This is a very basic app that defines a common UI/UX for espruino smartwatchesm and specifically for the bangle.js, also it displays dinamically calculated x,y position coordinates and screen areas based in detected smartwatch models.
Launcher icon
1st screen - Main page
Open and see x,y coordinates for areas Interact with buttons or touch screen to print the event or leave the app
Colours, font, user input,, load widgets
Press left area - Prints Touch1 Press righ area - Prints Touch2 Press center area - Prints Touch3 Swipe Left - Prints <-- Swipe Right - Prints --> BTN1 - Prints Button1 BTN2 - Prints Button2 BTN3 - Quit to Launcher
This app is so basic that probably the easiest is to just edit the code Otherwise you can contact me here