General comments: Compiling this code out-of-the-box will result in a 320x240 interpretation of the framebuffer contents. To achieve a 640x480 resolution, uncomment the loadFrameBuffer_640x480 function call, comment the loadFrameBuffer_320x240 function call, and re-compile. The raspberry pi framebuffer settings in /boot/config.txt must be configured for consistency with the specified resolution.
Some comments on licensing: The mzt280 source is based on the work over at
While no formal license is specified, the author does extend the invitation to "Feel free to spit, twit, modify or legendise [the source]"
The bcm2835 source is covered under the GPLv2 COPYING license included in the MZT280-PI-EXT directory.
Any bits which are uniquely attributable to this project page may be utilized in the same spirit as the yaolet project. Feel free to mix, remix, modify, etc.