Checklist with the state saved as a JSON file (either in the S3 backend or locally). Generic key-value pairs. Ideally could leverage the same logic as the image classification component, with radio buttons and such being configurable.
Cool Extensions:
- Usage as a "job queue", where each key-value is an S3 path for a task such as labeling
- Automatic completion marking and routing (specifically in the case of S3 paths)
- Automatic generation from other iterables, such as S3 directories (e.g. I need labeling jobs done on all folders in this directory)
- Completion (and maybe user) timestamps
- Aggregate Checklists (this is just iterable generation generalized to work on other checklists)
- A "progress tracker" - a progress bar hovering in the top right or elsewhere indicating total progress
- This could be made into it's own component for use in individual labeling tasks, and be generalized to be populated by checklist progress instead (or in addition to)
No labels