This is a wrapper for the utility library Lo-Dash for Angular JS. One aim for this project is to ensure Lo-Dash doesn't have to be left on the window, and we use Lo-Dash with Angular, in the normal dependency injection manner.
Install via bower
bower install ng-lodash
Require it into your application (after Angular)
<script src=""></script>
Add the module as a dependency to your app
var app = angular.module('yourAwesomeApp', ['ngLodash']);
And inject it into your controller like so!
var YourCtrl = app.controller('yourController', function($scope, lodash) {
lodash.assign({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'c': 3 });
To help us develop this module, we are using Grunt some tasks that may be helpful for you to know about are:
This command will run JSHint and JSCS testing JS Files (note files within build) are not tested, it will also run your local build of the module with all of the Karma tests:
grunt test
it can also be run by using npm test
This command will build the module, run it through ngMin and then create a minified version of the module, ready for distribution:
grunt build
This command will build the module initially and then run the test suite. Testing with JSHint, JSCS and Karma:
grunt dist