Although Gabe has proposed the use of setitem to initialize indexed components, I do not think that we should make that a part of the generic API for all indexed components. It requires that the
initial value
of the component can be specified with a single data value. The add() method allows for the specification of an arbitrary number of data values used to initialize a component. - * GH
It does not necessarily require an
initial value
, it could be an explicitly constructed object (e.g., x[i] = VarData(Reals)). The use of setitem is a stylistic preference (that I think is intuitive for an interface that already supports half of the dictionary methods). I’m proposing some kind of assignment to an explicitly created object be allowed, and then I’m proposing a discussion about whether or not the implicit forms should be considered. We already use the implicit forms for rule based definitions of Objective, Constraint, and Expression, so it shouldn’t be a stretch to go between the list below. Once these connections are obvious, setitem becomes a natural setting for explicit assignment.-
return model.x >= 1 → return ConstraintData(model.x >= 1)
model.c[i] = model.x >= 1 → model.c[i] = ConstraintData(model.x >= 1)
model.c.add(i, model.x >= 1) → model.c.add(i, ConstraintData(model.x >= 1))
The implicit definition of component data in these two instances is problematic. For example, simply iterating over the index set and printing mutable parameter or variable values will create component data objects for all indices. However, no obvious, intuitive syntax exists for constructing component data for new indices. The add() method can be used, but this seems burdensome for users. (I looked at other programming languages, like MOSEL, and they also employ implicit initialization of variables.)
- * GH
I agree that these behaviors are problematic. However, there does exist an intuitive way of expressing this kind of behavior. One should simply replace Var(index) with defaultdict(lambda: VarData(Reals)) (ignoring the index checking), and it immediately makes sense, at least, to someone who knows Python, rather than to only the core Pyomo developers who’ve yet to finish changing how it works. If you were to measure the
amount of burden
placed on a user by (a) requiring them to populate a dictionary (using any of the dict interface methods) or (b) forcing them to spend N+ hours debugging, frustrated by this implicit behavior, I would say that (b) is the more burdensome of the two. I’ve been there, but in my situation I can immediately jump into the source code and figure out if I am crazy or if something needs to be fixed. Most users can not do that. - GH
To summarize, I am NOT saying force everyone to use concrete modeling components. I am saying give them the option of using these more explicit components that don’t suffer from the implicit behaviors we are discussing so that they can get on with finishing their work, while we and they figure out how the abstract interface works. A Pyomo modeler is trying to do two things (1) figure out how to use Pyomo and (2) figure out how to model their problem as a mathematical program. I think intuitive component containers like Dict, List, and a Singleton along with a more explicit syntax for creating and storing optimization objects will allow them to spend less time on (1) and more time on (2).
FWIW, I think it’s a mistake to assume that users start developing with concrete models and then move to abstract models. There are plenty of contexts where this isn’t true. (For example, PySP.)
- * GH
(a) PySP does not require abstract models. (b) One would not start with a PySP model. One would start with a deterministic Pyomo model.
Gabe has suggested that we have dictionary and list containers that are used for concrete models. I don’t think we want to do that, but I wanted to reserve some space for him to make his case for that.
Consider a simple multi-commodity flow model:
from pyomo.environ import *
model = ConcreteModel()
# Sets
model.Nodes = [1,2,3]
model.Edges = [(1,2), (2,1), (1,3), (3,1)]
model.Commodities = [(1,2), (3,2)]
# Variables
model.Flow = Var(model.Commodities,
There are a number of ways to interpret this syntax. Focusing on how to access a particular index, one faces the following choices:
Flow[c,e] for a commodity c and an edge e
Flow[(s,t),(u,v)] for a commodity (s,t) and an edge (u,v)
Flow[s,t,u,v] for a commodity (s,t) and an edge (u,v)
A modeler that is fluent in Python knows that the first two bullets are equivalent from the viewpoint of the Python interpretor, and they know that the third bullet is not interpreted the same as the first two. The modeler runs a quick test to determine which of the interpretations is correct:
for c in model.Commodities:
(s,t) = c
for e in model.Edges:
(u,v) = e
To her surprise, all forms seem to work. She panics, and then double checks that she hasn’t been wrong about how the built-in dict type works. She relaxes a bit after verifying that dict does not treat bullet 3 the same as the first two. Gratified in her knowledge that she actually wasn’t misunderstanding how basic Python data structures work, she moves forward on building her Pyomo model, but with a sense of perplexion about Pyomo variables. She decides to stick with the first and second bullet forms where possible, as it is much easier for her and her colleagues to read, and it works with Python dictionaries, which they are using to store data during this initial prototype.
FWIW, I have yet to hear a user panic (or otherwise raise concerns) about the apparent inconsistency described here. The Flow object is not a dictionary, nor was it advertised as such.
- * GH
I guess I am her ;) a few years ago. I don’t think I am alone in that when I encounter something I don’t expect, I question what I know, which for programming may lead some to question whether or not they have written broken code because of it.
- * *WEH
I see a consistent thread of your comments where you were treating components as dictionaries, but they weren’t, which you found frustrating. I’m wondering how much of your frustration would be addressed by better documentation.
The modeler makes her first attempt at a flow balance constraint:
def FlowBalanceConstraint_rule(model, c, u):
out_flow = sum(model.Flow[c,e] for e in model.EdgesOutOfNode[u])
in_flow = sum(model.Flow[c,e] for e in model.EdgesInToNode[u])
return ...
model.FlowBalanceConstraint = Constraint(model.Commodities,
To her dismay she gets the following error:
TypeError: FlowBalanceConstraint_rule() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given)
The modeler’s constraint rule would have worked had she wrapped her set declarations in SetOf(), or had she used something like collections.namedtuple as elements of the set rather than a pure tuple. |
- GH
We all know what the solution to this example is. However, once we flatten c to s,t in the function arguments, the rule definition for this model is no longer generic. If the dimension of elements in Commodities changes, so does the rule. The workarounds in the note above were not apparent to me until I created these examples. Do we consider them a bug or a feature? Whatever the case may be, for any user who might stumble across these workarounds, it will be far from intuitive why these approaches allow one to write def FlowBalanceConstraint_rule(model, c, u). I would be surprised if any other developers knew of these workarounds as well.
Abstract modeling that involves flattening tuples is not abstract (or generic).
Supporting Flow[c,e] should not be the expensive hack that it is.
I do not follow the conclusion that we need new modeling components. Rather, I think this motivates a reconsideration of the use of argument flattening.
VarDict: Because I shouldn’t have to go through some confusing tuple flattening nonsense in order to organize a collection of optimization variables into a container. It should be up to me whether Flow should be indexed as Flow[i,j,k,l,p,s,t,o] or Flow[k1, p, k2], and I shouldn’t pay an order of magnitude penalty for the more concise syntax.
More intuitive containers for optimization modeling objects that provide more flexibility over how I organize these objects, allowing me to write self-documenting code. E.g., Dict (at a minimum) and List objects for most, if not all, of the component types, including Block. The important pieces are the (currently named) XData objects, and we should be making less of a fuss about how users organize these. There could be extremely trivial and stable implementations of Singleton, Dict, and List containers that anyone familiar with Python would easily understand how to use after reading 20 lines of example code. Example Documentation:
model.x = VarSingleton(Reals, bounds=(0,1)) # Behaves like dict model.X = VarDict() for i in range(5,10): # using explicit instantiation model.X[i] = VarData(Binary, bounds=(0,1)) # or # using implicit instantiation model.X[i] = Binary model.X[i].setlb(0) model.X[i].setub(1) model.c = ConstraintSingleton(model.x >= 0.5) # Behaves like list model.C = ConstraintList() for i in model.X: # using explicit instantiation model.C.append(ConstraintData(model.X[i] >= 1.0/i)) # or # using implicit instantiation model.C.append(model.X[i] >= 1.0/i)
It is not intuitive why something like this:
model.A = [1,2]
model.B = {1: ['a','b'], 2: ['c','d']}
model.C = ConstraintDict()
for i in model.A:
for j in model.B[i]:
model.C[i,j] = ...
# or
model.C[i,j] = ConstraintData(...)
This example could be written without ConstraintDict, so this isn’t a motivating example for ConstraintDict (as is suggested below).
needs to be written as:
model.A = [1,2]
model.B = {1: ['a','b'], 2: ['c','d']}
def C_index_rule(model):
d = []
for i in model.A:
for j in model.B[i]:
return d
model.C_index = Set(dimen=2, initialize=C_index_rule)
def C_rule(model, i, j):
return ...
model.C = Constraint(model.C_index, rule=C_rule):
Note that the use of setitem[] is not the critical take home point from this example. Constraint does have an add() method, and this could be used to fill the constraint in a for loop. It is the construction of the intermediate set that should not be necessary.
The word 'needs' is too strong here. The first example is for a concrete model, and the second is for an abstract model. You seem be complaining that it’s harder to write an abstract model. To which I respond "so what?"
- * GH
Agreed. I approach that next. Showing the above motivates the idea that even if you want to use abstract modeling, getting an initial prototype working can be done in a much more concise manner using a concrete approach. That is, concrete modeling can be useful even to people who like abstract modeling. However, the current containers are implemented in such a way as to make straightforward concrete modeling behaviors (such as what is shown below) susceptible to very unintuitive traps brought about by implicit behaviors designed to handle edge cases in the abstract setting.
A more concrete approach using the Constraint component might be to try:
model.A = [1,2]
model.B = {1: ['a','b'], 2: ['c','d']}
model.C_index = [(i,j) for i in model.A for j in model.B[i]]
model.C = Constraint(model.C_index)
RuntimeError: Cannot add component 'C_index' (type <class 'pyomo.core.base.sets\
.SimpleSet'>) to block 'unknown': a component by that name (type <type 'list'>)\
is already defined.
If you are lucky, you get a response from the Pyomo forum the same day for this black-hole of an error, and realize you need to do the following (or just never do something as stupid as naming the index for a component '<component-name>_index'):
model.A = [1,2]
model.B = {1: ['a','b'], 2: ['c','d']}
model.C_index = Set(initialize=[(i,j) for i in model.A for j in model.B[i]])
model.C = Constraint(model.C_index)
for i,j in model.C_index:
model.C.add((i,j), ...)
Perhaps by accident, you later realize that you can call add() with indices that are not in C_index (without error), leaving you wondering why you defined C_index in the first place.
Defining an explicit index list just to fill something over that index is not intuitive and it takes the fun out of being in Python.
The connection between
and theirindex set
is weaker than most developers think. There’s not much point in requiring there even be a connection outside the narrow context of rule-based abstract modeling. -
Implicit creation of index sets that occurs for Constraint and other indexed components is not intuitive and leads to errors that are impossible to understand. Users have enough to think about when formulating their model. They should be able to script these things in a concrete setting for initial toy prototypes without having to deal with errors that arise from the implicit behaviors related to Set objects (including tuple flattening).
If the complaint is that our temporary sets get exposed to users and cause errors, I agree.
If the complain is that our users might not want to use simpler concrete modeling constructs, then I disagree. I don’t think we should move to only support concrete models in Pyomo.
- * GH
I am not suggesting we only support concrete modeling in Pyomo. I am suggesting we allow concrete modeling to be done separated from these issues. I don’t think this separation can occur without backward incompatible changes to the interface. It is also not clear whether these issues will ever be fully resolved with incremental changes to the current set of component containers. I think the containers I am prototyping and pushing for accomplish two things: (1) provide users with a stable API that is, IMHO, intuitive for many to understand, requires much less code, requires much less documentation, and would not need to change, and (2) provide a stable building block on which the abstract interface can be improved over a realistic time scale.
ConstraintDict: Because I’m just mapping a set of hashable indices to constraint objects. A MutableMapping (e.g., dict) is a well defined interface for doing this in Python. Why force users to learn a different interface, especially one that doesn’t even exist yet (because we not can agree on what it should look like)?
No, I don’t think this motivates the use of ConstraintDict. I can use the Constraint object in the example above. If we’re concerned that we have an explicit Set object in the model, then let’s fix that.
What different interface? What interface doesn’t exist? Why are you forcing me to learn the MutableMapping Python object? (I hadn’t heard of this object before today, so I don’t think you can argue that this will be familiar to Python users.)
- * GH
The Constraint interface. Is there a concise way to describe the Constraint interface that is well understood and documented. The best I can come up with is "A singleton, dict-like hybrid that supports a subset of the functionality of dict (no setitem), as well as a method commonly associated with the built-in set type (add), along with various Pyomo related methods." The idea of redesigning it (the non-singleton case) as a MutableMapping (whether or not you have heard of that: https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html), is that the set of methods it carries related to storing objects is very well documented and can be succinctly described as "behaving like dict".
Model annotations are naturally expressed using a Suffix. Consider some meta-algorithm scripted with Pyomo that requests that you annotate constraints in your model with the type of convex relaxation technique to be employed. E.g.,
model.convexify = Suffix()
model.c1 = Constraint(expr=model.x**2 >= model.y)
model.convexify[model.c1] = 'technique_a'
When you apply this approach to a real model, you are likely to encounter cases like the following:
def c_rule(model, i, j, k, l):
if (i,j) >= l:
if k <= i:
return ...
return ...
if i+j-1 == l:
return ...
return Constraint.Skip
model.c = Constraint(model.index, rule=c_rule)
How does one annotate this model when only certain indices of constraint c are nonlinear? You copy and paste:
def c_annotate_rule(model, i, j, k, l):
if (i,j) >= l:
if k <= i:
model.confexify[model.c[i,j,k,l]] = 'technique_a'
if i+j-1 == l:
model.c_annotate = BuildAction(model.index, rule=c_annotate_rule)
It is a bug waiting to happen. It is an unfortunate result of the Abstract modeling framework that there is not a better way to write this. However, it can be written using a single for loop if doing Concrete modeling (or using a BuildAction) AND using a Constraint container that allows it (e.g., ConstraintDict using setitem[] or Constraint using add(). Example:
model.c = ConstraintDict()
for i,j,k,l in model.index:
if (i,j) >= l:
if k <= i:
model.c[i,j,k,l] = ...
model.confexify[model.c[i,j,k,l]] = 'technique_a'
model.c[i,j,k,l] = ...
if i+j-1 == l:
model.c[i,j,k,l] = ...
Explicit rather than Implicit: Because why do I need to create a set and have something implicitly defined for me, when I can explicitly define the thing inside a for loop and place related logic next to each other (rather than in a copy-pasted identical for loop). Perhaps this is necessary in the narrow scope of rule-based abstract modeling, but it should not be necessary in the context of concrete modeling.
You are implying that the concrete examples above cannot be supported by Pyomo today. I don’t believe that’s true. Can you confirm?
- * GH
I can confirm that Pyomo DOES support this today (just use Constraint.add()). But as the example prior to this one points out, using Constraint in a concrete setting is awkward, due to the implicit behaviors of Set as well as the idea that a Constraint without an index is a singleton, but a Constraint with an index can be populated with any number of keys not in that index using Constraint.add() (so why do we force a connection during declaration?). It is very intuitive that when I say something is a dict, it means I’m going to populate it with keys mapping to some set of objects. There should not be a need to declare an index for this dict prior to populating it.
This does seem to illustrate a limitation of abstract models. But how does this change our design of Pyomo?
- * GH
The take home from these examples is that concrete modeling in Pyomo is being made unnecessarily awkward by trying to cram both abstract and concrete behavior into a single component that behaves both as a singleton and dict-like object. Concrete modeling should be made easier and more intuitive, since this is THE place to start for testing or debugging a model. Picture firing up the python interactive interpreter and typing the five lines necessary to figure out the behavior for component A in some context, I’m not going to create a separate file data to do this (unless the problem has to do with importing data). I can’t necessarily know if the problem has to do with importing data unless I verify that I understand the intended behavior with concrete components.
As of r10847, Pyomo trunk includes a Dict prototype for Expression, Objective, and Constraint. Extending this functionality to Block and Var would not be a difficult undertaking. This would necessarily include:
Deciding on a pure abstract interface for BlockData and VarData.
Implementing a general purpose version of this interface.
A developer discussion about implicit vs. explicit creation of XData components. E.g., VarDict[i,j] = Reals vs. VarDict[i,j] = VarData(Reals), and whether or not we support the implicit form never, or only for some components. For instance BlockData(), shouldn’t require any arguments (that I can think of), so supporting implicit creation during an explicit assignment is a bit goofy (e.g., BlockDict[i,j] = None?).
I think we need to discuss the pure abstract interface that you refer to. Although I’ve seen the commits you made recently, I don’t understand why they are required.
I’m less attached to this idea. But if you support XDict, it’s hard to think of any reason why NOT to provide XList.
I don’t think we need VarDict because we already have Var, and I don’t think we need VarList because we already have VarList. I’m not seeing what a different component layer adds to Pyomo.
- GH
The list of inconsistencies and awkward behaviors that have been discussed throughout the document above is far from complete. Drawing on my experiences as a developer that has tried to make Pyomo core more intuitive in the concrete setting, the only conclusion I can draw at this point is that we need a cleaner separation of the concrete and abstract interfaces. I know we all want to make Pyomo better, but we have different ideas about these core components, and I have no doubt that Pyomo core will continue to go back and forth with these issues as long as an abstract and concrete interface try to live in the same component container. IMHO, I think designing a Concrete-only interface that we all agree upon will be a trivial exercise. Additionally, I think rebuilding ALL of the current abstract functionality on top of these concrete building blocks is another trivial exercise (we can even include the current inconsistencies). We can provide the stable concrete interface now, and work on improvements and fixes to the abstract interface that would necessarily take place over a longer time period because of backward incompatibility concerns as well as developer disagreement over what the correct behavior is.