This git repository is used for practicing collaboration between users of Github.
- Edit the places.csv file and add your favourite place to it.
- This is in the format name,symbol,creator,comments,lon,lat.
- Use the website to find the coordinates (longitude and latitude) of a place you like to visit.
- Valid symbols include bar, cafe and restaurant. You can find a complete list at
- After you commit/push a change to places.csv a github action will run automatically and convert the CSV file into a Geojson file (places.geojson).
- Click on the geojson file in Github and it will render the map for you.
See the lesson content at for better writeups of these exercises.
- Everyone in the workshop is given write access to this repository.
- They all clone it to their computers and edit the places.csv file.
- They commit changes and push them back.
- All but the first person to commit will get a merge conflict.
- Work through the process of how to resolve a merege conflict.
- Write access is removed and everybody has to take a fork of this repository
- They all edit places.csv on their fork
- Once done editing they create a pull request back to the main repository
- The repository owner has to resolve any conflicts during the pull request acceptance.
If the geojson doesn't build check the following:
- the github actions error log
- that the CSV file shows a table outline, if it doesn't this is a sign that one line has too few or too many fields
- paste the geojson into geojson lint