Switchblade is a free and open source solution to all of your server managing problems, built from scratch with code organization and quality in mind. We aim to cover as many functionalities as possible, while still maintaining a high quality standard.
We want everyone to be able to help with Switchblade as easily as possible. We've listed some of the many ways you can contribute to the below.
Mussum Ipsum, cacilds vidis litro abertis. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Não sou faixa preta cumpadi, sou preto inteiris, inteiris. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis. Quem num gosta di mé, boa gentis num é.
Sponsors are organizations and companies that contribute to our projects with money. They get their logo with a link to their website on this page! Click here and become a sponsor today!
Backers are the people who contribute to our projects monetarily. They get their image with a link to their website on this page, an awesome badge on their Switchblade profile and a role that grants exclusive access to some channels in our discord server. Click here and become a backer today!