicCounterBlockLayout(TVariable&) override;
- virtual void setAtomicCounterBlockDefaults(TType& block) const override;
// Generally, bison productions, the scanner, and the PP need read/write access to these; just give them direct access
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/ShaderLang.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/ShaderLang.cpp
index 4b340eaa19..3f793a7434 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/ShaderLang.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/ShaderLang.cpp
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ int MapVersionToIndex(int version)
return index;
-const int SpvVersionCount = 4; // index range in MapSpvVersionToIndex
+const int SpvVersionCount = 3; // index range in MapSpvVersionToIndex
int MapSpvVersionToIndex(const SpvVersion& spvVersion)
@@ -167,12 +167,8 @@ int MapSpvVersionToIndex(const SpvVersion& spvVersion)
if (spvVersion.openGl > 0)
index = 1;
- else if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0) {
- if (!spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed)
- index = 2;
- else
- index = 3;
- }
+ else if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
+ index = 2;
assert(index < SpvVersionCount);
@@ -727,7 +723,6 @@ void TranslateEnvironment(const TEnvironment* environment, EShMessages& messages
case EShClientVulkan:
spvVersion.vulkanGlsl = environment->input.dialectVersion;
- spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed = environment->input.VulkanRulesRelaxed;
case EShClientOpenGL:
spvVersion.openGl = environment->input.dialectVersion;
@@ -1873,15 +1868,6 @@ void TShader::setResourceSetBinding(const std::vector& base) { in
void TShader::setTextureSamplerTransformMode(EShTextureSamplerTransformMode mode) { intermediate->setTextureSamplerTransformMode(mode); }
-void TShader::addBlockStorageOverride(const char* nameStr, TBlockStorageClass backing) { intermediate->addBlockStorageOverride(nameStr, backing); }
-void TShader::setGlobalUniformBlockName(const char* name) { intermediate->setGlobalUniformBlockName(name); }
-void TShader::setGlobalUniformSet(unsigned int set) { intermediate->setGlobalUniformSet(set); }
-void TShader::setGlobalUniformBinding(unsigned int binding) { intermediate->setGlobalUniformBinding(binding); }
-void TShader::setAtomicCounterBlockName(const char* name) { intermediate->setAtomicCounterBlockName(name); }
-void TShader::setAtomicCounterBlockSet(unsigned int set) { intermediate->setAtomicCounterBlockSet(set); }
// See comment above TDefaultHlslIoMapper in iomapper.cpp:
void TShader::setHlslIoMapping(bool hlslIoMap) { intermediate->setHlslIoMapping(hlslIoMap); }
@@ -1997,10 +1983,7 @@ bool TProgram::link(EShMessages messages)
error = true;
- if (!error) {
- if (! crossStageCheck(messages))
- error = true;
- }
+ // TODO: Link: cross-stage error checking
return ! error;
@@ -2077,64 +2060,6 @@ bool TProgram::linkStage(EShLanguage stage, EShMessages messages)
return intermediate[stage]->getNumErrors() == 0;
-// Check that there are no errors in linker objects accross stages
-// Return true if no errors.
-bool TProgram::crossStageCheck(EShMessages) {
- // make temporary intermediates to hold the linkage symbols for each linking interface
- // while we do the checks
- // Independent interfaces are:
- // all uniform variables and blocks
- // all buffer blocks
- // all in/out on a stage boundary
- TVector activeStages;
- for (int s = 0; s < EShLangCount; ++s) {
- if (intermediate[s])
- activeStages.push_back(intermediate[s]);
- }
- // no extra linking if there is only one stage
- if (! (activeStages.size() > 1))
- return true;
- // setup temporary tree to hold unfirom objects from different stages
- TIntermediate* firstIntermediate = activeStages.front();
- TIntermediate uniforms(EShLangCount,
- firstIntermediate->getVersion(),
- firstIntermediate->getProfile());
- uniforms.setSpv(firstIntermediate->getSpv());
- TIntermAggregate uniformObjects(EOpLinkerObjects);
- TIntermAggregate root(EOpSequence);
- root.getSequence().push_back(&uniformObjects);
- uniforms.setTreeRoot(&root);
- bool error = false;
- // merge uniforms from all stages into a single intermediate
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < activeStages.size(); ++i) {
- uniforms.mergeUniformObjects(*infoSink, *activeStages[i]);
- }
- error |= uniforms.getNumErrors() != 0;
- // copy final definition of global block back into each stage
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < activeStages.size(); ++i) {
- activeStages[i]->mergeGlobalUniformBlocks(*infoSink, uniforms);
- }
- // compare cross stage symbols for each stage boundary
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < activeStages.size(); ++i) {
- activeStages[i - 1]->checkStageIO(*infoSink, *activeStages[i]);
- error |= (activeStages[i - 1]->getNumErrors() != 0);
- }
- return !error;
const char* TProgram::getInfoLog()
return infoSink->info.c_str();
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.cpp
index 7554bfd769..488c98c5cc 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.cpp
@@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ void TParseVersions::spvRemoved(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op)
// Call for any operation removed because Vulkan SPIR-V is being generated.
void TParseVersions::vulkanRemoved(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op)
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && !spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed)
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
error(loc, "not allowed when using GLSL for Vulkan", op, "");
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.h b/glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.h
index 25feb0b7bf..f377973a85 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.h
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/Versions.h
@@ -87,12 +87,11 @@ inline const char* ProfileName(EProfile profile)
// The union of all requested rule sets will be applied.
struct SpvVersion {
- SpvVersion() : spv(0), vulkanGlsl(0), vulkan(0), openGl(0), vulkanRelaxed(false) {}
+ SpvVersion() : spv(0), vulkanGlsl(0), vulkan(0), openGl(0) {}
unsigned int spv; // the version of SPIR-V to target, as defined by "word 1" of the SPIR-V binary header
int vulkanGlsl; // the version of GLSL semantics for Vulkan, from GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl, for "#define VULKAN XXX"
int vulkan; // the version of Vulkan, for which SPIR-V execution environment rules to use
int openGl; // the version of GLSL semantics for OpenGL, from GL_ARB_gl_spirv, for "#define GL_SPIRV XXX"
- bool vulkanRelaxed; // relax changes to GLSL for Vulkan, allowing some GL-specific to be compiled to Vulkan SPIR-V target
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/intermOut.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/intermOut.cpp
index c718f949a7..5ce3e47280 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/intermOut.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/intermOut.cpp
@@ -886,7 +886,6 @@ bool TOutputTraverser::visitAggregate(TVisit /* visit */, TIntermAggregate* node
case EOpTime: out.debug << "time"; break;
case EOpAtomicAdd: out.debug << "AtomicAdd"; break;
- case EOpAtomicSubtract: out.debug << "AtomicSubtract"; break;
case EOpAtomicMin: out.debug << "AtomicMin"; break;
case EOpAtomicMax: out.debug << "AtomicMax"; break;
case EOpAtomicAnd: out.debug << "AtomicAnd"; break;
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.cpp
index 7e12864f36..c42e74fa5f 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.cpp
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ struct TResolverUniformAdaptor {
ent.newIndex = -1;
const bool isValid = resolver.validateBinding(stage, ent);
if (isValid) {
- resolver.resolveSet(ent.stage, ent);
resolver.resolveBinding(ent.stage, ent);
+ resolver.resolveSet(ent.stage, ent);
resolver.resolveUniformLocation(ent.stage, ent);
if (ent.newBinding != -1) {
@@ -317,13 +317,15 @@ struct TResolverInOutAdaptor {
// The class is used for reserving explicit uniform locations and ubo/ssbo/opaque bindings
-// xxTODO: maybe this logic should be moved into the resolver's "validateInOut" and "validateUniform"
struct TSymbolValidater
TSymbolValidater(TIoMapResolver& r, TInfoSink& i, TVarLiveMap* in[EShLangCount], TVarLiveMap* out[EShLangCount],
TVarLiveMap* uniform[EShLangCount], bool& hadError, EProfile profile, int version)
- : resolver(r)
+ : preStage(EShLangCount)
+ , currentStage(EShLangCount)
+ , nextStage(EShLangCount)
+ , resolver(r)
, infoSink(i)
, hadError(hadError)
, profile(profile)
@@ -436,23 +438,17 @@ struct TSymbolValidater
TIntermSymbol* base = ent1.symbol;
const TType& type = ent1.symbol->getType();
const TString& name = entKey.first;
- TString mangleName1, mangleName2;
EShLanguage stage = ent1.stage;
- EShLanguage preStage, currentStage, nextStage;
- preStage = EShLangCount;
- for (int i = stage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (inVarMaps[i] != nullptr) {
- preStage = static_cast(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- currentStage = stage;
- nextStage = EShLangCount;
- for (int i = stage + 1; i < EShLangCount; i++) {
- if (inVarMaps[i] != nullptr) {
- nextStage = static_cast(i);
- break;
+ TString mangleName1, mangleName2;
+ if (currentStage != stage) {
+ preStage = currentStage;
+ currentStage = stage;
+ nextStage = EShLangCount;
+ for (int i = currentStage + 1; i < EShLangCount; i++) {
+ if (inVarMaps[i] != nullptr) {
+ nextStage = static_cast(i);
+ break;
+ }
@@ -463,9 +459,6 @@ struct TSymbolValidater
- // basic checking that symbols match
- // more extensive checking in the link stage
if (base->getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn) {
// validate stage in;
if (preStage == EShLangCount)
@@ -491,7 +484,8 @@ struct TSymbolValidater
if (ent2->second.symbol->getType().getQualifier().isArrayedIo(preStage)) {
TType subType(ent2->second.symbol->getType(), 0);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
@@ -542,7 +536,8 @@ struct TSymbolValidater
if (ent2->second.symbol->getType().getQualifier().isArrayedIo(nextStage)) {
TType subType(ent2->second.symbol->getType(), 0);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
if (mangleName1 == mangleName2)
@@ -555,7 +550,7 @@ struct TSymbolValidater
- } else if (base->getQualifier().isUniformOrBuffer() && !base->getQualifier().isPushConstant()) {
+ } else if (base->getQualifier().isUniformOrBuffer() && ! base->getQualifier().isPushConstant()) {
// validate uniform type;
for (int i = 0; i < EShLangCount; i++) {
if (i != currentStage && outVarMaps[i] != nullptr) {
@@ -563,7 +558,6 @@ struct TSymbolValidater
if (ent2 != uniformVarMap[i]->end()) {
if (mangleName1 != mangleName2) {
- ent2->second.symbol->getType().sameElementType(type);
TString err = "Invalid Uniform variable type : " + entKey.first;, err.c_str());
hadError = true;
@@ -614,7 +608,8 @@ struct TSymbolValidater
TVarLiveMap *inVarMaps[EShLangCount], *outVarMaps[EShLangCount], *uniformVarMap[EShLangCount];
+ // Use for mark pre stage, to get more interface symbol information.
+ EShLanguage preStage, currentStage, nextStage;
// Use for mark current shader stage for resolver
TIoMapResolver& resolver;
TInfoSink& infoSink;
@@ -754,18 +749,14 @@ TDefaultIoResolverBase::TDefaultIoResolverBase(const TIntermediate& intermediate
, nextOutputLocation(0)
memset(stageMask, false, sizeof(bool) * (EShLangCount + 1));
- memset(stageIntermediates, 0, sizeof(TIntermediate*) * (EShLangCount));
- stageIntermediates[intermediate.getStage()] = &intermediate;
-int TDefaultIoResolverBase::getBaseBinding(EShLanguage stage, TResourceType res, unsigned int set) const {
- return stageIntermediates[stage] ? selectBaseBinding(stageIntermediates[stage]->getShiftBinding(res), stageIntermediates[stage]->getShiftBindingForSet(res, set))
- : selectBaseBinding(intermediate.getShiftBinding(res), intermediate.getShiftBindingForSet(res, set));
+int TDefaultIoResolverBase::getBaseBinding(TResourceType res, unsigned int set) const {
+ return selectBaseBinding(intermediate.getShiftBinding(res), intermediate.getShiftBindingForSet(res, set));
-const std::vector& TDefaultIoResolverBase::getResourceSetBinding(EShLanguage stage) const {
- return stageIntermediates[stage] ? stageIntermediates[stage]->getResourceSetBinding()
- : intermediate.getResourceSetBinding();
+const std::vector& TDefaultIoResolverBase::getResourceSetBinding() const {
+ return intermediate.getResourceSetBinding();
bool TDefaultIoResolverBase::doAutoBindingMapping() const { return intermediate.getAutoMapBindings(); }
@@ -806,14 +797,14 @@ int TDefaultIoResolverBase::getFreeSlot(int set, int base, int size) {
return reserveSlot(set, base, size);
-int TDefaultIoResolverBase::resolveSet(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInfo& ent) {
+int TDefaultIoResolverBase::resolveSet(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) {
const TType& type = ent.symbol->getType();
if (type.getQualifier().hasSet()) {
return ent.newSet = type.getQualifier().layoutSet;
// If a command line or API option requested a single descriptor set, use that (if not overrided by spaceN)
- if (getResourceSetBinding(stage).size() == 1) {
- return ent.newSet = atoi(getResourceSetBinding(stage)[0].c_str());
+ if (getResourceSetBinding().size() == 1) {
+ return ent.newSet = atoi(getResourceSetBinding()[0].c_str());
return ent.newSet = 0;
@@ -934,7 +925,7 @@ int TDefaultGlslIoResolver::resolveInOutLocation(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInf
preStage = currentStage;
currentStage = stage;
- // kick out if not doing this
+ // kick out of not doing this
if (! doAutoLocationMapping()) {
return ent.newLocation = -1;
@@ -1082,7 +1073,7 @@ int TDefaultGlslIoResolver::resolveUniformLocation(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEn
return ent.newLocation = location;
-int TDefaultGlslIoResolver::resolveBinding(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInfo& ent) {
+int TDefaultGlslIoResolver::resolveBinding(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) {
const TType& type = ent.symbol->getType();
const TString& name = ent.symbol->getAccessName();
// On OpenGL arrays of opaque types take a separate binding for each element
@@ -1095,32 +1086,30 @@ int TDefaultGlslIoResolver::resolveBinding(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInfo& ent
// There is no 'set' qualifier in OpenGL shading language, each resource has its own
// binding name space, so remap the 'set' to resource type which make each resource
// binding is valid from 0 to MAX_XXRESOURCE_BINDINGS
- int set = intermediate.getSpv().openGl != 0 ? resource : ent.newSet;
- int resourceKey = set;
+ int set = resource;
if (resource < EResCount) {
if (type.getQualifier().hasBinding()) {
- int newBinding = reserveSlot(resourceKey, getBaseBinding(stage, resource, set) + type.getQualifier().layoutBinding, numBindings);
- return ent.newBinding = newBinding;
- } else {
+ ent.newBinding = reserveSlot(set, getBaseBinding(resource, set) + type.getQualifier().layoutBinding, numBindings);
+ return ent.newBinding;
+ } else if ( && doAutoBindingMapping()) {
// The resource in current stage is not declared with binding, but it is possible declared
// with explicit binding in other stages, find the resourceSlotMap firstly to check whether
// the resource has binding, don't need to allocate if it already has a binding
bool hasBinding = false;
- ent.newBinding = -1; // leave as -1 if it isn't set below
- if (! resourceSlotMap[resourceKey].empty()) {
- TVarSlotMap::iterator iter = resourceSlotMap[resourceKey].find(name);
- if (iter != resourceSlotMap[resourceKey].end()) {
+ if (! resourceSlotMap[resource].empty()) {
+ TVarSlotMap::iterator iter = resourceSlotMap[resource].find(name);
+ if (iter != resourceSlotMap[resource].end()) {
hasBinding = true;
ent.newBinding = iter->second;
- if (!hasBinding && ( && doAutoBindingMapping())) {
+ if (! hasBinding) {
+ TVarSlotMap varSlotMap;
// find free slot, the caller did make sure it passes all vars with binding
// first and now all are passed that do not have a binding and needs one
- int binding = getFreeSlot(resourceKey, getBaseBinding(stage, resource, set), numBindings);
- resourceSlotMap[resourceKey][name] = binding;
+ int binding = getFreeSlot(resource, getBaseBinding(resource, set), numBindings);
+ varSlotMap[name] = binding;
+ resourceSlotMap[resource] = varSlotMap;
ent.newBinding = binding;
return ent.newBinding;
@@ -1222,20 +1211,16 @@ void TDefaultGlslIoResolver::reserverStorageSlot(TVarEntryInfo& ent, TInfoSink&
void TDefaultGlslIoResolver::reserverResourceSlot(TVarEntryInfo& ent, TInfoSink& infoSink) {
const TType& type = ent.symbol->getType();
const TString& name = ent.symbol->getAccessName();
- TResourceType resource = getResourceType(type);
- int set = intermediate.getSpv().openGl != 0 ? resource : resolveSet(ent.stage, ent);
- int resourceKey = set;
+ int resource = getResourceType(type);
if (type.getQualifier().hasBinding()) {
- TVarSlotMap& varSlotMap = resourceSlotMap[resourceKey];
+ TVarSlotMap& varSlotMap = resourceSlotMap[resource];
TVarSlotMap::iterator iter = varSlotMap.find(name);
- int binding = type.getQualifier().layoutBinding + getBaseBinding(ent.stage, resource, set);
+ int binding = type.getQualifier().layoutBinding;
if (iter == varSlotMap.end()) {
// Reserve the slots for the ubo, ssbo and opaques who has explicit binding
- int numBindings = intermediate.getSpv().openGl != 0 && type.isSizedArray() ? type.getCumulativeArraySize() : 1;
+ int numBindings = type.isSizedArray() ? type.getCumulativeArraySize() : 1;
varSlotMap[name] = binding;
- reserveSlot(resourceKey, binding, numBindings);
+ reserveSlot(resource, binding, numBindings);
} else {
// Allocate binding by name for OpenGL driver, so the resource in different
// stages should be declared with the same binding
@@ -1284,7 +1269,7 @@ struct TDefaultIoResolver : public TDefaultIoResolverBase {
return EResCount;
- int resolveBinding(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override {
+ int resolveBinding(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override {
const TType& type = ent.symbol->getType();
const int set = getLayoutSet(type);
// On OpenGL arrays of opaque types take a seperate binding for each element
@@ -1293,11 +1278,11 @@ struct TDefaultIoResolver : public TDefaultIoResolverBase {
if (resource < EResCount) {
if (type.getQualifier().hasBinding()) {
return ent.newBinding = reserveSlot(
- set, getBaseBinding(stage, resource, set) + type.getQualifier().layoutBinding, numBindings);
+ set, getBaseBinding(resource, set) + type.getQualifier().layoutBinding, numBindings);
} else if ( && doAutoBindingMapping()) {
// find free slot, the caller did make sure it passes all vars with binding
// first and now all are passed that do not have a binding and needs one
- return ent.newBinding = getFreeSlot(set, getBaseBinding(stage, resource, set), numBindings);
+ return ent.newBinding = getFreeSlot(set, getBaseBinding(resource, set), numBindings);
return ent.newBinding = -1;
@@ -1369,17 +1354,17 @@ struct TDefaultHlslIoResolver : public TDefaultIoResolverBase {
return EResCount;
- int resolveBinding(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override {
+ int resolveBinding(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override {
const TType& type = ent.symbol->getType();
const int set = getLayoutSet(type);
TResourceType resource = getResourceType(type);
if (resource < EResCount) {
if (type.getQualifier().hasBinding()) {
- return ent.newBinding = reserveSlot(set, getBaseBinding(stage, resource, set) + type.getQualifier().layoutBinding);
+ return ent.newBinding = reserveSlot(set, getBaseBinding(resource, set) + type.getQualifier().layoutBinding);
} else if ( && doAutoBindingMapping()) {
// find free slot, the caller did make sure it passes all vars with binding
// first and now all are passed that do not have a binding and needs one
- return ent.newBinding = getFreeSlot(set, getBaseBinding(stage, resource, set));
+ return ent.newBinding = getFreeSlot(set, getBaseBinding(resource, set));
return ent.newBinding = -1;
@@ -1418,10 +1403,10 @@ bool TIoMapper::addStage(EShLanguage stage, TIntermediate& intermediate, TInfoSi
resolver = &defaultResolver;
+ resolver->addStage(stage);
resolver = &defaultResolver;
- resolver->addStage(stage, intermediate);
TVarLiveMap inVarMap, outVarMap, uniformVarMap;
TVarLiveVector inVector, outVector, uniformVector;
@@ -1517,21 +1502,10 @@ bool TGlslIoMapper::addStage(EShLanguage stage, TIntermediate& intermediate, TIn
// if no resolver is provided, use the default resolver with the given shifts and auto map settings
TDefaultGlslIoResolver defaultResolver(intermediate);
- TDefaultHlslIoResolver defaultHlslResolver(intermediate);
- if (resolver == nullptr) {
- // TODO: use a passed in IO mapper for this
- if (intermediate.usingHlslIoMapping())
- resolver = &defaultHlslResolver;
- else
- resolver = &defaultResolver;
- }
if (resolver == nullptr) {
resolver = &defaultResolver;
- resolver->addStage(stage, intermediate);
+ resolver->addStage(stage);
inVarMaps[stage] = new TVarLiveMap(); outVarMaps[stage] = new TVarLiveMap(); uniformVarMap[stage] = new TVarLiveMap();
TVarGatherTraverser iter_binding_all(intermediate, true, *inVarMaps[stage], *outVarMaps[stage],
@@ -1573,51 +1547,15 @@ bool TGlslIoMapper::doMap(TIoMapResolver* resolver, TInfoSink& infoSink) {
TResolverInOutAdaptor inOutResolve(EShLangCount, *resolver, infoSink, hadError);
TSymbolValidater symbolValidater(*resolver, infoSink, inVarMaps,
outVarMaps, uniformVarMap, hadError, profile, version);
- TVarLiveVector inVectors[EShLangCount];
- TVarLiveVector outVectors[EShLangCount];
TVarLiveVector uniformVector;
for (int stage = EShLangVertex; stage < EShLangCount; stage++) {
if (inVarMaps[stage] != nullptr) {
- // copy vars into a sorted list
- std::for_each(inVarMaps[stage]->begin(), inVarMaps[stage]->end(),
- [&inVectors, stage](TVarLivePair p) { inVectors[stage].push_back(p); });
- std::sort(inVectors[stage].begin(), inVectors[stage].end(),
- [](const TVarLivePair& p1, const TVarLivePair& p2) -> bool {
- return TVarEntryInfo::TOrderByPriority()(p1.second, p2.second);
- });
- std::for_each(outVarMaps[stage]->begin(), outVarMaps[stage]->end(),
- [&outVectors, stage](TVarLivePair p) { outVectors[stage].push_back(p); });
- std::sort(outVectors[stage].begin(), outVectors[stage].end(),
- [](const TVarLivePair& p1, const TVarLivePair& p2) -> bool {
- return TVarEntryInfo::TOrderByPriority()(p1.second, p2.second);
- });
- for (auto& var : inVectors[stage]) { symbolValidater(var); }
- for (auto& var : inVectors[stage]) { inOutResolve(var); }
- for (auto& var : outVectors[stage]) { symbolValidater(var); }
- for (auto& var : outVectors[stage]) { inOutResolve(var); }
- // copy results back into maps
- std::for_each(inVectors[stage].begin(), inVectors[stage].end(),
- [this, stage](TVarLivePair p) {
- auto at = inVarMaps[stage]->find(p.first);
- if (at != inVarMaps[stage]->end())
- at->second = p.second;
- });
- std::for_each(outVectors[stage].begin(), outVectors[stage].end(),
- [this, stage](TVarLivePair p) {
- auto at = outVarMaps[stage]->find(p.first);
- if (at != outVarMaps[stage]->end())
- at->second = p.second;
- });
+ for (auto& var : *(inVarMaps[stage])) { symbolValidater(var); }
+ for (auto& var : *(inVarMaps[stage])) { inOutResolve(var); }
+ for (auto& var : *(outVarMaps[stage])) { symbolValidater(var); }
+ for (auto& var : *(outVarMaps[stage])) { inOutResolve(var); }
if (uniformVarMap[stage] != nullptr) {
@@ -1625,7 +1563,7 @@ bool TGlslIoMapper::doMap(TIoMapResolver* resolver, TInfoSink& infoSink) {
std::sort(uniformVector.begin(), uniformVector.end(), [](const TVarLivePair& p1, const TVarLivePair& p2) -> bool {
- return TVarEntryInfo::TOrderByPriorityAndLive()(p1.second, p2.second);
+ return TVarEntryInfo::TOrderByPriority()(p1.second, p2.second);
for (auto& var : uniformVector) { symbolValidater(var); }
for (auto& var : uniformVector) { uniformResolve(var); }
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h b/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h
index 07357c2ef4..1dce8ff54b 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h
@@ -87,35 +87,6 @@ struct TVarEntryInfo {
return lPoints > rPoints;
- struct TOrderByPriorityAndLive {
- // ordering:
- // 1) do live variables first
- // 2) has both binding and set
- // 3) has binding but no set
- // 4) has no binding but set
- // 5) has no binding and no set
- inline bool operator()(const TVarEntryInfo& l, const TVarEntryInfo& r) {
- const TQualifier& lq = l.symbol->getQualifier();
- const TQualifier& rq = r.symbol->getQualifier();
- // simple rules:
- // has binding gives 2 points
- // has set gives 1 point
- // who has the most points is more important.
- int lPoints = (lq.hasBinding() ? 2 : 0) + (lq.hasSet() ? 1 : 0);
- int rPoints = (rq.hasBinding() ? 2 : 0) + (rq.hasSet() ? 1 : 0);
- if ( !=
- return >;
- if (lPoints != rPoints)
- return lPoints > rPoints;
- return <;
- }
- };
// Base class for shared TIoMapResolver services, used by several derivations.
@@ -136,8 +107,8 @@ struct TDefaultIoResolverBase : public glslang::TIoMapResolver {
void endCollect(EShLanguage) override {}
void reserverResourceSlot(TVarEntryInfo& /*ent*/, TInfoSink& /*infoSink*/) override {}
void reserverStorageSlot(TVarEntryInfo& /*ent*/, TInfoSink& /*infoSink*/) override {}
- int getBaseBinding(EShLanguage stage, TResourceType res, unsigned int set) const;
- const std::vector& getResourceSetBinding(EShLanguage stage) const;
+ int getBaseBinding(TResourceType res, unsigned int set) const;
+ const std::vector& getResourceSetBinding() const;
virtual TResourceType getResourceType(const glslang::TType& type) = 0;
bool doAutoBindingMapping() const;
bool doAutoLocationMapping() const;
@@ -151,11 +122,9 @@ struct TDefaultIoResolverBase : public glslang::TIoMapResolver {
int resolveInOutLocation(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
int resolveInOutComponent(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
int resolveInOutIndex(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
- void addStage(EShLanguage stage, TIntermediate& stageIntermediate) override {
- if (stage < EShLangCount) {
+ void addStage(EShLanguage stage) override {
+ if (stage < EShLangCount)
stageMask[stage] = true;
- stageIntermediates[stage] = &stageIntermediate;
- }
uint32_t computeTypeLocationSize(const TType& type, EShLanguage stage);
@@ -170,8 +139,6 @@ struct TDefaultIoResolverBase : public glslang::TIoMapResolver {
int nextInputLocation;
int nextOutputLocation;
bool stageMask[EShLangCount + 1];
- const TIntermediate* stageIntermediates[EShLangCount];
// Return descriptor set specific base if there is one, and the generic base otherwise.
int selectBaseBinding(int base, int descriptorSetBase) const {
return descriptorSetBase != -1 ? descriptorSetBase : base;
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/linkValidate.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/linkValidate.cpp
index 789dc3c308..3f3a3127c3 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/linkValidate.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/linkValidate.cpp
@@ -90,55 +90,6 @@ void TIntermediate::merge(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit)
-// check that link objects between stages
-void TIntermediate::mergeUniformObjects(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit) {
- if (unit.treeRoot == nullptr || treeRoot == nullptr)
- return;
- // Get the linker-object lists
- TIntermSequence& linkerObjects = findLinkerObjects()->getSequence();
- TIntermSequence unitLinkerObjects = unit.findLinkerObjects()->getSequence();
- // filter unitLinkerObjects to only contain uniforms
- auto end = std::remove_if(unitLinkerObjects.begin(), unitLinkerObjects.end(),
- [](TIntermNode* node) {return node->getAsSymbolNode()->getQualifier().storage != EvqUniform &&
- node->getAsSymbolNode()->getQualifier().storage != EvqBuffer; });
- unitLinkerObjects.resize(end - unitLinkerObjects.begin());
- // merge uniforms and do error checking
- mergeGlobalUniformBlocks(infoSink, unit);
- mergeLinkerObjects(infoSink, linkerObjects, unitLinkerObjects, unit.getStage());
-// do error checking on the shader boundary in / out vars
-void TIntermediate::checkStageIO(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit) {
- if (unit.treeRoot == nullptr || treeRoot == nullptr)
- return;
- // Get copies of the linker-object lists
- TIntermSequence linkerObjects = findLinkerObjects()->getSequence();
- TIntermSequence unitLinkerObjects = unit.findLinkerObjects()->getSequence();
- // filter linkerObjects to only contain out variables
- auto end = std::remove_if(linkerObjects.begin(), linkerObjects.end(),
- [](TIntermNode* node) {return node->getAsSymbolNode()->getQualifier().storage != EvqVaryingOut; });
- linkerObjects.resize(end - linkerObjects.begin());
- // filter unitLinkerObjects to only contain in variables
- auto unitEnd = std::remove_if(unitLinkerObjects.begin(), unitLinkerObjects.end(),
- [](TIntermNode* node) {return node->getAsSymbolNode()->getQualifier().storage != EvqVaryingIn; });
- unitLinkerObjects.resize(unitEnd - unitLinkerObjects.begin());
- // do matching and error checking
- mergeLinkerObjects(infoSink, linkerObjects, unitLinkerObjects, unit.getStage());
- // TODO: final check; make sure that any statically used `in` have matching `out` written to
void TIntermediate::mergeCallGraphs(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit)
if (unit.getNumEntryPoints() > 0) {
@@ -186,7 +137,6 @@ void TIntermediate::mergeModes(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit)
- MERGE_TRUE(spvVersion.vulkanRelaxed);
numErrors += unit.getNumErrors();
// Only one push_constant is allowed, mergeLinkerObjects() will ensure the push_constant
@@ -362,8 +312,7 @@ void TIntermediate::mergeTrees(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit)
remapIds(idMaps, idShift + 1, unit);
mergeBodies(infoSink, globals, unitGlobals);
- mergeGlobalUniformBlocks(infoSink, unit);
- mergeLinkerObjects(infoSink, linkerObjects, unitLinkerObjects, unit.getStage());
+ mergeLinkerObjects(infoSink, linkerObjects, unitLinkerObjects);
ioAccessed.insert(unit.ioAccessed.begin(), unit.ioAccessed.end());
@@ -507,193 +456,11 @@ void TIntermediate::mergeBodies(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSequence& globals, c
globals.insert(globals.end() - 1, unitGlobals.begin(), unitGlobals.end() - 1);
-static inline bool isSameInterface(TIntermSymbol* symbol, EShLanguage stage, TIntermSymbol* unitSymbol, EShLanguage unitStage) {
- return // 1) same stage and same shader interface
- (stage == unitStage && symbol->getType().getShaderInterface() == unitSymbol->getType().getShaderInterface()) ||
- // 2) accross stages and both are uniform or buffer
- (symbol->getQualifier().storage == EvqUniform && unitSymbol->getQualifier().storage == EvqUniform) ||
- (symbol->getQualifier().storage == EvqBuffer && unitSymbol->getQualifier().storage == EvqBuffer) ||
- // 3) in/out matched across stage boundary
- (stage < unitStage && symbol->getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut && unitSymbol->getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn) ||
- (unitStage < stage && symbol->getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn && unitSymbol->getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut);
-// Global Unfiform block stores any default uniforms (i.e. uniforms without a block)
-// If two linked stages declare the same member, they are meant to be the same uniform
-// and need to be in the same block
-// merge the members of different stages to allow them to be linked properly
-// as a single block
-void TIntermediate::mergeGlobalUniformBlocks(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit)
- TIntermSequence& linkerObjects = findLinkerObjects()->getSequence();
- TIntermSequence& unitLinkerObjects = unit.findLinkerObjects()->getSequence();
- // build lists of default blocks from the intermediates
- TIntermSequence defaultBlocks;
- TIntermSequence unitDefaultBlocks;
- auto filter = [](TIntermSequence& list, TIntermNode* node) {
- if (node->getAsSymbolNode()->getQualifier().defaultBlock) {
- list.push_back(node);
- }
- };
- std::for_each(linkerObjects.begin(), linkerObjects.end(),
- [&defaultBlocks, &filter](TIntermNode* node) {
- filter(defaultBlocks, node);
- });
- std::for_each(unitLinkerObjects.begin(), unitLinkerObjects.end(),
- [&unitDefaultBlocks, &filter](TIntermNode* node) {
- filter(unitDefaultBlocks, node);
- });
- auto itUnitBlock = unitDefaultBlocks.begin();
- for (; itUnitBlock != unitDefaultBlocks.end(); itUnitBlock++) {
- bool add = true;
- auto itBlock = defaultBlocks.begin();
- for (; itBlock != defaultBlocks.end(); itBlock++) {
- TIntermSymbol* block = (*itBlock)->getAsSymbolNode();
- TIntermSymbol* unitBlock = (*itUnitBlock)->getAsSymbolNode();
- assert(block && unitBlock);
- // if the two default blocks match, then merge their definitions
- if (block->getType().getTypeName() == unitBlock->getType().getTypeName() &&
- block->getQualifier().storage == unitBlock->getQualifier().storage) {
- add = false;
- mergeBlockDefinitions(infoSink, block, unitBlock, &unit);
- }
- }
- if (add) {
- // push back on original list; won't change the size of the list we're iterating over
- linkerObjects.push_back(*itUnitBlock);
- }
- }
-void TIntermediate::mergeBlockDefinitions(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSymbol* block, TIntermSymbol* unitBlock, TIntermediate* unit) {
- if (block->getType() == unitBlock->getType()) {
- return;
- }
- if (block->getType().getTypeName() != unitBlock->getType().getTypeName() ||
- block->getType().getBasicType() != unitBlock->getType().getBasicType() ||
- block->getQualifier().storage != unitBlock->getQualifier().storage ||
- block->getQualifier().layoutSet != unitBlock->getQualifier().layoutSet) {
- // different block names likely means different blocks
- return;
- }
- // merge the struct
- // order of declarations doesn't matter and they matched based on member name
- TTypeList* memberList = block->getType().getWritableStruct();
- TTypeList* unitMemberList = unitBlock->getType().getWritableStruct();
- // keep track of which members have changed position
- // so we don't have to search the array again
- std::map memberIndexUpdates;
- size_t memberListStartSize = memberList->size();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unitMemberList->size(); ++i) {
- bool merge = true;
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < memberListStartSize; ++j) {
- if ((*memberList)[j].type->getFieldName() == (*unitMemberList)[i].type->getFieldName()) {
- merge = false;
- const TType* memberType = (*memberList)[j].type;
- const TType* unitMemberType = (*unitMemberList)[i].type;
- // compare types
- // don't need as many checks as when merging symbols, since
- // initializers and most qualifiers are stripped when the member is moved into the block
- if ((*memberType) != (*unitMemberType)) {
- error(infoSink, "Types must match:");
- << " " << memberType->getFieldName() << ": ";
- << "\"" << memberType->getCompleteString() << "\" versus ";
- << "\"" << unitMemberType->getCompleteString() << "\"\n";
- }
- memberIndexUpdates[i] = j;
- }
- }
- if (merge) {
- memberList->push_back((*unitMemberList)[i]);
- memberIndexUpdates[i] = (unsigned int)memberList->size() - 1;
- }
- }
- TType unitType;
- unitType.shallowCopy(unitBlock->getType());
- // update symbol node in unit tree,
- // and other nodes that may reference it
- class TMergeBlockTraverser : public TIntermTraverser {
- public:
- TMergeBlockTraverser(const glslang::TType &type, const glslang::TType& unitType,
- glslang::TIntermediate& unit,
- const std::map& memberIdxUpdates) :
- newType(type), unitType(unitType), unit(unit), memberIndexUpdates(memberIdxUpdates)
- { }
- virtual ~TMergeBlockTraverser() { }
- const glslang::TType& newType; // type with modifications
- const glslang::TType& unitType; // copy of original type
- glslang::TIntermediate& unit; // intermediate that is being updated
- const std::map& memberIndexUpdates;
- virtual void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol* symbol)
- {
- glslang::TType& symType = symbol->getWritableType();
- if (symType == unitType) {
- // each symbol node has a local copy of the unitType
- // if merging involves changing properties that aren't shared objects
- // they should be updated in all instances
- // e.g. the struct list is a ptr to an object, so it can be updated
- // once, outside the traverser
- //*symType.getWritableStruct() = *newType.getStruct();
- }
- }
- virtual bool visitBinary(TVisit, glslang::TIntermBinary* node)
- {
- if (node->getOp() == EOpIndexDirectStruct && node->getLeft()->getType() == unitType) {
- // this is a dereference to a member of the block since the
- // member list changed, need to update this to point to the
- // right index
- assert(node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion());
- glslang::TIntermConstantUnion* constNode = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion();
- unsigned int memberIdx = constNode->getConstArray()[0].getUConst();
- unsigned int newIdx =;
- TIntermTyped* newConstNode = unit.addConstantUnion(newIdx, node->getRight()->getLoc());
- node->setRight(newConstNode);
- delete constNode;
- return true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- } finalLinkTraverser(block->getType(), unitType, *unit, memberIndexUpdates);
- // update the tree to use the new type
- unit->getTreeRoot()->traverse(&finalLinkTraverser);
- // update the member list
- (*unitMemberList) = (*memberList);
// Merge the linker objects from unitLinkerObjects into linkerObjects.
// Duplication is expected and filtered out, but contradictions are an error.
-void TIntermediate::mergeLinkerObjects(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSequence& linkerObjects, const TIntermSequence& unitLinkerObjects, EShLanguage unitStage)
+void TIntermediate::mergeLinkerObjects(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSequence& linkerObjects, const TIntermSequence& unitLinkerObjects)
// Error check and merge the linker objects (duplicates should not be created)
std::size_t initialNumLinkerObjects = linkerObjects.size();
@@ -708,7 +475,7 @@ void TIntermediate::mergeLinkerObjects(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSequence& lin
// If they are both blocks in the same shader interface,
// match by the block-name, not the identifier name.
if (symbol->getType().getBasicType() == EbtBlock && unitSymbol->getType().getBasicType() == EbtBlock) {
- if (isSameInterface(symbol, getStage(), unitSymbol, unitStage)) {
+ if (symbol->getType().getShaderInterface() == unitSymbol->getType().getShaderInterface()) {
isSameSymbol = symbol->getType().getTypeName() == unitSymbol->getType().getTypeName();
@@ -728,54 +495,18 @@ void TIntermediate::mergeLinkerObjects(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSequence& lin
if (! symbol->getQualifier().hasBinding() && unitSymbol->getQualifier().hasBinding())
symbol->getQualifier().layoutBinding = unitSymbol->getQualifier().layoutBinding;
- // Similarly for location
- if (!symbol->getQualifier().hasLocation() && unitSymbol->getQualifier().hasLocation()) {
- symbol->getQualifier().layoutLocation = unitSymbol->getQualifier().layoutLocation;
- }
// Update implicit array sizes
mergeImplicitArraySizes(symbol->getWritableType(), unitSymbol->getType());
// Check for consistent types/qualification/initializers etc.
- mergeErrorCheck(infoSink, *symbol, *unitSymbol, unitStage);
+ mergeErrorCheck(infoSink, *symbol, *unitSymbol, false);
// If different symbols, verify they arn't push_constant since there can only be one per stage
- else if (symbol->getQualifier().isPushConstant() && unitSymbol->getQualifier().isPushConstant() && getStage() == unitStage)
+ else if (symbol->getQualifier().isPushConstant() && unitSymbol->getQualifier().isPushConstant())
error(infoSink, "Only one push_constant block is allowed per stage");
- if (merge) {
+ if (merge)
- // for anonymous blocks, check that their members don't conflict with other names
- if (unitLinkerObjects[unitLinkObj]->getAsSymbolNode()->getBasicType() == EbtBlock &&
- IsAnonymous(unitLinkerObjects[unitLinkObj]->getAsSymbolNode()->getName())) {
- for (std::size_t linkObj = 0; linkObj < initialNumLinkerObjects; ++linkObj) {
- TIntermSymbol* symbol = linkerObjects[linkObj]->getAsSymbolNode();
- TIntermSymbol* unitSymbol = unitLinkerObjects[unitLinkObj]->getAsSymbolNode();
- assert(symbol && unitSymbol);
- auto checkName = [this, unitSymbol, &infoSink](const TString& name) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unitSymbol->getType().getStruct()->size(); ++i) {
- if (name == (*unitSymbol->getType().getStruct())[i].type->getFieldName()) {
- error(infoSink, "Anonymous member name used for global variable or other anonymous member: ");
- << (*unitSymbol->getType().getStruct())[i].type->getCompleteString() << "\n";
- }
- }
- };
- if (isSameInterface(symbol, getStage(), unitSymbol, unitStage)) {
- checkName(symbol->getName());
- // check members of other anonymous blocks
- if (symbol->getBasicType() == EbtBlock && IsAnonymous(symbol->getName())) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->getType().getStruct()->size(); ++i) {
- checkName((*symbol->getType().getStruct())[i].type->getFieldName());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
@@ -807,74 +538,26 @@ void TIntermediate::mergeImplicitArraySizes(TType& type, const TType& unitType)
// This function only does one of intra- or cross-stage matching per call.
-void TIntermediate::mergeErrorCheck(TInfoSink& infoSink, const TIntermSymbol& symbol, const TIntermSymbol& unitSymbol, EShLanguage unitStage)
+void TIntermediate::mergeErrorCheck(TInfoSink& infoSink, const TIntermSymbol& symbol, const TIntermSymbol& unitSymbol, bool crossStage)
#if !defined(GLSLANG_WEB) && !defined(GLSLANG_ANGLE)
- bool crossStage = getStage() != unitStage;
bool writeTypeComparison = false;
// Types have to match
- {
+ if (symbol.getType() != unitSymbol.getType()) {
// but, we make an exception if one is an implicit array and the other is sized
- // or if the array sizes differ because of the extra array dimension on some in/out boundaries
- bool arraysMatch = false;
- if (isIoResizeArray(symbol.getType(), getStage()) || isIoResizeArray(unitSymbol.getType(), unitStage)) {
- // if the arrays have an extra dimension because of the stage.
- // compare dimensions while ignoring the outer dimension
- unsigned int firstDim = isIoResizeArray(symbol.getType(), getStage()) ? 1 : 0;
- unsigned int numDim = symbol.getArraySizes()
- ? symbol.getArraySizes()->getNumDims() : 0;
- unsigned int unitFirstDim = isIoResizeArray(unitSymbol.getType(), unitStage) ? 1 : 0;
- unsigned int unitNumDim = unitSymbol.getArraySizes()
- ? unitSymbol.getArraySizes()->getNumDims() : 0;
- arraysMatch = (numDim - firstDim) == (unitNumDim - unitFirstDim);
- // check that array sizes match as well
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (numDim - firstDim) && arraysMatch; i++) {
- if (symbol.getArraySizes()->getDimSize(firstDim + i) !=
- unitSymbol.getArraySizes()->getDimSize(unitFirstDim + i)) {
- arraysMatch = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- arraysMatch = symbol.getType().sameArrayness(unitSymbol.getType()) ||
- (symbol.getType().isArray() && unitSymbol.getType().isArray() &&
- (symbol.getType().isUnsizedArray() || unitSymbol.getType().isUnsizedArray()));
- }
- if (!symbol.getType().sameElementType(unitSymbol.getType()) ||
- !symbol.getType().sameTypeParameters(unitSymbol.getType()) ||
- !arraysMatch ) {
- writeTypeComparison = true;
+ if (! (symbol.getType().isArray() && unitSymbol.getType().isArray() &&
+ symbol.getType().sameElementType(unitSymbol.getType()) &&
+ (symbol.getType().isUnsizedArray() || unitSymbol.getType().isUnsizedArray()))) {
error(infoSink, "Types must match:");
- }
- }
- // Interface block member-wise layout qualifiers have to match
- if (symbol.getType().getBasicType() == EbtBlock && unitSymbol.getType().getBasicType() == EbtBlock &&
- symbol.getType().getStruct() && unitSymbol.getType().getStruct() &&
- symbol.getType().sameStructType(unitSymbol.getType())) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol.getType().getStruct()->size(); ++i) {
- const TQualifier& qualifier = (*symbol.getType().getStruct())[i].type->getQualifier();
- const TQualifier& unitQualifier = (*unitSymbol.getType().getStruct())[i].type->getQualifier();
- if (qualifier.layoutMatrix != unitQualifier.layoutMatrix ||
- qualifier.layoutOffset != unitQualifier.layoutOffset ||
- qualifier.layoutAlign != unitQualifier.layoutAlign ||
- qualifier.layoutLocation != unitQualifier.layoutLocation ||
- qualifier.layoutComponent != unitQualifier.layoutComponent) {
- error(infoSink, "Interface block member layout qualifiers must match:");
- writeTypeComparison = true;
- }
+ writeTypeComparison = true;
// Qualifiers have to (almost) match
// Storage...
- if (symbol.getQualifier().storage != unitSymbol.getQualifier().storage &&
- !((crossStage && symbol.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn && unitSymbol.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut) ||
- (crossStage && symbol.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut && unitSymbol.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn))) {
+ if (symbol.getQualifier().storage != unitSymbol.getQualifier().storage) {
error(infoSink, "Storage qualifiers must match:");
writeTypeComparison = true;
@@ -914,16 +597,12 @@ void TIntermediate::mergeErrorCheck(TInfoSink& infoSink, const TIntermSymbol& sy
// Auxiliary and interpolation...
- // "interpolation qualification (e.g., flat) and auxiliary qualification (e.g. centroid) may differ.
- // These mismatches are allowed between any pair of stages ...
- // those provided in the fragment shader supersede those provided in previous stages."
- if (!crossStage &&
- (symbol.getQualifier().centroid != unitSymbol.getQualifier().centroid ||
+ if (symbol.getQualifier().centroid != unitSymbol.getQualifier().centroid ||
symbol.getQualifier().smooth != unitSymbol.getQualifier().smooth ||
symbol.getQualifier().flat != unitSymbol.getQualifier().flat ||
symbol.getQualifier().isSample()!= unitSymbol.getQualifier().isSample() ||
symbol.getQualifier().isPatch() != unitSymbol.getQualifier().isPatch() ||
- symbol.getQualifier().isNonPerspective() != unitSymbol.getQualifier().isNonPerspective())) {
+ symbol.getQualifier().isNonPerspective() != unitSymbol.getQualifier().isNonPerspective()) {
error(infoSink, "Interpolation and auxiliary storage qualifiers must match:");
writeTypeComparison = true;
@@ -2151,17 +1830,4 @@ int TIntermediate::computeBufferReferenceTypeSize(const TType& type)
return size;
-#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
-bool TIntermediate::isIoResizeArray(const TType& type, EShLanguage language) {
- return type.isArray() &&
- ((language == EShLangGeometry && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn) ||
- (language == EShLangTessControl && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut &&
- ! type.getQualifier().patch) ||
- (language == EShLangFragment && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn &&
- type.getQualifier().pervertexNV) ||
- (language == EShLangMeshNV && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut &&
- !type.getQualifier().perTaskNV));
-#endif // not GLSLANG_WEB
} // end namespace glslang
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h b/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h
index 9bfa35cc88..9fe684a333 100644
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h
@@ -293,12 +293,7 @@ class TIntermediate {
- uniqueId(0),
- globalUniformBlockName(""),
- atomicCounterBlockName(""),
- globalUniformBlockSet(TQualifier::layoutSetEnd),
- globalUniformBlockBinding(TQualifier::layoutBindingEnd),
- atomicCounterBlockSet(TQualifier::layoutSetEnd)
+ uniqueId(0)
implicitThisName("@this"), implicitCounterName("@count"),
@@ -542,19 +537,6 @@ class TIntermediate {
void addSymbolLinkageNode(TIntermAggregate*& linkage, const TSymbol&);
TIntermAggregate* findLinkerObjects() const;
- void setGlobalUniformBlockName(const char* name) { globalUniformBlockName = std::string(name); }
- const char* getGlobalUniformBlockName() const { return globalUniformBlockName.c_str(); }
- void setGlobalUniformSet(unsigned int set) { globalUniformBlockSet = set; }
- unsigned int getGlobalUniformSet() const { return globalUniformBlockSet; }
- void setGlobalUniformBinding(unsigned int binding) { globalUniformBlockBinding = binding; }
- unsigned int getGlobalUniformBinding() const { return globalUniformBlockBinding; }
- void setAtomicCounterBlockName(const char* name) { atomicCounterBlockName = std::string(name); }
- const char* getAtomicCounterBlockName() const { return atomicCounterBlockName.c_str(); }
- void setAtomicCounterBlockSet(unsigned int set) { atomicCounterBlockSet = set; }
- unsigned int getAtomicCounterBlockSet() const { return atomicCounterBlockSet; }
void setUseStorageBuffer() { useStorageBuffer = true; }
bool usingStorageBuffer() const { return useStorageBuffer; }
void setDepthReplacing() { depthReplacing = true; }
@@ -866,20 +848,6 @@ class TIntermediate {
bool getBinaryDoubleOutput() { return binaryDoubleOutput; }
#endif // GLSLANG_WEB
- void addBlockStorageOverride(const char* nameStr, TBlockStorageClass backing)
- {
- std::string name(nameStr);
- blockBackingOverrides[name] = backing;
- }
- TBlockStorageClass getBlockStorageOverride(const char* nameStr) const
- {
- std::string name = nameStr;
- auto pos = blockBackingOverrides.find(name);
- if (pos == blockBackingOverrides.end())
- return EbsNone;
- else
- return pos->second;
- }
void setHlslFunctionality1() { hlslFunctionality1 = true; }
bool getHlslFunctionality1() const { return hlslFunctionality1; }
@@ -915,10 +883,6 @@ class TIntermediate {
void merge(TInfoSink&, TIntermediate&);
void finalCheck(TInfoSink&, bool keepUncalled);
- void mergeGlobalUniformBlocks(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit);
- void mergeUniformObjects(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermediate& unit);
- void checkStageIO(TInfoSink&, TIntermediate&);
bool buildConvertOp(TBasicType dst, TBasicType src, TOperator& convertOp) const;
TIntermTyped* createConversion(TBasicType convertTo, TIntermTyped* node) const;
@@ -942,8 +906,6 @@ class TIntermediate {
static int getOffset(const TType& type, int index);
static int getBlockSize(const TType& blockType);
static int computeBufferReferenceTypeSize(const TType&);
- static bool isIoResizeArray(const TType& type, EShLanguage language);
bool promote(TIntermOperator*);
void setNanMinMaxClamp(bool setting) { nanMinMaxClamp = setting; }
bool getNanMinMaxClamp() const { return nanMinMaxClamp; }
@@ -1001,10 +963,9 @@ class TIntermediate {
void seedIdMap(TIdMaps& idMaps, long long& IdShift);
void remapIds(const TIdMaps& idMaps, long long idShift, TIntermediate&);
void mergeBodies(TInfoSink&, TIntermSequence& globals, const TIntermSequence& unitGlobals);
- void mergeLinkerObjects(TInfoSink&, TIntermSequence& linkerObjects, const TIntermSequence& unitLinkerObjects, EShLanguage);
- void mergeBlockDefinitions(TInfoSink&, TIntermSymbol* block, TIntermSymbol* unitBlock, TIntermediate* unitRoot);
+ void mergeLinkerObjects(TInfoSink&, TIntermSequence& linkerObjects, const TIntermSequence& unitLinkerObjects);
void mergeImplicitArraySizes(TType&, const TType&);
- void mergeErrorCheck(TInfoSink&, const TIntermSymbol&, const TIntermSymbol&, EShLanguage);
+ void mergeErrorCheck(TInfoSink&, const TIntermSymbol&, const TIntermSymbol&, bool crossStage);
void checkCallGraphCycles(TInfoSink&);
void checkCallGraphBodies(TInfoSink&, bool keepUncalled);
void inOutLocationCheck(TInfoSink&);
@@ -1054,13 +1015,6 @@ class TIntermediate {
bool localSizeNotDefault[3];
int localSizeSpecId[3];
unsigned long long uniqueId;
- std::string globalUniformBlockName;
- std::string atomicCounterBlockName;
- unsigned int globalUniformBlockSet;
- unsigned int globalUniformBlockBinding;
- unsigned int atomicCounterBlockSet;
const char* const implicitThisName;
@@ -1121,7 +1075,6 @@ class TIntermediate {
int uniformLocationBase;
TNumericFeatures numericFeatures;
- std::unordered_map blockBackingOverrides;
std::unordered_set usedConstantId; // specialization constant ids used
std::vector usedAtomics; // sets of bindings used by atomic counters
diff --git a/glslang/Public/ShaderLang.h b/glslang/Public/ShaderLang.h
index 74b9f3eef7..e147b0dc89 100644
--- a/glslang/Public/ShaderLang.h
+++ b/glslang/Public/ShaderLang.h
@@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ struct TInputLanguage {
EShLanguage stage; // redundant information with other input, this one overrides when not EShSourceNone
EShClient dialect;
int dialectVersion; // version of client's language definition, not the client (when not EShClientNone)
- bool VulkanRulesRelaxed = false;
struct TClient {
@@ -428,14 +427,6 @@ enum TResourceType {
-enum TBlockStorageClass
- EbsUniform = 0,
- EbsStorageBuffer,
- EbsPushConstant,
- EbsNone, // not a uniform or buffer variable
- EbsCount,
// Make one TShader per shader that you will link into a program. Then
// - provide the shader through setStrings() or setStringsWithLengths()
@@ -492,14 +483,6 @@ class TShader {
GLSLANG_EXPORT void setNoStorageFormat(bool useUnknownFormat);
GLSLANG_EXPORT void setNanMinMaxClamp(bool nanMinMaxClamp);
GLSLANG_EXPORT void setTextureSamplerTransformMode(EShTextureSamplerTransformMode mode);
- GLSLANG_EXPORT void addBlockStorageOverride(const char* nameStr, glslang::TBlockStorageClass backing);
- GLSLANG_EXPORT void setGlobalUniformBlockName(const char* name);
- GLSLANG_EXPORT void setAtomicCounterBlockName(const char* name);
- GLSLANG_EXPORT void setGlobalUniformSet(unsigned int set);
- GLSLANG_EXPORT void setGlobalUniformBinding(unsigned int binding);
- GLSLANG_EXPORT void setAtomicCounterBlockSet(unsigned int set);
- GLSLANG_EXPORT void setAtomicCounterBlockBinding(unsigned int binding);
// For setting up the environment (cleared to nothingness in the constructor).
// These must be called so that parsing is done for the right source language and
@@ -556,9 +539,6 @@ class TShader {
bool getEnvTargetHlslFunctionality1() const { return false; }
- void setEnvInputVulkanRulesRelaxed() { environment.input.VulkanRulesRelaxed = true; }
- bool getEnvInputVulkanRulesRelaxed() const { return environment.input.VulkanRulesRelaxed; }
// Interface to #include handlers.
// To support #include, a client of Glslang does the following:
@@ -826,7 +806,7 @@ class TIoMapResolver
// Called by TSlotCollector to resolve resource locations or bindings
virtual void reserverResourceSlot(TVarEntryInfo& ent, TInfoSink& infoSink) = 0;
// Called by mapIO.addStage to set shader stage mask to mark a stage be added to this pipeline
- virtual void addStage(EShLanguage stage, TIntermediate& stageIntermediate) = 0;
+ virtual void addStage(EShLanguage stage) = 0;
@@ -948,7 +928,6 @@ class TProgram {
GLSLANG_EXPORT bool linkStage(EShLanguage, EShMessages);
- GLSLANG_EXPORT bool crossStageCheck(EShMessages);
TPoolAllocator* pool;
std::list stages[EShLangCount];
diff --git a/gtests/CMakeLists.txt b/gtests/CMakeLists.txt
index 74c9809aac..0617ff850e 100644
--- a/gtests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gtests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -53,9 +53,7 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING)
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/VkRelaxed.FromFile.cpp
diff --git a/gtests/GlslMapIO.FromFile.cpp b/gtests/GlslMapIO.FromFile.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 574e905f89..0000000000
--- a/gtests/GlslMapIO.FromFile.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Google, Inc.
-// Copyright (C) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-// are met:
-// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-// with the distribution.
-// Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-// from this software without specific prior written permission.
-#include "TestFixture.h"
-#include "glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h"
-#include "glslang/MachineIndependent/reflection.h"
-#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
-namespace glslangtest {
-namespace {
-struct IoMapData {
- std::vector fileNames;
- Semantics semantics;
-using GlslMapIOTest = GlslangTest <::testing::TestWithParam>;
-std::string interfaceName(T symbol) {
- return symbol.getType()->getBasicType() == glslang::EbtBlock ? std::string(symbol.getType()->getTypeName().c_str()) :;
-bool verifyIOMapping(std::string& linkingError, glslang::TProgram& program) {
- bool success = true;
- // Verify IO Mapping by generating reflection for each stage individually
- // and comparing layout qualifiers on the results
- int reflectionOptions = EShReflectionDefault;
- //reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionStrictArraySuffix;
- //reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionBasicArraySuffix;
- reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionIntermediateIO;
- reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionSeparateBuffers;
- reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionAllBlockVariables;
- //reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionUnwrapIOBlocks;
- success &= program.buildReflection(reflectionOptions);
- // check that the reflection output from the individual stages all makes sense..
- std::vector stageReflections;
- for (int s = 0; s < EShLangCount; ++s) {
- if (program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)s)) {
- stageReflections.emplace_back((EShReflectionOptions)reflectionOptions, (EShLanguage)s, (EShLanguage)s);
- success &= stageReflections.back().addStage((EShLanguage)s, *program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)s));
- }
- }
- // check that input/output locations match between stages
- auto it = stageReflections.begin();
- auto nextIt = it + 1;
- for (; nextIt != stageReflections.end(); it++, nextIt++) {
- int numOut = it->getNumPipeOutputs();
- std::map pipeOut;
- for (int i = 0; i < numOut; i++) {
- const glslang::TObjectReflection& out = it->getPipeOutput(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(out);
- pipeOut[name] = &out;
- }
- int numIn = nextIt->getNumPipeInputs();
- for (int i = 0; i < numIn; i++) {
- auto in = nextIt->getPipeInput(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(in);
- auto out = pipeOut.find(name);
- if (out != pipeOut.end()) {
- auto inQualifier = in.getType()->getQualifier();
- auto outQualifier = out->second->getType()->getQualifier();
- success &= outQualifier.layoutLocation == inQualifier.layoutLocation;
- }
- else {
- success &= false;
- }
- }
- }
- // compare uniforms in each stage to the program
- {
- int totalUniforms = program.getNumUniformVariables();
- std::map programUniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < totalUniforms; i++) {
- const glslang::TObjectReflection& uniform = program.getUniform(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(uniform);
- programUniforms[name] = &uniform;
- }
- it = stageReflections.begin();
- for (; it != stageReflections.end(); it++) {
- int numUniform = it->getNumUniforms();
- std::map uniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < numUniform; i++) {
- glslang::TObjectReflection uniform = it->getUniform(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(uniform);
- auto programUniform = programUniforms.find(name);
- if (programUniform != programUniforms.end()) {
- auto stageQualifier = uniform.getType()->getQualifier();
- auto programQualifier = programUniform->second->getType()->getQualifier();
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutLocation == programQualifier.layoutLocation;
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutBinding == programQualifier.layoutBinding;
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutSet == programQualifier.layoutSet;
- }
- else {
- success &= false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // compare uniform blocks in each stage to the program table
- {
- int totalUniforms = program.getNumUniformBlocks();
- std::map programUniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < totalUniforms; i++) {
- const glslang::TObjectReflection& uniform = program.getUniformBlock(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(uniform);
- programUniforms[name] = &uniform;
- }
- it = stageReflections.begin();
- for (; it != stageReflections.end(); it++) {
- int numUniform = it->getNumUniformBlocks();
- std::map uniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < numUniform; i++) {
- glslang::TObjectReflection uniform = it->getUniformBlock(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(uniform);
- auto programUniform = programUniforms.find(name);
- if (programUniform != programUniforms.end()) {
- auto stageQualifier = uniform.getType()->getQualifier();
- auto programQualifier = programUniform->second->getType()->getQualifier();
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutLocation == programQualifier.layoutLocation;
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutBinding == programQualifier.layoutBinding;
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutSet == programQualifier.layoutSet;
- }
- else {
- success &= false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!success) {
- linkingError += "Mismatched cross-stage IO\n";
- }
- return success;
-TEST_P(GlslMapIOTest, FromFile)
- const auto& fileNames = GetParam().fileNames;
- Semantics semantics = GetParam().semantics;
- const size_t fileCount = fileNames.size();
- const EShMessages controls = DeriveOptions(Source::GLSL, semantics, Target::BothASTAndSpv);
- GlslangResult result;
- // Compile each input shader file.
- bool success = true;
- std::vector> shaders;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i) {
- std::string contents;
- tryLoadFile(GlobalTestSettings.testRoot + "/" + fileNames[i],
- "input", &contents);
- shaders.emplace_back(
- new glslang::TShader(GetShaderStage(GetSuffix(fileNames[i]))));
- auto* shader = shaders.back().get();
- shader->setAutoMapLocations(true);
- shader->setAutoMapBindings(true);
- if (controls & EShMsgSpvRules) {
- if (controls & EShMsgVulkanRules) {
- shader->setEnvInput((controls & EShMsgReadHlsl) ? glslang::EShSourceHlsl
- : glslang::EShSourceGlsl,
- shader->getStage(), glslang::EShClientVulkan, 100);
- shader->setEnvClient(glslang::EShClientVulkan, glslang::EShTargetVulkan_1_1);
- shader->setEnvTarget(glslang::EShTargetSpv, glslang::EShTargetSpv_1_0);
- } else {
- shader->setEnvInput((controls & EShMsgReadHlsl) ? glslang::EShSourceHlsl
- : glslang::EShSourceGlsl,
- shader->getStage(), glslang::EShClientOpenGL, 100);
- shader->setEnvClient(glslang::EShClientOpenGL, glslang::EShTargetOpenGL_450);
- shader->setEnvTarget(glslang::EshTargetSpv, glslang::EShTargetSpv_1_0);
- }
- }
- success &= compile(shader, contents, "", controls);
- result.shaderResults.push_back(
- { fileNames[i], shader->getInfoLog(), shader->getInfoDebugLog() });
- }
- // Link all of them.
- glslang::TProgram program;
- for (const auto& shader : shaders) program.addShader(shader.get());
- success &=;
- result.linkingOutput = program.getInfoLog();
- result.linkingError = program.getInfoDebugLog();
- unsigned int stage = 0;
- glslang::TIntermediate* firstIntermediate = nullptr;
- while (!program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)stage) && stage < EShLangCount) { stage++; }
- firstIntermediate = program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)stage);
- glslang::TDefaultGlslIoResolver resolver(*firstIntermediate);
- glslang::TGlslIoMapper ioMapper;
- if (success) {
- success &= program.mapIO(&resolver, &ioMapper);
- result.linkingOutput = program.getInfoLog();
- result.linkingError = program.getInfoDebugLog();
- }
- success &= verifyIOMapping(result.linkingError, program);
- result.validationResult = success;
- if (success && (controls & EShMsgSpvRules)) {
- for (int stage = 0; stage < EShLangCount; ++stage) {
- if (program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)stage)) {
- spv::SpvBuildLogger logger;
- std::vector spirv_binary;
- options().disableOptimizer = false;
- glslang::GlslangToSpv(*program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)stage),
- spirv_binary, &logger, &options());
- std::ostringstream disassembly_stream;
- spv::Parameterize();
- spv::Disassemble(disassembly_stream, spirv_binary);
- result.spirvWarningsErrors += logger.getAllMessages();
- result.spirv += disassembly_stream.str();
- result.validationResult &= !options().validate || logger.getAllMessages().empty();
- }
- }
- }
- std::ostringstream stream;
- outputResultToStream(&stream, result, controls);
- // Check with expected results.
- const std::string expectedOutputFname =
- GlobalTestSettings.testRoot + "/baseResults/" + fileNames.front() + ".out";
- std::string expectedOutput;
- tryLoadFile(expectedOutputFname, "expected output", &expectedOutput);
- checkEqAndUpdateIfRequested(expectedOutput, stream.str(), expectedOutputFname,
- result.spirvWarningsErrors);
-// clang-format off
- Glsl, GlslMapIOTest,
- ::testing::ValuesIn(std::vector({
- {{"iomap.crossStage.vert", "iomap.crossStage.frag" }, Semantics::OpenGL},
- {{"iomap.crossStage.2.vert", "iomap.crossStage.2.geom", "iomap.crossStage.2.frag" }, Semantics::OpenGL},
- // vulkan semantics
- {{"iomap.crossStage.vk.vert", "iomap.crossStage.vk.geom", "iomap.crossStage.vk.frag" }, Semantics::Vulkan},
- }))
-// clang-format on
-} // anonymous namespace
-} // namespace glslangtest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gtests/Link.FromFile.Vk.cpp b/gtests/Link.FromFile.Vk.cpp
index 5e005a463c..2909a9c135 100644
--- a/gtests/Link.FromFile.Vk.cpp
+++ b/gtests/Link.FromFile.Vk.cpp
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(
{"link1.vk.frag", "link2.vk.frag"},
{"spv.unit1.frag", "spv.unit2.frag", "spv.unit3.frag"},
- {"link.vk.matchingPC.0.0.frag", "link.vk.matchingPC.0.1.frag",
- "link.vk.matchingPC.0.2.frag"},
- {"link.vk.differentPC.0.0.frag", "link.vk.differentPC.0.1.frag",
- "link.vk.differentPC.0.2.frag"},
- {"link.vk.differentPC.1.0.frag", "link.vk.differentPC.1.1.frag",
- "link.vk.differentPC.1.2.frag"},
+ {"link.vk.matchingPC.0.0.frag", "link.vk.matchingPC.0.1.frag",
+ "link.vk.matchingPC.0.2.frag"},
+ {"link.vk.differentPC.0.0.frag", "link.vk.differentPC.0.1.frag",
+ "link.vk.differentPC.0.2.frag"},
+ {"link.vk.differentPC.1.0.frag", "link.vk.differentPC.1.1.frag",
+ "link.vk.differentPC.1.2.frag"},
{"link.vk.pcNamingValid.0.0.vert", "link.vk.pcNamingValid.0.1.vert"},
{"link.vk.pcNamingInvalid.0.0.vert", "link.vk.pcNamingInvalid.0.1.vert"},
{"link.vk.multiBlocksValid.0.0.vert", "link.vk.multiBlocksValid.0.1.vert"},
diff --git a/gtests/VkRelaxed.FromFile.cpp b/gtests/VkRelaxed.FromFile.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d791d6cc67..0000000000
--- a/gtests/VkRelaxed.FromFile.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Google, Inc.
-// Copyright (C) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-// are met:
-// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-// with the distribution.
-// Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-// from this software without specific prior written permission.
-#include "TestFixture.h"
-#include "glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h"
-#include "glslang/MachineIndependent/reflection.h"
-#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
-namespace glslangtest {
-namespace {
-struct vkRelaxedData {
- std::vector fileNames;
-using VulkanRelaxedTest = GlslangTest <::testing::TestWithParam>;
-std::string interfaceName(T symbol) {
- return symbol.getType()->getBasicType() == glslang::EbtBlock ? std::string(symbol.getType()->getTypeName().c_str()) :;
-bool verifyIOMapping(std::string& linkingError, glslang::TProgram& program) {
- bool success = true;
- // Verify IO Mapping by generating reflection for each stage individually
- // and comparing layout qualifiers on the results
- int reflectionOptions = EShReflectionDefault;
- //reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionStrictArraySuffix;
- //reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionBasicArraySuffix;
- reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionIntermediateIO;
- reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionSeparateBuffers;
- reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionAllBlockVariables;
- //reflectionOptions |= EShReflectionUnwrapIOBlocks;
- success &= program.buildReflection(reflectionOptions);
- // check that the reflection output from the individual stages all makes sense..
- std::vector stageReflections;
- for (int s = 0; s < EShLangCount; ++s) {
- if (program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)s)) {
- stageReflections.emplace_back((EShReflectionOptions)reflectionOptions, (EShLanguage)s, (EShLanguage)s);
- success &= stageReflections.back().addStage((EShLanguage)s, *program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)s));
- }
- }
- // check that input/output locations match between stages
- auto it = stageReflections.begin();
- auto nextIt = it + 1;
- for (; nextIt != stageReflections.end(); it++, nextIt++) {
- int numOut = it->getNumPipeOutputs();
- std::map pipeOut;
- for (int i = 0; i < numOut; i++) {
- const glslang::TObjectReflection& out = it->getPipeOutput(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(out);
- pipeOut[name] = &out;
- }
- int numIn = nextIt->getNumPipeInputs();
- for (int i = 0; i < numIn; i++) {
- auto in = nextIt->getPipeInput(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(in);
- auto out = pipeOut.find(name);
- if (out != pipeOut.end()) {
- auto inQualifier = in.getType()->getQualifier();
- auto outQualifier = out->second->getType()->getQualifier();
- success &= outQualifier.layoutLocation == inQualifier.layoutLocation;
- }
- else {
- success &= false;
- }
- }
- }
- // compare uniforms in each stage to the program
- {
- int totalUniforms = program.getNumUniformVariables();
- std::map programUniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < totalUniforms; i++) {
- const glslang::TObjectReflection& uniform = program.getUniform(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(uniform);
- programUniforms[name] = &uniform;
- }
- it = stageReflections.begin();
- for (; it != stageReflections.end(); it++) {
- int numUniform = it->getNumUniforms();
- std::map uniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < numUniform; i++) {
- glslang::TObjectReflection uniform = it->getUniform(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(uniform);
- auto programUniform = programUniforms.find(name);
- if (programUniform != programUniforms.end()) {
- auto stageQualifier = uniform.getType()->getQualifier();
- auto programQualifier = programUniform->second->getType()->getQualifier();
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutLocation == programQualifier.layoutLocation;
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutBinding == programQualifier.layoutBinding;
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutSet == programQualifier.layoutSet;
- }
- else {
- success &= false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // compare uniform blocks in each stage to the program table
- {
- int totalUniforms = program.getNumUniformBlocks();
- std::map programUniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < totalUniforms; i++) {
- const glslang::TObjectReflection& uniform = program.getUniformBlock(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(uniform);
- programUniforms[name] = &uniform;
- }
- it = stageReflections.begin();
- for (; it != stageReflections.end(); it++) {
- int numUniform = it->getNumUniformBlocks();
- std::map uniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < numUniform; i++) {
- glslang::TObjectReflection uniform = it->getUniformBlock(i);
- std::string name = interfaceName(uniform);
- auto programUniform = programUniforms.find(name);
- if (programUniform != programUniforms.end()) {
- auto stageQualifier = uniform.getType()->getQualifier();
- auto programQualifier = programUniform->second->getType()->getQualifier();
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutLocation == programQualifier.layoutLocation;
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutBinding == programQualifier.layoutBinding;
- success &= stageQualifier.layoutSet == programQualifier.layoutSet;
- }
- else {
- success &= false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!success) {
- linkingError += "Mismatched cross-stage IO\n";
- }
- return success;
-TEST_P(VulkanRelaxedTest, FromFile)
- const auto& fileNames = GetParam().fileNames;
- Semantics semantics = Semantics::Vulkan;
- const size_t fileCount = fileNames.size();
- const EShMessages controls = DeriveOptions(Source::GLSL, semantics, Target::BothASTAndSpv);
- GlslangResult result;
- // Compile each input shader file.
- bool success = true;
- std::vector> shaders;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i) {
- std::string contents;
- tryLoadFile(GlobalTestSettings.testRoot + "/" + fileNames[i],
- "input", &contents);
- shaders.emplace_back(
- new glslang::TShader(GetShaderStage(GetSuffix(fileNames[i]))));
- auto* shader = shaders.back().get();
- shader->setAutoMapLocations(true);
- shader->setAutoMapBindings(true);
- shader->setEnvInput(glslang::EShSourceGlsl, shader->getStage(), glslang::EShClientVulkan, 100);
- shader->setEnvClient(glslang::EShClientVulkan, glslang::EShTargetVulkan_1_1);
- shader->setEnvTarget(glslang::EShTargetSpv, glslang::EShTargetSpv_1_0);
- // Use vulkan relaxed option
- shader->setEnvInputVulkanRulesRelaxed();
- success &= compile(shader, contents, "", controls);
- result.shaderResults.push_back(
- { fileNames[i], shader->getInfoLog(), shader->getInfoDebugLog() });
- }
- // Link all of them.
- glslang::TProgram program;
- for (const auto& shader : shaders) program.addShader(shader.get());
- success &=;
- result.linkingOutput = program.getInfoLog();
- result.linkingError = program.getInfoDebugLog();
- unsigned int stage = 0;
- glslang::TIntermediate* firstIntermediate = nullptr;
- while (!program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)stage) && stage < EShLangCount) { stage++; }
- firstIntermediate = program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)stage);
- glslang::TDefaultGlslIoResolver resolver(*firstIntermediate);
- glslang::TGlslIoMapper ioMapper;
- if (success) {
- success &= program.mapIO(&resolver, &ioMapper);
- result.linkingOutput = program.getInfoLog();
- result.linkingError = program.getInfoDebugLog();
- }
- success &= verifyIOMapping(result.linkingError, program);
- result.validationResult = success;
- if (success && (controls & EShMsgSpvRules)) {
- for (int stage = 0; stage < EShLangCount; ++stage) {
- if (program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)stage)) {
- spv::SpvBuildLogger logger;
- std::vector spirv_binary;
- options().disableOptimizer = false;
- glslang::GlslangToSpv(*program.getIntermediate((EShLanguage)stage),
- spirv_binary, &logger, &options());
- std::ostringstream disassembly_stream;
- spv::Parameterize();
- spv::Disassemble(disassembly_stream, spirv_binary);
- result.spirvWarningsErrors += logger.getAllMessages();
- result.spirv += disassembly_stream.str();
- result.validationResult &= !options().validate || logger.getAllMessages().empty();
- }
- }
- }
- std::ostringstream stream;
- outputResultToStream(&stream, result, controls);
- // Check with expected results.
- const std::string expectedOutputFname =
- GlobalTestSettings.testRoot + "/baseResults/" + fileNames.front() + ".out";
- std::string expectedOutput;
- tryLoadFile(expectedOutputFname, "expected output", &expectedOutput);
- checkEqAndUpdateIfRequested(expectedOutput, stream.str(), expectedOutputFname,
- result.spirvWarningsErrors);
-// clang-format off
- Glsl, VulkanRelaxedTest,
- ::testing::ValuesIn(std::vector({
- {{"vk.relaxed.frag"}},
- {{"vk.relaxed.link1.frag", "vk.relaxed.link2.frag"}},
- {{"vk.relaxed.stagelink.vert", "vk.relaxed.stagelink.frag"}},
- {{"vk.relaxed.errorcheck.vert", "vk.relaxed.errorcheck.frag"}},
- }))
-// clang-format on
-} // anonymous namespace
-} // namespace glslangtest
\ No newline at end of file