Learning from The Odin Project curriculum.
This project was mostly working with APIs and asynchronous code.
- Javascript
- date-fns
- Google gonts
- Visual Studio Code
- Git and GitHub
- Webpack
- HTMLWebpackPlugin
- display weather using VisualCrossing API
- can toggle Celcius and Fahrenheit
- change look based on data (icons)
- i used the svgs provided on visual crossing github
- use Promises or Asyn/Await in the code
- add a form that lets users input the location
- handle errors
I was using the Divide and Conquer with other projects too, but project, although small, gave me better clarity on it.
I also thought about adding backgroud gifs depending on the weather but i think that wouldn't have really helped me with learning new things. Let's save it for future.
Working with APIs was fun. It is a whole new world of possibilities that i can't wait to explore.
- Add responsiveness
- Add accessibility
- Add backgroud gifs according to weather
- Add icons for weekly forecast
- Add hourly forecast
- Handle the Celcius and Fahrenheit fetch better
- Add better error handling