This repository organizes papers related to the CTTA(Continual-Test-Time-Adaptation) by SUSI-Lab.
(Arxiv 24) Hybrid-TTA: Continual Test-time Adaptation via Dynamic Domain Shift Detection [paper][code]
(Arxiv 24) Decomposing the Neurons: Activation Sparsity via Mixture of Experts for Continual Test Time Adaptation [paper][code]
(Arxiv 24) Variational Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper]
(Arxiv 24) Controllable Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper][code]
(Arxiv 24) Mitigating the Bias in the Model for Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper]
(Arxiv 24) Less is More: Pseudo-Label Filtering for Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper]
(Arxiv 24) Parameter-Selective Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper][code]
(Arxiv 24) Exploring Test-Time Adaptation for Object Detection in Continually Changing Environments [paper]
(Arxiv 24) Continual Test-time Adaptation for End-to-end Speech Recognition on Noisy Speech [paper]
(Arxiv 24) Dynamic Domains, Dynamic Solutions: DPCore for Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper][code]
(Arxiv 24) Continuous Test-time Domain Adaptation for Efficient Fault Detection under Evolving Operating Conditions [paper]
(ECCV 24) Reshaping the Online Data Buffering and Organizing Mechanism for Continual Test-Time Adaptation[paper][code]
(ICML 24) BECoTTA: Input-dependent Online Blending of Experts for Continual Test-time Adaptation [paper][code]
(CVPR 24) Continual-MAE: Adaptive Distribution Masked Autoencoders for Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper]
(CVPR 24) Each Test Image Deserves A Specific Prompt: Continual Test-Time Adaptation for 2D Medical Image Segmentation [paper][code]
(CVPR 24) A Versatile Framework for Continual Test-Time Domain Adaptation: Balancing Discriminability and Generalizability
(CVPR 24) What, How, and When Should Object Detectors Update in Continually Changing Test Domains?
(WACV 24) Continual Test-time Domain Adaptation via Dynamic Sample Selection [paper]
(WACV 24) Effective Restoration of Source Knowledge in Continual Test Time Adaptation [paper]
(ICLR 24) ViDA: Homeostatic Visual Domain Adapter for Continual Test Time Adaptation [paper][code]
(ICLR 24) Un-Mixing Test-Time Normalization Statistics: Combatting Label Temporal Correlation [paper][code]
(AAAI 24) Test-Time Domain Adaptation by Learning Domain-Aware Batch Normalization[paper][code]
(AAAI 24) Towards Real-World Test-Time Adaptation: Tri-Net Self-Training with Balanced Normalization[paper][code]
(AAAI 24) Exploring Sparse Visual Prompt for Domain Adaptive Dense Prediction[paper][code]
(CVPR 23) EcoTTA: Memory-Efficient Continual Test-Time Adaptation via Self-Distilled Regularization [paper][code]
(CVPR 23) A Probabilistic Framework for Lifelong Test-Time Adaptation [paper][code]
(CVPR 23) Robust Mean Teacher for Continual and Gradual Test-Time Adaptation [paper][code]
(CVPR 23) TeSLA: Test-Time Self-Learning With Automatic Adversarial Augmentation [paper][code]
(ICCV 23) Towards Open-Set Test-Time Adaptation Utilizing the Wisdom of Crowds in Entropy Minimization [paper]
(ICCV 23) Point-TTA: Test-Time Adaptation for Point Cloud Registration Using Multitask Meta-Auxiliary Learning [paper]
(AAAI 23) Decorate the Newcomers:Visual Domain Prompt for Continual Test Time Adaptation [paper]
(IJCAI 23) Exploring Safety Supervision for Continual Test-time Domain Adaptation [paper]
(ArXiv 23) Multi-Modal Continual Test-Time Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation [paper]
(ArXiv 23) ViDA: Homeostatic Visual Domain Adapter for Continual Test Time Adaptation [paper][code]
(ArXiv 23) Distribution-Aware Continual Test Time Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation [paper][code]
(ArXiv 23) Beyond Entropy: Style Transfer Guided Single Image Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper]
(ArXiv 23) Adaptive Distribution Masked Autoencoders for Continual Test-Time Adaptation [paper]
(CVPR 22) Continual Test-Time Domain Adaptation [paper][code]
(NeurIPS 22) NOTE: Robust Continual Test-time Adaptation Against Temporal Correlation [paper][code]