Updated a comment for accuracy.
Updated a comment for accuracy.
Updated a comment for accuracy.
Updated a comment for accuracy.
Spring '24 updates including an API version bump to 60.0 and some cha…
Spring '24 updates including an API version bump to 60.0 and some cha…
Updated CollectionUtil documentation to reflect changes.
Updated CollectionUtil documentation to reflect changes.
Correcting TODO comment content.
Correcting TODO comment content.
Another typo fix.
Another typo fix.
Minor README updates and suppressed deprecated API usage verification…
Minor README updates and suppressed deprecated API usage verification…
Typo fixes.
Typo fixes.
Added a link to the docs for System.Comparator now that they're publi…
Added a link to the docs for System.Comparator now that they're publi…
Minor formatting change that should have occurred with the commit tha…
Minor formatting change that should have occurred with the commit tha…
Qualified usages of IllegalArgumentException as System.IllegalArgumen…
Qualified usages of IllegalArgumentException as System.IllegalArgumen…