Base on the jobec dockerfile. I add videojs plugin and keep the plugin folder.
VideoJs 2.9b
GThumb+ 2.8.a
RV Thumbnail Scroller 2.7.a
Share Album 1.4
EXIF View 2.9.a
piwigo-openstreetmap 2.9a
Social Connect 2.2.5
Bootstrap Darkroom 2.4.4
use my build or change the docker file and build by yourself.
docker run -d \
--name=piwigo \
-e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \
-p 8380:80 \
-p 8300:8080 \
-v /yourGallery:/var/www/galleries \
--restart unless-stopped \
you can use docker inspect piwigo
to check the volume of config.
piwigo need a database, you can use mysql or mariadb. Here is the example:
docker run -d \
--name=mariadb \
-v /yourDBFolder/:/var/lib/mysql \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=piwigo \
-e MYSQL_USER=piwigo \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=piwigo \
--restart unless-stopped \
you can use docker inspect mariadb
to check the ip address of mariadb.