kubebuilder init --domain dcn.ssu.ac.kr
kubebuilder create api --group podmig --version v1 --kind Podmigration
- To run operator:
make run
- To run api-server :
go run ./api-server/cmd/main.go
- Run/check video-stream application:
$ cd podmigration-operator/config/samples
$ kubectl apply -f 2.yaml
$ kubectl get pods
- Live-migrate video-stream application via api-server:
$ curl --request POST 'localhost:5000/Podmigrations' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"name":"test1", "replicas":1, "action":"live-migration", "sourcePod":"video", "destHost":"worker1"}'
$ curl --request GET 'localhost:5000/Podmigrations'
- Live-migrate video-stream application via kubectl apply:
$ kubectl apply -f test2.yaml
- Live-migrate video-stream application via kubectl migrate command:
$ kubectl migrate video worker1
- To delete:
$ kubectl delete podmigration test2
$ kubectl delete -f test2.yaml
This operator is controller of Kuberntes Pod migration for Kubernetes. It needs several changes to work such as: kubelet, container-runtime-cri (containerd-cri). The modified vesions of Kuberntes and containerd-cri beside this operator can be found in the following repos: